There is no enrollment. We keep no records. We are not a school. We are just a curriculum resource. The curriculum is open and available for anyone to use. The parent is responsible for creating, maintaining, and providing records. 

My name is Lee. I’m a homeschool mother of six. I’m glad you found us here. Please take the time to look through our frequently asked questions before writing to us with your question. We have an amazing team of volunteers dedicated to serving you. Please do this favor for them in return.

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Connect We have more than 100 Facebook groups. Please find a couple that would best support your family; you could start with your state/country group. I do not supplement the curriculum, and I don’t believe there is a need to. The main groups are for EP only and not to share about other resources. I want to keep it Easy Peasy and don’t want anyone (including myself) overwhelmed with the endless influx of “great” resources, even if they are free.

Click on the question to show the answer. Clicking again will hide it.


What is the password? 
  • There is a password for the answer pages.
Where do I register?
  • My EP Assignments allows for logging in after you create an account. We are not keeping any records for your children, though. The login is only so that your computer knows who you are. You are responsible for all record keeping. The All-in-One courses are open and available to use without registration. We have a program called My EP Assignments that you can use for free to plan your children’s course schedule and then it will give your child their daily lessons. Go here to register and make an account. It will ask you to consider making a donation. Those donations are Lee’s income. Her and her husband’s only work is EP.
I’ve found a problem with a link.
I can’t login.

Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool

How do I get started with the curriculum?
What level should my child be on?
  • EP provides placement resources for math, reading, and LA. These are just guides, not law. There is also a test for newcomers to help you find the best fit in our curriculum.
  • You can mix and match levels.  In general, I don’t suggest choosing a higher reading level than your child’s natural grade level. While they may be excellent readers, the subject matter in books for older students may not be appropriate for young readers.
  • My personal suggestion is to place your child where they will be successful. If it’s too hard, they will shut down. Find where they are successful and move on from there. Just keep taking steps forward and you’ll always be moving in the right direction.
What theme should we do?
  • That’s your decision. You can start anywhere you like, but if you don’t know what to pick just start at the beginning with ancient history. If you recently did ancient history with a different curriculum, choose Early American History. They pretty much go in order, so I do recommend that wherever you begin, you continue from there, cycling back to ancient history after modern. Learn about the themes here.
How many lessons are we supposed to do each day?  
  • EP has DAILY subjects (Math, Language Arts, Reading, History, Science, Bible) that are designed with 180 lessons. Do one “lesson” each day.
  • The WEEKLY courses (Art, Music, PE/Health, Computer, Thinking) are designed to be done one lesson a week for 36 weeks.
  • Of course, you are the teacher and you are welcome to move through the lessons at your student’s pace, whether that’s slower or faster than how the lessons were designed.
  • (Math 5/6 is an exception to this. The course description for that course has tips/instructions about pacing the lessons.)
  • In high school, all the subjects are daily.
What courses do I use?  
  • If you choose a LEVEL and a THEME, you are getting the full curriculum as it was originally designed, and you do NOT need to use any additional individual courses/subjects.
  • You can certainly just choose a course from the site menu, but it’s much easier to use My EP Assignments and select any course or set a level and get the complete curriculum. Then your child will get delivered their daily lessons from the courses you chose.
  • Here is a list of the THEMES and a list of the high school courses in their recommended order. Don’t forget the placement guide for choosing individual course levels.
What supplies do I need to start using Easy Peasy?
  • Your child just needs basic tools: pencil, scissors, glue, crayons or colored pencils.
  • There are links to “materials needed” lists at the top of each course page.
  • Students need at least one spiral notebook or binder and paper to be able to write down anything necessary from the lessons.
Where are the tests?
  • The tests are in high school. High school courses have quizzes, midterms, finals, grading rubrics, and grade sheets.
  • If there isn’t a test there, then there is no test. Why do you need a test? You are with your child every day and probably already know his or her strengths and weaknesses.
  • Lower levels do not have grades built into the curriculum. If your student’s assignment includes a “quiz,” that should be used as a learning tool, not as a knowledge assessment.
  • You could use a parent-created grading sheet if you want to keep grades before high school; however, I personally DO NOT recommend keeping any grades unless you are required to.
  • We have no records of your children’s scores for any activities done on the site.
Where are the answers?
  •  If it says “answer,” then there is an answer there. It could be a link, or it could look like the example below.
  • Click and drag over the blank space to highlight the answer and see it.  Like this:  (Answer:  It’s Easy Peasy!) [NOTE: On a mobile device, click and drag over the blank space and then copy it to a document, email, notes app, etc. to see the hidden text.]
  • If the word “Answer” is a link, then you will need the password to see the answer. Find that here.
  • If there are no answers there, then there are no answers. If you have answers for whatever it is that you think are helpful to have, send them to me and I’ll post them for everyone.
It’s the middle of the school year. What lesson do we begin on?
  • That’s your decision. You can feel free to start on Lesson 1, or you can start wherever you need to in order to finish the year when you want to.
  • Check the individual course pages to read the course descriptions to see if you think it’s something you can jump into the middle of. You are already jumping into the middle of the curriculum (having not started with EP’s Preschool levels), so either way there may be some things you will need to teach or review with your child to help them fit in with whatever they are studying.
  • If you start in the middle, don’t do it without thought. Don’t just pick a lesson number. Look and see what makes sense, like not right in the middle of a novel. Look for the beginning of a new unit in science and history. You can be on different lesson numbers in different courses.
Will this curriculum work for my child who has ADD, ADHD, Asperger’s, Autism,..?
  • Easy Peasy is a FREE curriculum that you can try at any time. We continually hear reports of students who are very successful using Easy Peasy when no other curriculum has worked. Take a break from what you are using, or use the summer to try it for yourself to find out. There is no harm in trying. No size fits all; every child is different.
  • Join our Facebook group to meet other families in a similar situation. I personally have three children with autism.
What are the two Learn To Read courses?
  • There are two Learn To Read courses: Sight Reading and Phonics.
  • Sight Reading – Learn to Read includes sight word memorization lessons (from the McGuffey Primer) and sight reading practice lessons (from the McGuffey First Reader).
  • Phonics – Learn to Read teach phonics.
  • They are both part of EP’s Kinder courses, but they are also recommended for older kids who are not ready for EP’s Reading 1 course, which includes chapter books and novels around a 2nd – 3rd grade reading level.
  • You can find both of the LTR courses in the Learn To Read With EP offline book.
How does middle school math work?
  • The elementary math courses are Math 1-4 (for 1st – 4th grade). There are 3 middle school math courses: Math 5/6, Math 6/7, and Pre-Algebra.
    • Math 5/6 is a self-paced math foundations course with 139 lessons usually taken in 5th or 6th grade. Your student should spend as much time as they need to master each lesson. At the beginning, they may be able to do multiple lessons each day, but they will likely come to lessons that require them to spend more than one day to learn and master. Make sure you read the course description for more information about that! Some kids can finish Math 5/6 in a few months; others may take a year or more. When your student finishes Math 5/6, they are ready for Math 6/7.
    • Math 6/7 is a typical EP course with 180 daily lessons. It’s usually taken in 6th or 7th grade.
    • Pre-Algebra follows Math 6/7 and is usually taken in 7th or 8th grade. It’s followed by Algebra, which you can find on the high school curriculum website.
What’s your philosophy and background?
  • Here’s our About page that talks about me, my family, my Bible background, learn to read philosophy, how I choose content, and more. All About Lee
Do you have a scope and sequence?
  • You can read the course descriptions on each individual course page.  If you would like to make a scope and sequence, I will post it for others. These are the ones I’ve received so far: scope and sequence.
Is this curriculum aligned to the Common Core Standards?
  • This curriculum is NOT aligned with the Common Core Standards and I have no intention of ever doing so. You can read what I wrote about this here.

My EP Assignments

What is My EP?
  • Here’s a peek at what it does and some links to get started and learn more.
How do you use My EP?
How do I restart for next year?
How do I set my child’s classes?
How does my child use My EP for their lessons?
  • Here are images of how your child will use the lessons. Using a Lesson.
What do I do if the lesson numbers aren’t moving forward on their own?
  • The lesson numbers move forward automatically as you mark assignments complete. It will all reset for the next day when you mark the day complete. Here are images of how. Marking a Day Complete.

There is an Info page on My EP Assignments with lots of videos for specific questions about using My EP for your child’s daily assignments.

EP Online

What are the Levels 1 – 4 and Levels 5 – 8 for?
  • There are two levels of assignments available for the theme courses (history, science, etc.).  Levels 1 – 4 is for the elementary level, grades 1 through 4. Levels 5 – 8 is for the middle school level, grades 5 through 8.
What does * and (*) mean?
    • These indicate that there is a worksheet to print, or that you can find a worksheet for that lesson in your Printables book. The (*) means that it is optional. You don’t need to print it to complete the assignment.
Where can I find all the printables in one PDF for a level?
  • You’ll find course worksheet PDF packets at the top of each course page if they exist. They are FREE to print. Let us know if you find them for sale anywhere!
How do I homeschool multiple levels of children? I have more than one child and they are all different ages and abilities. I only have one computer. 
  • Consider doing some or all of your school offline. In the EP Store you can purchase books containing 180 days of assignments for your child’s level in math, reading, and language arts. Genesis Curriculum is Lee’s offline curriculum for history and science which allows for all your children to learn together. 
  • If there is a will, there is a way! Many families homeschool more than one child with ONLY one computer; while one is doing math on the computer, the others are working on worksheets, reading, chores, correcting yesterday’s work, practicing their instrument(s), cooking/baking, or even playing. Bible can be completed first thing in the day together. Later in the school day, the theme materials can be completed together as a family. Most families find that school lasts anywhere from 2-4 hours, giving you more time to explore other areas of interest. It’s Easy Peasy! Here’s Lee’s response to the question, “Can I use EP with only one computer?”
What’s the difference between Printables and Workbooks?
  • PRINTABLE books include all the worksheets you need to complete the online course (not daily worksheets, just what worksheets they are asked to complete as part of their online assignments). You can print them at home yourself using the free PDF packets or purchase them as bound books.
  • The WORKBOOKS contain all the same printable worksheets but also have a worksheet for every day of the 180-day course. (Do NOT buy both the Printables book and the Workbook.) You can use the Workbook along with the online course and have some extra worksheets, or you can use the Workbook along with the PARENT’S GUIDE and have a complete offline course.
What don’t I know?
How do I remember what lesson my student is on? 

High School

Do you have high school courses?
Is EP Accredited?
  • Only schools are accredited. Curricula and materials are never accredited. EP is a curriculum, NOT a school, so EP is not accredited. Homeschoolers are not required to enroll in an accredited school.
Will these courses count for high school credit?
  • Yes! Thousands of homeschoolers in all 50 US states use EP for high school. Every state has its own homeschool requirements. Join your EP state group to find out what your state’s requirements are. The site is geared to meet Pennsylvania’s requirements. It has 180 days of assignments for 1 credit courses. In some states your child could play video games for four years and you could call him a high school graduate. My state, Pennsylvania, is not one such state. Here they have guidelines for what “counts.” To count as a completed high school course in PA, a student can do ANY of the following: complete two-thirds of a textbook, have 120 daily logged entries, have 120 hours of logged study, complete a ten-page research paper, complete a college course, or pass an AP exam. If you follow Easy Peasy, you’ll have 180 “daily logged entries.” You’ll be way ahead of the game.
  • In most states, the homeschool parent/teacher keeps all the required records, creates the student’s transcript, and issues the diploma when the student graduates. A couple states will actually provide a diploma to homeschool grads if they meet certain criteria. Your EP state group can let you know if that’s an option where you live. Read this page about homeschooling high school and preparing for college for more info.
  • NOTE! Most public high schools will not accept any high school credits earned from homeschool and may make a transferring homeschool student start over as a 9th grader. Enrolling a child in high school can be difficult after 9th grade. Each school has the authority to accept or reject your credits. It is recommended that if you begin earning high school credits while you are homeschooling, you should plan to continue through graduation. All branches of the military and most colleges accept homeschool graduates at an equal level with public and private school grads, so graduating from homeschool is not a disadvantage for post-high school plans.
Is EP accepted by the NCAA?
  • EP students have received NCAA scholarships. The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) doesn’t pre-approve curriculum, so I can’t say that your EP courses will definitely be accepted. I have talked with them and written them and filled out forms, so they should have on file that we are a curriculum. Someone had run into trouble before because they labeled us a virtual program. They had a hard time understanding what EP is. You are in charge of grading your child’s EP courses. The online graded quizzes are really like an answer key in the back of the book. You are the one writing the grade down and giving your child each grade. It’s important that you describe your use of EP as if it were similar to a textbook. There’s something to read and questions to answer and answers provided, but you are the teacher (even if your child works independently) and you are in charge of grading and transcripts, etc. If you say you aren’t the teacher, you can’t get the credit awarded. You are the teacher. There is no other teacher interacting with your child. They will ask for books used. You can list the site. Don’t list something like Georgia Virtual. That will just confuse them. I would say something like “more than 350 links were used,” rather than trying to list anything specific other than our website.

Books: EP Offline

What books do I need to buy?
  • You don’t need to buy anything to use the free, complete online curriculum. If you have a computer, internet access, and a printer, you are set!
  • To make things easier, some people prefer to buy the low-cost printables instead of printing all the worksheets themselves.
  • Some subjects have books available for people who prefer to work offline. You can find those books in the EP Store.
  • More info here: Which books to I need to buy?
  • You can find book samples here.
  • Lee’s Genesis Curriculum is an offline options for history and science.
What’s the difference between Printables and Workbooks?
  • PRINTABLES books include all the worksheets you need to complete the online course (not daily worksheets, just what worksheets they are asked to complete as part of their online assignments). You can print them at home yourself using the free PDF packets or purchase them as bound books.
  • The WORKBOOKS contain all the same printable worksheets but also have a worksheet for every day of the 180-day course. (Do NOT buy both the Printables book and the Workbook.) You can use the Workbook along with the online course and have some extra worksheets, or you can use the Workbook along with the PARENT’S GUIDE and have a complete offline course.
What’s in the Readers?
  • For the Reading courses, the EP Readers include all the reading assignments and reading content for the whole year, the directions and the books.
  • There are supplemental EP Reader Workbooks with extra vocabulary and spelling worksheets that you can use alongside both the online and offline courses. The Reader Workbooks are optional and not needed for completing the course. You can find samples of the Reader Workbooks here.
What’s the difference between EP’s Preschool and Kindergarten courses and Genesis Curriculum’s Steps books?
  • EP’s Preschool course has a printables book and an offline workbook.
  • Kindergarten has an offline reading book and an offline handwriting book, but Kinder Math is online. If you want to be completely offline for Preschool and Kinder, you could use the Genesis Curriculum (GC) Steps books. They include all the same reading, handwriting, and math content as the EP online courses, but the sequencing is different.
Where can I find all the books that EP has to offer?

General Homeschooling Questions

How do I get started homeschooling?
Does this meet my state’s requirements?
  • Easy Peasy is used by families in all 50 states. Every state has their own requirements. Learn your state’s requirements at HSLDA. (Google that with your state name.) You can also join your EP state group to ask specifically about how to use EP in your state.
  • Easy Peasy was made to meet Pennsylvania’s requirements. It has 180 days of assignments for all core subjects and includes all the extras like art and music. In addition to the standard subjects, it covers civics in Theme 2 and fire safety each year. Pennsylvania is one of the stricter states, though not THE strictest.
I have questions about pulling my child out of school.
I have questions about putting my child back into school.
  • We understand that for some families homeschooling is a temporary choice. If you think you will be re-enrolling in a public or private school in the future, you will want to contact the school directly (now!) and ask them what the process for that will involve. There is no single, consistent process for accepting transfer students. Most schools will place by age. Some will use a placement test. Some will request a report card from the homeschool parent. Easy Peasy is not a school and does not keep records for your student. EP cannot provide report cards or completion certificates or transcripts. If that is required, the homeschool parent will need to provide that. Just create it. Most public high schools will not accept credits earned while homeschooling and will make your student repeat classes for credit. Some students have requested to take the course final and the schools accepted the credit when they passed the school’s finals for those courses. It is recommended that if your student begins homeschooling during high school, they should plan to continue until graduation. There are ways for homeschoolers to graduate with state-recognized diplomas, but regulations and graduation requirements vary by state. Homeschool parents can also just issue diplomas which are recognized by many colleges as transcripts are what you send to a college, not a diploma. We have sample transcripts and transcript templates on our site. Here’s the page with more information on diplomas and transcripts.
My child was bullied. My child was emotionally abused in school.
  • I’m sorry for what your family has gone through. Give your child a hug and extra patience. Praise them often. Tell them how great they are. Encourage the things they are good at. Be patient with the struggles. Take a step forward each day.


Is it enough? Do I need to supplement this curriculum? My kids were finished in under two hours. Can that be enough school? 
  • There is no need to supplement this curriculum unless your state requires more, few do. Is it enough? Read this please.
Will this site stay free? I don’t understand how this can be free.
I would not be able to homeschool if it weren’t for this site.
  • I would love to hear your story. Send me a note. My email address is
How can I help?
  • Let me know about websites disappearing on us. You can even suggest replacements. Answer questions posted by others in our Facebook groups.
How can I thank you enough? Where can I send a donation? 

Still have questions?

Ask the community at the Facebook Support Group or in one of our Facebook Communities where you can find others in your state or country, with your age children, in a similar life situation, etc.

If you don’t use Facebook, you can email us at or comment below.