Trouble Logging In?

If you use any parent controls on your computer, they can block our site.

Make sure to add to your approved sites list.

Account Not Found

Check your email address to see if it’s entered correctly or maybe you used a different address when setting up the account. Or, maybe you never made an account.

Error Processing Response [Client]

This means you need to clear your cache. Your browser is overloaded and can’t handle getting all your site data.

Failed Request Status = “Code Here”

You can forward to us the code given so we can look into any errors that are happening. Thanks. Send it

Invalid Credentials

Wrong password – Try again to enter your password or maybe you used another one. If you can’t figure it out, click on Forgot Password? and reset it.

Request Failed. Are you connected to the internet?

Maybe it was just a blip in your internet at the wrong moment. Try again. It probably doesn’t need more than that. If this is a continued problem, maybe restart your router.

Other Errors

I get kicked back to the login screen.

It logs in and goes to a new page but then kicks you back to the account login page. This can mean that your browser is attempting to open a new tab. Maybe you have that as a setting to have links open in a new tab? The login is tab specific. Once it opens a new tab, it thinks you aren’t logged in.

Temporary Password Isn’t Working

Make sure to copy it carefully and fully. It also only works until the next day. Once the date changes, it doesn’t work anymore. If you didn’t use it fastt away, please request another temporary password.