Bible — New Testament

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Level 1-4 — 1st through 4th
Level 5-8 — 5th through 8th

Course Description: Students will be reading through the book of Mark and the New Testament books from Acts to Jude. Students will learn and apply Scriptures as well as explore the geography of the New Testament.

Note to parents: the students are reading the NLT. If you want to learn more about me and my Bible background and beliefs, go here. If you are looking for more copywork, you could have your child choose a verse to write out each day. Here are prayer journal templates that you might want to incorporate into your day.


  • If you want to work offline, please click here for our offline booksThe offline book includes all the lessons, discussion questions, and answers. All you need is your own bible so you can read the lessons each day.

Lesson 1

Level 1-4

Welcome to your first day of school! I wanted to give you one important reminder before you begin. Many of your lessons below have an internet link for you to click on. When you go to the different internet pages for your lessons, please DO NOT click on anything else on that page except what the directions tell you to. DO NOT click on any advertisements or games. DO NOT click on anything that takes you to a different website. Just stay focused on your lesson and then close that window and you should be right back here for the next lesson. Okay?

  1. If you didn’t get here through My EP Assignments, I suggest you go there and create an account.
  2. This course has an offline version. You can click here for our offline books.
  3. PARENTS: We’re going to start the year by reading one of the Gospels. We’ll do this every year. This year we’ll read Mark and then we’ll continue studying the New Testament, starting in Acts.
  4. Read Mark 1:1-20. (audio)
  5. What did John the Baptist tell people to do in order to prepare for Jesus’ coming?  (answer: be baptized and stop sinning)
  6. Where did Jesus have to go after he was baptized? Why?  (answer: into the desert to be tempted–This showed His heart was really completely surrendered to obeying God.)
  7. When Jesus called Simon and Andrew to follow him, what did they do?  (answer: They immediately left behind their work and followed Him.)
  8. This is the end of your work for this course for your first day. You are allowed to move at your own pace (this is homeschooling), but it’s intended you complete one lesson a day.

Level 5-8

Welcome to your first day of school! I wanted to give you one important reminder before you begin. Many of your lessons below have an internet link for you to click on. When you go to the different internet pages for your lessons, please DO NOT click on anything else on that page except what the directions tell you to. DO NOT click on any advertisements or games. DO NOT click on anything that takes you to a different website. Just stay focused on your lesson and then close that window and you should be right back here for the next lesson. Okay?

  1. If you didn’t get here through My EP Assignments, I suggest you go there and create an account.
  2. This course has an offline version. You can click here for our offline books.
  3. PARENTS: We’re going to start the year by reading one of the Gospels. We’ll do this every year. This year we’ll read Mark and then we’ll continue studying the New Testament, starting in Acts.
  4. Read Mark 1.
  5. Why did Jesus have to be tempted? Why do we have to be tempted?  (answer: It shows what’s in our hearts. Jesus proved He was completely submitted to obeying His Father.)
  6. What adverb describes how quickly Simon (Peter) and Andrew obeyed Christ’s call to follow Him?  (answer: immediately)
  7. Jesus knew that everyone was looking for Him. What did He consider more important?  (answer: prayer)
  8. Lepers were outcasts. People thought leprosy was contagious and wouldn’t touch lepers or be near them. The leper could not be in town. Jesus reaches out and touches him. The leper disobeys Jesus and tells everyone what Jesus did. Now the leper can enter town, but Jesus can’t! He made the unclean clean and took his place. Does that remind you of anything else Jesus did? (answer: He took our sin on Himself and became sin, dying for us, so that we could be clean and live.)
  9. This is the end of your work for this course for your first day. You are allowed to move at your own pace (this is homeschooling), but it’s intended you complete one lesson a day.

Lesson 2

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 2:1-17. (audio)
  2. How did the men get their friend to Jesus in order to be healed?  (answer: They put a hole in the roof and lowered him down.)
  3. Do you think they fixed it afterwards?
  4. Jesus showed them He had the power to forgive sins by doing what?  (answer: telling the man to get up and walk — It would have been meaningless if the man hadn’t been healed.)
  5. Who did Jesus come to save?  (answer: sinners)
  6. Of course, this means Jesus came to save everyone, because we were all born human, meaning we are all sinners who need Jesus to save us. The Pharisees didn’t see themselves as sinners, though Jesus considers them some of the biggest sinners.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 2.
  2. What did Levi do when he was called? (answer: obeyed, He left his money. He had a job that made him wealthy, and he walked away from it.)
  3. Why are the teachers of the law upset with Jesus in this chapter? (two reasons)  (answer: He forgave sins. He spent time with “sinners.”)
  4. Jesus showed them He had the power to forgive sins by doing what?  (answer: telling the man to get up and walk — It would have been meaningless if the man hadn’t been healed.)
  5. Who did Jesus come to save?  (answer: sinners)
  6. Of course, this means Jesus came to save everyone because we were all born human, meaning we are all sinners who need Jesus to save us. The Pharisees didn’t see themselves as sinners, though Jesus considers them some of the biggest sinners.

Lesson 3

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 3:1-19. (audio)
  2. The Pharisees said it was against the law to heal on the Sabbath, the Jewish day of rest. They had made strict Sabbath rest laws. I know Jewish people today who rip their toilet paper the day before the Sabbath, because ripping toilet paper would be “working” on the Sabbath. Do you think this is pleasing to God? Do you think that’s what He intended? Jesus asks them a question to keep them quiet. What does he ask?  (answer: He asks if we should do good or evil.)
  3. Who are the 12 disciples? Name as many as you can. Look up the rest until you can name all twelve.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 3.
  2. What point did Jesus make about the Sabbath? (answer: God’s desire is for us to love and obey. The Pharisees thought they were godly because of the sacrifices they made to not “work” on the Sabbath. They forgot God had said in the Scriptures that to obey is better than sacrifice. God didn’t want their petty sacrifices. He wanted them to obey His greatest commandments, to love God and to love their neighbors as themselves.)
  3. Who are Jesus’ “mothers and brothers?”  (answer: anyone who does the will of God)
  4. Name the twelve disciples.

Lesson 4

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 4:1-20. (audio)
  2. This story is called the Parable of the Sower. A parable is a story that teaches. It makes a picture of the lesson.
  3. A farmer is planting seeds. Some of the seeds grow. Some of the seeds get eaten. Some withered. Some were choked by thorns.
  4. What do those stories mean?  (answer: Someone shares God’s Word with people. Some don’t let the word into their hearts. Some think the words sound good and want to be saved, but as soon as something hard comes along, they abandon God’s Word for what they think is best. Some accept God’s Word, but they desire money more or worry about themselves and don’t trust God and rely on Him. They abandon God’s Word for what they want even more. Only some truly follow God’s Word go on to spread God’s Word too!)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 4.
  2. Let’s look at the last story. What was Jesus doing during the storm?  (answer: sleeping)
  3. One, I think He was probably exhausted. Two, He wasn’t worried at all.
  4. What do the disciples accuse him of?  (answer: They ask, “Don’t you care if we drown?”)
  5. They asked Love if He cared. They didn’t get who He was, did they?
  6. Do you ever accuse God of not caring?
  7. “God is love,” and Love will always care for you 🙂
  8. What obeys God?  (answer: the wind and waves)
  9. That’s something to remember the next time there is a super storm.

Lesson 5

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 5:21-43. (audio)
  2. What did the people do when Jesus told them that the 12-year-old girl was not dead, only sleeping?  (answer: laughed at Jesus)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 5.
  2. What did the woman who was bleeding believe? Where was her faith?  (answer: She believed that she would be healed if she could just touch Jesus’ clothes. And she was. She was scared to be found out because her bleeding made her “unclean” by Jewish law, and if she touched someone, she would make them “unclean.” Jesus came teaching that a person’s heart is what makes someone clean or unclean.)
  3. What did Jesus do when everyone laughed at Him?  (answer: He ignored them. It didn’t bother Him. He knew the truth and what they thought didn’t change the truth at all!)

Lesson 6

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 6:1-13. (audio)
  2. How many brothers and sisters did Jesus have?  (answer: at least 6, It lists 4 brothers and says sisterS, so there are at least 2 sisters, could be more.)
  3. What did the disciples do?  (answer: preached repentance, healed the sick and drove out demons)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 6:1-29.
  2. What did the disciples take with them when they preached and healed?  (answer: staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an extra shirt.)
  3. Why did Herod have John the Baptist killed when he knew that John was a righteous and holy man?  (answer: He was proud. He had said in front of his guests that he would give her anything. He didn’t want to be embarrassed by going back on his word in front of everyone.)

Lesson 7

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 6:30-56. (audio)
  2. Tell someone the stories.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 6:30-56.
  2. Tell someone the stories.
  3. This is how God’s economy works. They had a little. They gave it all. They ended up with more than they started with!
  4. What stands in God’s way?  (answer: nothing)

Lesson 8

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 7:1-23. (audio)
  2. What makes someone clean or unclean?  (answer: their heart, their thoughts and actions)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 7.
  2. What makes a person unclean?  (answer: their heart, their thoughts and actions)

Lesson 9

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 8:22-33. (audio)
  2. Who knows who Jesus really is?  (answer: Peter)
  3. Jesus tells the disciples what is going to happen to Him. Who told Him not to speak of such things happening?  (answer: Peter)
  4. He didn’t understand that Jesus’ death was from God.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 8.
  2. It sounds like Peter tells Jesus not to speak of being arrested and killed. Maybe he says it will never happen. Jesus rebukes him as speaking for the devil. What does Jesus say is wrong with Peter’s words?  (answer: They are man’s thoughts, not God’s.)

Lesson 10

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 9:1-13. (audio)
  2. What happens to Jesus on the mountain?  (answer: He transforms into heavenly form and is wearing dazzling white.)
  3. Who is He talking to?  (answer: Moses and Elijah)
  4. When Jesus says that Elijah came first, He was referring to John the Baptist.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 9.
  2. The disciples argue about who is the greatest. Who is first, according to Jesus?  (answer: the last)
  3. What does that mean?  (answer: The greatest in God’s kingdom is the humblest, who doesn’t think he is better than anyone else, who puts others ahead of himself.)
  4. The disciples couldn’t cast a demon out of a boy. They had cast out demons before. What does Jesus say is necessary in order to cast out this demon?  (answer: prayer; some versions say prayer and fasting)
  5. Jesus doesn’t pray to get rid of the demon. It must mean that He had been prepared for the work by His time in prayer.
  6. The boy’s father has trouble believing his son can be made well. What does he ask?  (answer: Help me overcome unbelief.)
  7. Note verse 42! Sin is a life and death matter. Run from it and run to God.

Lesson 11

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 10:13-31. (audio)
  2. The rich young man had obeyed the commandments, but what did he love more than God?  (answer: his money. He wasn’t willing to give it up. Jesus’ disciples were all willing to walk away from their money, from their jobs that provided for their family.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 10.
  2. Does the Bible say it’s okay to divorce and get married again to someone else?  (answer: No. The only exceptions, it seems, are found in Matthew 19:9, talking to husbands, and 1 Cor. 7:15, talking about an unbelieving spouse leaving.)
  3. The rich young man had obeyed the commandments, but what did he love more than God?  (answer: His money, He wasn’t willing to give it up. Jesus’ disciples were all willing to walk away from their money, from their jobs that provided for their family.)

Lesson 12

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 11:1-19. (audio)
  2. Tell someone about the Triumphal Entry and Jesus clearing the temple.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 11.
  2. Tell someone the stories in the chapter.

Lesson 13

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 12:28-34, 41-44. (audio)
  2. What is the greatest and second greatest commandment?  (answer: love God with your all, love your neighbor as yourself)
  3. Why was the widow’s gift so generous?  (answer: She gave everything.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 12.
  2. Why was the widow’s gift so generous?  (answer: She gave everything.)
  3. What is the greatest and second greatest commandment?  (answer: love God with your all, love your neighbor as yourself)
  4. Why were the Pharisees so mad at Jesus’ parable about the vineyard?  (answer: He was talking about them. They were like the bad guys in the story.)

Lesson 14

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 13:19-31. (audio)
  2. This is talking about what’s known as the Great Tribulation. After that is what is known as the Second Coming of Christ. He will come and rule on earth!

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 13.
  2. What is the final lesson of the chapter? (answer: Watch!)

Lesson 15

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 14:1-26. (audio)
  2. What did Judas decide to do?  (answer: betray Jesus)
  3. Did Jesus know that He was going to be betrayed? Did He know who was going to do it?  (answer: yes)
  4. The disciples and Jesus were eating the Passover meal. Do you remember that the Israelites ate lamb the evening before the Passover?  That night, death passed over them because of the blood of the lamb on their doorpost. Tomorrow, on Passover, Jesus will be the Lamb that is sacrificed. By His blood shed for us, death passes over us.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 14:1-31.
  2. How did the woman prepare Jesus for His burial?  (answer: pouring perfume on his head)
  3. How did the disciples prepare to celebrate the Passover feast?  (answer: God had prepared a place and Jesus told them how to find a room to eat in.)
  4. The disciples and Jesus were eating the Passover meal. Do you remember that the Israelites ate lamb the evening before the Passover?  That night, death passed over them because of the blood of the lamb on their doorpost. Tomorrow, on Passover, Jesus will be the Lamb that is sacrificed. By His blood shed for us, death passes over us.
  5. What does Jesus tell Peter he will do?  (answer: He says that Peter will disown him, say he doesn’t know him, three times before the rooster crows twice.)

Lesson 16

Level 1-4

  1. Jesus prays and tells God that He wants God’s will to be done. Judas leads guards to come arrest Jesus.
  2. Read Mark 14:53-72. (audio)
  3. Jesus won’t answer their questions except one. What does he answer?  (answer: He says that He is the Christ, God’s Son.)
  4. What does Peter do after he denies knowing Jesus?  (answer: He cries.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 14:32-72.
  2. What happened at Gethsemane?  (answer: Jesus prayed and told His Father that He didn’t want to do what was planned for him the next day, but that He wanted to obey more than anything. He was arrested. In another book we read that Jesus heals the man who had his ear cut off.)
  3. Jesus won’t answer their questions except one. What does he answer?  (answer: He says that He is the Christ, God’s Son.)
  4. What does Peter do after he denies knowing Jesus?  (answer: He cries.)

Lesson 17

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 15:1-20. (audio)
  2. How did Jesus amaze Pilate?  (answer: He didn’t fight back and try to defend himself. He remained silent.)
  3. Pilate didn’t think Jesus had done anything wrong. Why did he hand Jesus over to be crucified?  (answer: He wanted to make the people happy. Also, he was probably fearing that word would get to his boss that he let the people get out of control. He might have been afraid there would be a riot.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 15:1-20.
  2. How did Jesus amaze Pilate?  (answer: He didn’t fight back and try to defend himself. He remained silent.)
  3. Pilate didn’t think Jesus had done anything wrong. He knew the Pharisees turned Him in because of what?  (answer: jealousy)
  4. Why did he hand Jesus over to be crucified?  (answer: He wanted to make the people happy. Also, he was probably fearing that word would get to his boss that he let the people get out of control. He might have been afraid there would be a riot.)

Lesson 18

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 15:21-47. (audio)
  2. What did the Roman commander think when he saw Jesus die?  (answer: that this was truly God’s son)
  3. What surprised Pilate?  (answer: Jesus was dead already. God didn’t let him suffer longer than needful.)
  4. Below is a tomb that maybe was similar. It is cut right out of the rock and has that big stone that rolls in front of the door. That stone is big enough to cover a door that is big enough to walk through. I took this picture. It was a tomb used by ancient Hittites in what is now Turkey.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 15:21-47.
  2. In Psalms we read about them mocking Jesus, casting lots for His clothes and His calling out to His Father before He died. Everything happened just as God knew it would.
  3. What happened to signify that Jesus had bridged the separation between God and man?  (answer: The temple curtain was torn from top to bottom–which no human could do. The curtain was the separation. No one could enter that place, the holy of holies. It was where God’s presence was. Once a year a specially chosen priest could enter it after he was made especially holy. They Now we all can go into God’s presence because we have been made God’s priests and holy and righteous by the forgiveness of sins and filling of the Spirit. That was only possible by Jesus’ sacrificial death for us.)
  4. Below is a tomb that maybe was similar. It is cut right out of the rock and has that big stone that rolls in front of the door. That stone is big enough to cover a door that is big enough to walk through. I took this picture. It was a tomb used by ancient Hittites in what is now Turkey.

Lesson 19

Level 1-4

  1. Read Mark 16. (audio)
  2. Who were the first to know that Jesus was alive?  (answer: a small group of women)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Mark 16.
  2. You read that part of the chapter isn’t in some of the manuscripts, but I find it interesting that every version always includes it. If they really don’t think it belongs, then I would think it would be left out in some versions.

Lesson 20

Level 1-4

  1. We have finished Mark.
  2. Read Acts 1:1-11. (audio)
  3. How long did Jesus stay with the disciples after He rose from the dead?  (answer: 40 days)
  4. The disciples are told to wait in Jerusalem for what and for what reason?  (answer: The Holy Spirit will come on them and give them power to be God’s witnesses to the whole world.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 1.
  2. How long did Jesus stay with the disciples after He rose from the dead?  (answer: 40 days)
  3. The disciples are told to wait in Jerusalem for what and for what reason?  (answer: The Holy Spirit will come on them and give them power to be God’s witnesses to the whole world.)
  4. What were they hoping they were waiting for?  (answer: For Israel to be “restored,” freed from the Romans.)
  5. Who was named the 12th apostle?  (answer: Matthias)
  6. Apostle means “one sent.”

Lesson 21

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 2:1-13. (audio)
  2. What happened?

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 2:1-21. (audio)
  2. What happened?

Lesson 22

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 2:38-47. (audio)
  2. Peter preaches a sermon. The people are convicted and feel bad for their sin. What does Peter tell them to do?  (answer: repent and be baptized)
  3. 3000 people are baptized. What do they start doing?  (answer: They sold their possessions and gave to those in need. What else did they do?)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 2:22-47. (audio)
  2. What does Peter tell them to do?  (answer: repent and be baptized)
  3. 3000 people are baptized. What do they start doing?  (answer: They sold their possessions and gave to those in need. What else did they do?)

Lesson 23

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 3:1-16. (audio)
  2. What did the beggar ask for?  (answer: money)
  3. What did he receive?  (answer: healing and/or the ability to walk)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 3.
  2. How was the beggar healed?  (answer: “Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him”)
  3. What did Peter do when the crowds there were amazed at what happened?  (answer: He preached the gospel.)

Lesson 24

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 4:1-22. (audio)
  2. Why were Peter and John arrested?  (answer: They were preaching about Jesus being raised from the dead.)
  3. What did they question Peter and John about?  (answer: how the beggar was healed)
  4. Why were they amazed at Peter and John?  (answer: They were unschooled, normal men, but they spoke like Jesus.)
  5. Peter and John are told not to teach in Jesus’ name anymore. What did they reply?  (answer: Should we obey you, or God?)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 4:1-22. (audio)
  2. Why were Peter and John arrested?  (answer: They were preaching about Jesus being raised from the dead.)
  3. What did they question Peter and John about?  (answer: how the beggar was healed)
  4. Why were they amazed at Peter and John?  (answer: They were unschooled, normal men, but they spoke like Jesus.)
  5. Peter and John are told not to teach in Jesus’ name anymore. What did they reply?  (answer: Should we obey you, or God?)

Lesson 25

Level 1-4

  1. The believers gathered together to pray.
  2. Read Acts 4:23-37. (audio)
  3. What happened after they prayed?  (answer: The place where they were meeting was shaken.)
  4. What did the believers share?  (answer: everything they owned)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 4:29-37. (audio)
  2. What happened after they prayed?  (answer: The place where they were meeting was shaken.)
  3. What did the believers share?  (answer: everything they owned)

Lesson 26

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 5:1-16. (audio)
  2. What happened? Why was everyone afraid?  (answer: Ananias and Sapphira lied about the money they were giving. Then they dropped dead. They weren’t killed for giving only part of the money. They were killed for lying.)
  3. The apostles were doing all of the miracles that Jesus had done. Everyone was healed.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 5:1-16. (audio)
  2. Why did Ananias and Sapphira die?   (answer: They lied to God.)

Lesson 27

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 5:17-42. (audio)
  2. Why were the Sadducees jealous?  (answer: People were coming from all around to go to the apostles because of the miracles.)
  3. The apostles were arrested. How did they end up preaching and teaching in the square the next day?  (answer: an angel let them out of prison)
  4. Why were the apostles rejoicing at the end of the chapter?  (answer: They had been beaten, and they rejoiced that they were worthy of suffering for Christ.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 5:17-42. (audio)
  2. Why were the Sadducees jealous?  (answer: People were coming from all around to go to the apostles because of the miracles.)
  3. The apostles were arrested. How did they end up preaching and teaching in the square the next day?  (answer: an angel let them out of prison)
  4. What wise advice did one of the Pharisees give?  (answer: Leave them alone. If what they are doing is from men, it will fail. If it is from God, then you will only be fighting against God.)
  5. Why were the apostles rejoicing at the end of the chapter?  (answer: They had been beaten, and they rejoiced that they were worthy of suffering for Christ.)

Lesson 28

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 6. (audio)
  2. In the first part of the chapter they choose men to help organize the giving of food to widows. Stephen was one of the men chosen.
  3. How did the men who were against Stephen get him arrested?  (answer: They persuaded people to lie about him, saying he spoke against Moses and God.)
  4. What did Stephen’s face look like to them?  (answer: the face of an angel)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 6.
  2. Why did the apostles choose seven men to organize the distribution of food to widows?  (answer: so that they wouldn’t be hindered from teaching and preaching)
  3. How did the men who were against Stephen get him arrested?  (answer: They persuaded people to lie about him, saying he spoke against Moses and God.)
  4. What did Stephen’s face look like to them?  (answer: the face of an angel)

Lesson 29

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 7:1-36. (audio)
  2. Stephen gives a history of Israel. Who does he talk about?  (answer: Abraham and Moses)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 7:1-36. (audio)
  2. What does Stephen start talking about for his defense?  (answer: He starts giving a history of Israel.)

Lesson 30

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 7:51-60. (audio)
  2. What did they do to Stephen?  (answer: stoned him to death)
  3. Who was standing there watching and approving?  (answer: Saul)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 7:37-60. (audio)
  2. What did Stephen see in the heavens?  (answer: He saw Jesus.)
  3. What did he pray before he died?  (answer: He prayed like Jesus did for the sin not to be held against them.)
  4. Who was standing by watching and approving?  (answer: Saul)

Lesson 31

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 8:1-3, 26-40. (audio)
  2. What was Saul doing?  (answer: having Christians imprisoned)
  3. God led Philip to the right place at the right time. He told the man about Jesus. What does the man want to do?  (answer: be baptized)
  4. What happened to Philip after he baptized the man?  (answer: He disappeared and then reappeared in a different city.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 8.
  2. What was Saul doing?  (answer: having Christians imprisoned)
  3. Simon wanted to buy the Holy Spirit. What was Peter’s response?  (answer: May your money die with you!)
  4. Never buy an “anointing.” People sell oils and other things that are supposedly an “anointing of joy” or healing or whatever. It’s just like Simon wanting the “anointing to lay hands on people for them to receive the Holy Spirit.” The only “anointing” is the Holy Spirit. All gifts come by the Holy Spirit in you. The Holy Spirit is free. Anyone selling the “anointing” is a scam artist. God gives all His good gifts freely.
  5. God led Philip to the right place at the right time. He told the man about Jesus. What does the man want to do?  (answer: be baptized)
  6. What happened to Philip after he baptized the man?  (answer: He disappeared and then reappeared in a different city.)

Lesson 32

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 9:1-19. (audio)
  2. What happened to Saul?
  3. Who is Ananias?  (answer: a believer God sent to lay hands on Saul so that he would be able to see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 9:1-19. (audio)
  2. Did God pick Saul because of all of his good works?  (answer: No, Saul was persecuting the church! God did know how Saul/Paul would serve Him later, though, and how he would suffer for Christ’s sake. He sees the end from the beginning.)

Lesson 33

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 9:32-43. (audio)
  2. What two miracles happen in this chapter?  (answer: a man who had been in bed for 8 years is healed, Tabitha is raised from the dead)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 9:20-43. (audio)
  2. You can see Joppa and Lydda on this map of Israel.
  3. There are two miracles in this chapter. What happens after each miracle?  (answer: People turn to the Lord.)

Lesson 34

Level 1-4

  1.  Read Acts 10:1-23. (audio)
  2. Cornelius was not a Jew. You need to realize that those who have been believing and repenting so far have been Jews. Jews could become “unclean” by having a non-Jew in their house or by eating with them. Peter is being bold in following the Lord to be with these men and inviting them into the house.
  3. Peter’s vision is about clean and unclean animals. Peter has always followed the Jewish laws. Jesus changed the meaning of clean and unclean. It was no longer based on ritual acts, but it is based on one’s heart.
  4. Was Peter’s vision really trying to teach him to eat “unclean” animals?  (answer: No, it was to teach him to not call the Gentiles “unclean” if they have repented and turned to God, being forgiven and “cleaned” them from their sins.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 10:1-23. (audio)
  2. Cornelius was not a Jew. What was he?  (answer: a gentile, a Roman soldier)
  3. Was Peter’s vision really trying to teach him to eat “unclean” animals?  (answer: No, it was to teach him to not call the Gentiles “unclean” if they have repented and turned to God, being forgiven and “cleaned” them from their sins.)

Lesson 35

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 10:24-48. (audio)
  2. What happens at the end of the chapter?  (answer: The gentiles, the non-Jews, receive the Holy Spirit, so Peter realizes it is okay to baptize them in the name of Jesus.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 10:24-48. (audio)
  2. What happens at the end of the chapter?  (answer: The gentiles, the non-Jews, receive the Holy Spirit, so Peter realizes it is okay to baptize them in the name of Jesus.)

Lesson 36

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 11:1-18. (audio)
  2. What do the other Jews realize?  (answer: that God has given salvation to non-Jews as well)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 11.
  2. What do the other Jews realize?  (answer: that God has given salvation to non-Jews as well)
  3. What prophecy prompted the believers to gather and deliver aid for Christians in Judea?  (answer: There was a prophecy that there would be a famine.)

Lesson 37

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 12:1-18. (audio)
  2. How did Peter escape from jail?  (answer: an angel led him out)
  3. Was Peter nervous about being killed the next day?  How do you know?  (answer: He wasn’t nervous even though he didn’t know that he was going to escape. The church was up praying for him, but he was asleep.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 12.
  2. One disciple was killed. One disciple was released. Could God have taken James out of prison too and saved him?  (answer: of course)
  3. God wasn’t unloving or unfair in letting James die. It was God’s choice for him at that time. James no doubt had surrendered his body to the Lord’s service, however that might look. Peter is later killed; it just wasn’t time yet. Their enemies had no control over the time they were appointed to die. God was in control of it.
  4. Why is Herod killed?  (answer: The people called him a god and he accepted their words and praise.)

Lesson 38

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 13:1-12. (audio)
  2. What happened to the false prophet who was trying to turn his boss away from God?  (answer: He went blind.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 13.
  2. What message does Paul preach in Antioch?

Lesson 39

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 14:8-20. (audio)
  2. What did the people think when the man was healed?  (answer: They thought Paul and Barnabas were gods.)
  3. Paul and Barnabas fought back the people and assured them they were just men and gave glory to God.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 14.
  2. What did the people think when the man was healed?  (answer: They thought Paul and Barnabas were gods.)
  3. Did Paul and Barnabas react like Herod when called gods?  (answer: No, they assured the crowds they were just men and told them about the true God.)

Lesson 40

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 15:1-21. (audio)
  2. What were some Jews teaching?  (answer: That you had to be circumcised to be saved. All Jewish males had been circumcised as babies, but the Gentiles had not.)
  3. What does the council decide?  (answer: That Gentiles do not need to follow the law of Moses and do not need to be circumcised. They give them some guidelines to order.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 15.
  2. What were some Jews teaching?  (answer: That you had to be circumcised to be saved. All Jewish males had been circumcised as babies, but the Gentiles had not.)
  3. What does the council decide?  (answer: That Gentiles do not need to follow the law of Moses and do not need to be circumcised. They give them some guidelines to order.)
  4. What do Paul and Barnabas argue over?  (answer: bringing Mark along)

Lesson 41

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 16:1-21. (audio)
  2. How does Paul ruin someone’s business?  (answer: by casting a demon out of a fortune-teller  This girl was a psychic that used communication with demons to enable her to know things about people to get them to believe she could tell the future. She could know things that would happen really soon if they were already in progress, so the demons could see that it was going to happen, but she did not really know the future. The Bible tells us only God knows the future. “Real” psychics that use demons are a trick of Satan because they can tell you some truths to get you to believe them, but then can lie to you about the future and direct you away from where God wants you to be.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 16:1-21. (audio)
  2. What does Paul do to Timothy?  (answer: circumcise him   After all of the arguing about how it is not necessary, Timothy is circumcised. Paul doesn’t want it to be a hindrance to the Jews to hearing the gospel.)
  3. How does Paul ruin someone’s business?  (answer: by casting a demon out of a fortune-teller  This girl was a psychic that used communication with demons to enable her to know things about people to get them to believe she could tell the future. She could know things that would happen really soon if they were already in progress, so the demons could see that it was going to happen, but she did not really know the future. The Bible tells us only God knows the future. “Real” psychics that use demons are a trick of Satan because they can tell you some truths to get you to believe them, but then can lie to you about the future and direct you away from where God wants you to be.)

Lesson 42

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 16:22-40. (audio)
  2. What were Paul and Silas doing when an earthquake freed them from prison?  (answer: singing hymns and praying)
  3. Because of what happened, who came to believe in God?  (answer: the jailer and everyone in his family)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 16:22-40. (audio)
  2. What were Paul and Silas doing when an earthquake freed them from prison?  (answer: singing hymns and praying)
  3. Because of what happened, who came to believe in God?  (answer: the jailer and everyone in his family)
  4. Even though they were freed by the earthquake, they stayed at the prison so that the jailer wouldn’t be killed for letting the prisoners escape. What happened in the morning?  (answer: They were released.)

Lesson 43

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 17:1-15. (audio)
  2. Paul and Silas were accused of making trouble all over the world. The “world” to them was smaller than it is to us. It is still a great compliment to a Christian. We should be turning the world upside down.
  3. Sometimes you hear people say you should be like the Bereans. What do you think that means?  (answer: They searched the Scriptures to see if what was being taught was true. Just because a preacher or other Christian says something doesn’t mean that’s really what the Bible says. Find out what the truth is for yourself. Make a habit and checking things out for yourself before you repeat them as true.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 17:1-15. (audio)
  2. Paul and Silas were accused of making trouble all over the world. The “world” to them was smaller than it is to us. It is still a great compliment to a Christian. We should be turning the world upside down.
  3. Sometimes you hear people say you should be like the Bereans. What do you think that means?  (answer: They searched the Scriptures to see if what was being taught was true. Just because a preacher or other Christian says something doesn’t mean that’s really what the Bible says. Find out what the truth is for yourself. Make a habit and checking things out for yourself before you repeat them as true.)

Lesson 44

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 17:16-34. (audio)
  2. Paul uses their own gods and poets to point to the true God. How does he prove that God cannot be made of metal?  (answer: He says that we are God’s children.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 17:16-34. (audio)
  2. How does Paul relate to the men in Athens?  (answer: He talks about their “unknown God” and quotes their poets.)
  3. How does he describe God?  (answer: verses 24-28)
  4. What argument does Paul use to prove that God cannot be made of metal?  (answer: He says that we are God’s children.)

Lesson 45

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 18:1-17. (audio)
  2. Several times Paul fled a city because people were after him. Why didn’t he leave the city this time?  (answer: God told him in a vision that no one would attack and harm him.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 18.
  2. Paul is about to defend himself. Why doesn’t he?  (answer: The case is thrown out of court.)
  3. What was Apollos missing that the others had to teach him?  (answer: verse 25)

Lesson 46

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 19:1-22. (audio)
  2. What kind of miracles were happening around Paul?  (answer: Handkerchiefs and aprons that touched him were taken to the sick and they were healed. The cloth didn’t have power. Only the Holy Spirit (God) heals. The people had faith (believed) that God would heal them if they touched the cloth that Paul had touched.)
  3. What happened to the non-Christians who were commanding demons to leave in Jesus’ name? (answer: A demon said he recognized Jesus and Paul, but not them. They didn’t have the authority to control him, so he beat them up.)
  4. What happened after that? (answer: People feared God and honored Jesus. They confessed their sin and burned things related to their previous sin.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 19:1-22. (audio)
  2. What kind of miracles were happening around Paul?  (answer: Handkerchiefs and aprons that touched him were taken to the sick and they were healed. The cloth didn’t have power. Only the Holy Spirit (God) heals. The people had faith (believed) that God would heal them if they touched the cloth that Paul had touched.)
  3. What happened to the non-Christians who were commanding demons to leave in Jesus’ name? (answer: A demon said he recognized Jesus and Paul but not them. They didn’t have the authority to control him, so he beat them up.)
  4. What happened after that? (answer: People feared God and honored Jesus. They confessed their sin and burned things related to their previous sin.)

Lesson 47

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 19:23-41. (audio)
  2. Who were the men that caused an uproar in Ephesus in order to get rid of Paul?  (answer: the craftsmen who made the statues of the false gods  They were worried they would lose money if people stopped worshiping statues.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 19:23-41. (audio)
  2. Who were the men that caused an uproar in Ephesus in order to get rid of Paul?  (answer: the craftsmen who made the statues of the false gods   They were worried they would lose money if people stopped worshiping statues.)

Lesson 48

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 20:1-16. (audio)
  2. How did Eutychus die? (answer: He fell asleep listening to a sermon and fell out the window. It was an all-night sermon.)
  3. What happened to him?  (answer: He was raised from the dead.)
  4. Where does Paul want to get to?  (answer: Jerusalem)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 20.
  2. How did Eutychus die? (answer: He fell asleep listening to a sermon and fell out the window. It was an all-night sermon.)
  3. What happened to him?  (answer: He was raised from the dead.)
  4. Where does Paul want to get to?  (answer: Jerusalem)
  5. Why is everyone sad when Paul leaves?  (answer: He says he’ll never see them again.)
  6. It is more blessed to ….  (answer: give than to receive)

Lesson 49

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 21:1-16. (audio)
  2. What does the prophet say will happen to Paul in Jerusalem?  (answer: He will be tied up by Jews and handed over to the Romans.)
  3. Does Paul want to not go now?  (answer: No, he says he is ready to go to prison and to die.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 21:1-26. (audio)
  2. What does the prophet say will happen to Paul in Jerusalem?  (answer: He will be tied up by Jews and handed over to the Romans.)
  3. Does Paul want to not go now?  (answer: No, he says he is ready to go to prison and to die.)

Lesson 50

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 21:27-40. (audio)
  2. Describe what happened. (answer: Some Jews got upset about  Paul and they started beating him, saying that he spoke against the Jews. Roman officers stopped them and took Paul away. It was a wild mob and people were shouting to kill Paul. The soldiers had to carry Paul away to where they would hold him to figure out if he had done anything wrong. Paul asked if he could speak to the people and was given permission.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 21:27-40. (audio)
  2. Describe what happened.  (answer: Some Jews got upset about  Paul and they started beating him, saying that he spoke against the Jews. Roman officers stopped them and took Paul away. It was a wild mob and people were shouting to kill Paul. The soldiers had to carry Paul away to where they would hold him to figure out if he had done anything wrong. Paul asked if he could speak to the people and was given permission.)

Lesson 51

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 22. (audio)
  2. What story does Paul tell?

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 22.
  2. What got the crowd upset?  (hint: verse 21)  (answer: They were Jews and he said God sent him to the Gentiles.)

Lesson 52

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 23: 12-35. (audio)
  2. What are the Jews planning to do?  (answer: kill Paul)
  3. Are they successful?  (answer: no)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 23.
  2. The Lord told Paul he would testify where?  (answer: in Rome)
  3. How is Paul saved from the ambush?  (answer: Someone learns of the planned attack and alerts the Roman commander.)

Lesson 53

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 24:5-27 (audio)
  2. What did Felix want from Paul?  (answer: a bribe, money)
  3. Did Paul give him money?  (answer: no)
  4. Did Paul get out of prison?  (answer: no)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 24.
  2. Why were the Jews upset with Paul? (answer: because he preached the resurrection of the dead)
  3. What did Paul preach that made Felix uncomfortable?  (answer: how we need to be righteous and how we will be judged)

Lesson 54

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 25:1-12. (audio)
  2. What do the Jews still want to do?  (answer: kill Paul)
  3. Paul says he didn’t do anything wrong and asks to present his case to whom?  (answer: the emperor, Caesar, in Rome)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 25.
  2. Who are all of the Roman rulers in this chapter? (answer: Festus, King Agrippa, Caesar)
  3. The rulers were the judges. Why does Festus invite Agrippa to come?  (answer: He can’t figure out what charges to write against Paul.)
  4. What are the Jews still trying to do but can’t?  (answer: Kill Paul. They have no power to do so. God’s in control of Paul’s life and death.)

Lesson 55

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 26:12-30. (audio)
  2. No one else had the chance to share the gospel with such rulers. God made a way for Paul to. It may seem like things aren’t going the right way for Paul, being attacked and arrested, but it was God’s way to bring the gospel to the leaders of Rome.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 26.
  2. You could read the last verse and be frustrated. Why?  (answer: He could have been free.)
  3. That would be the wrong reaction though. God had this all arranged. Paul was arrested so that the leaders of Rome would have the chance to hear the gospel. No one else could bring it to them. This was God’s way. As things seem to go all wrong in the rest of the book, keep in mind that God’s in control and is using each event for his purposes.

Lesson 56

Level 1-4

  1. Paul and some other prisoners were put on a ship to head for Italy, where Rome is. Partway through their journey, Paul knew that they shouldn’t continue because it would be dangerous, but the Roman centurion didn’t listen.
  2. Read Acts 27:13-26. (audio)
  3. How did Paul encourage the men?  (answer: Paul told them how God had reassured them. An angel told him that no one would lose their lives. Paul had to get to Caesar, so nothing would happen to him.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 27:1-26. (audio)
  2. View the map of Paul’s journey to Rome. Find a place mentioned in your reading today and find it on the map and on the list. If you click on the G by it, then you can see where it is on a modern-day map.
  3. How did Paul know that no one would die?   (answer: An angel told him that no one would lose their lives. Paul had to get to Caesar, so nothing would happen to him.)

Lesson 57

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 27:27-44. (audio)
  2. What happened?

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 27:27-44. (audio)
  2. What happened?

Lesson 58

Level 1-4

  1. Read Acts 28 (audio). This is the last chapter of the book of Acts. 
  2. Why did the islanders think Paul was going to die?  (answer: He was bitten by a poisonous snake.)
  3. Did Paul get to preach to the leaders of the Roman empire in Rome?  (answer: Yes, just like God had said.)
  4. Was Paul arrested or released? (answer: He was free and lived there and continued to preach.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Acts 28.
  2. Why did the islanders think Paul was going to die?  (answer: He was bitten by a poisonous snake.)
  3. Did Paul get to preach to the leaders of the Roman empire in Rome?  (answer: Yes, just like God had said.)
  4. Was Paul arrested or released? (answer: He was free and lived there and continued to preach.)

Lesson 59

Level 1-4

  1. The rest of what you will be reading this year are letters written to Christians.
  2. Read Romans 1:1-17. (audio)
  3. “Gospel” means good news. This good news has the power to save whom?  (answer: the Jews and the Gentiles — everyone)
  4. How can we become right with God?  (answer: live by faith, believe in His words so that we obey them)

Level 5-8

  1. We are starting a new book, Romans. It was a letter Paul wrote to the Christians living in Rome. He wrote it around 57 AD. 
  2. Read Romans 1:1-17. (audio)
  3. According to verse 16, what is the gospel?  (answer: the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes)
  4. God has the power to save everyone. He is not limited. That is the good news, the gospel. What does the gospel reveal?  (answer: righteousness by faith. Before people tried to work for their salvation, but now we can become righteous through faith. We have faith that Jesus’ sacrifice took our punishment for our sins so that we can be forgiven. And we have faith that the Holy Spirit lives in us to help us live by, or obey, God’s word.)

Lesson 60

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 1:18-23, 28-32. (audio)
  2. This chapter says that no one can say they didn’t know God existed. It says that everyone can see that a powerful God exists by looking at what He has created. What magnificent things in the world do you think show that there is a powerful God who made them?
  3. Those who still don’t worship God become evil. What does the Bible say about them?  (answer: They are full of every kind evil. They hate God. They fight and cheat. And lots more.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 1:18-32. (audio) Parents: Please note that several Bible passages, including todays, warn about sexual sin. If you want to edit your child’s Bible reading, you should skip todays and maybe passages including parts of Ephesians and Galatians 5.
  2. Why are people without excuse? Why can all people know there is a powerful God at work in the universe? (hint: verse 20) (answer: God’s created world shows it. The expansive universe, the mountains, the oceans, etc.)
  3. What did people worship instead of God?  (hint: verse 23) (answer: created things, making idols out of animals and such)
  4. God let those who refused to worship Him be trapped by sins. What are some of those sins? (hint: verses 26-31) (answer: homosexuality, greed, envy, murder, gossips, senseless…)

Lesson 61

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 2:7-11. (audio)
  2. What is promised to those who do good?  (answer: eternal life, glory, honor and peace)
  3. What is promised to those who do evil?  (answer: God’s anger, suffering)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 2:1-16. (audio)
  2. What are verses 1-4 warning about?  (answer: hypocrisy)
  3. What does it mean to be a hypocrite?
  4. What is the promise of verses 5-11?  (answer: that each person will get what they deserve)
  5. How can we be the ones who persist in doing good?  (answer: give our lives over to following Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit)
  6. What do verses 14 and 15 mean?  (answer: Even those who don’t know the laws of God from the Scripture have consciences that tell them what is right and wrong.)
  7. When was a time you felt your conscience tell you that something was wrong?

Lesson 62

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 3:21-26. (audio)
  2. God’s law was impossible to follow. Its purpose was to show people that they are sinners. Everyone needs to know that they are sinners. No one is as good as God’s perfect standard. Which verse says that?  (answer: verse 23)
  3. So if we can’t be good enough for God to accept us, how can we be saved?  (answer: We are saved by having faith that Jesus took the punishment for our sins so that we can be forgiven.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 3:10-26. (audio)
  2. Use this version to try and figure out what atonement, redemption, and justify mean (verses 24-26).
  3. Here are the dictionary definitions: atonement, redemption, justify.
  4. How do these words relate to you and Jesus?
  5. Memorize verse 23. Romans 3:23
  6. What does it mean? (answer: None of us are perfect like God is perfect. That’s why we needed the atonement, Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, so that we could be redeemed, having our sins paid for, and be justified, forgiven. Then our sins would be erased from God’s sight and we can be perfect like Him and able to be in His presence.)

Lesson 63

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 4:1-5. (audio)
  2. How does someone become right with God?  (answer: by having faith in God that He will forgive their sins)
  3. When it talks about “work,” it means trying to earn God’s approval by doing good things. There are people who think that if they do more good things than bad things, then God will let them into heaven. But God is perfect, holy. He can’t be with sin. We can’t be with Him unless we are perfect too. We can only be perfect, and right with God, by having our sins forgiven and having His Spirit live in us to help us do the things God has chosen for us.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 4.
  2.  What does verse 5 mean?  (answer: God considers righteous–right with him–those who trust that He will forgive their sins, not those who try and “work” or earn their salvation by doing good things with the motive of trying to earn God’s approval.)
  3. Paul points out that Abraham was considered righteous before he was circumcised. Circumcision was a mark of the Jews. It set them apart as God’s people. Paul is saying that God’s righteousness is for all who believe, not just for the Jews.
  4. What does verse 25 mean?

Lesson 64

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 5:1-11. (audio)
  2. How did God show His love for you?  (answer: Jesus died for you.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 5:1-11. (audio)
  2. Verses 1 and 2 say that through Jesus we get access to God’s grace. What is God’s grace? It is everything He gives us, all free and undeserved on our part.
  3. Why does Paul rejoice in suffering? (hint: verses 3-5)
  4. How did God show His love for you (us)?  (hint: verse 8)
  5. Do you remember what justify means? You can go back to Lesson 62 to look again if you don’t remember.
  6. The word reconcile means to restore a friendship. What do you think reconcile means in verses 10 and 11?  Whom are we reconciled with? How? Why were we “enemies” of God?

Lesson 65

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 5:12-21. (audio)
  2. Who was the one man who sinned?  (answer: Adam)
  3. Who was the one man who obeyed?  (answer: Jesus)
  4. Which brought death in the world? Which brought life to the world?  (answer: Adam’s sin brought death into the world. Jesus’ death–and perfect life–brought life to the world.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 5:12-21. (audio)
  2. How did death enter the world?  (answer: through the sin of one man, Adam)
  3. How did life come to the world?  (answer: through the righteous act of one man, Jesus)

Lesson 66

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 6:1-14. (audio)
  2. Before someone is a believer, they are slaves to what? (hint: verse 6)  (answer: sin)
  3. How do we die with Christ?  (hint: verse 5)  (answer: be baptized)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 6:1-14. (audio)
  2. How are we buried with Christ? (answer: by baptism)
  3. What can no longer be our master if we have died with Christ and live with Christ?  (answer: sin)

Lesson 67

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 6:15-23. (audio)
  2. Whom are believers slaves to? (answer: God)
  3. What is the pay you get for sin?  (answer: death)
  4. What is the gift God offers?  (answer: eternal life)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 6:15-23. (audio)
  2. Draw a picture, diagram, comic strip, or something to show all four parts of verse 22.

Lesson 68

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 8:5-11. (audio)
  2. What things should you be thinking about?  (answer: what God wants)
  3. You are either controlled by sin or by what?  (answer: the Spirit of God)
  4. If you have sought God’s forgiveness and have been made right with God, who lives in you?  (answer: the Holy Spirit)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 8:1-17. (audio)
  2. What does it mean that there is “no condemnation” for those in Christ? (hint: Condemnation comes from the word condemn.) (answer: The Bible says when God forgives your sins, He forgets about them. You are no longer guilty of them in God’s eyes.)

Lesson 69

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 8:28-39. (audio)
  2. What can keep God from loving you? (answer: nothing!)
  3. God’s plan is that those who are saved would become like whom?  (answer: His Son, Jesus)
  4. How about a Bible verse song?

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 8:18-39. (audio)
  2. What can keep God from loving you?  (answer: nothing!)
  3. Memorize Romans 8:28.
  4. Do you remember Romans 3:23?

Lesson 70

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 9:11-21. (audio)
  2. These verses say that God is God and He can do whatever He decides to do.
  3. It compares us and God to what?  (hint: verse 21)  (answer: We are the clay and God is the potter.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 9:11-21. (audio)
  2. These verses say that God is God and He can do whatever He decides to do.
  3. It compares us and God to what?  (hint: verse 21)  (answer: We are the clay and God is the potter.)

Lesson 71

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 9:30-33, and 10:1-4. (audio)
  2. What are these verses about? (answer: It says that Jews tried to get right with God by following the Law, but they couldn’t. Jesus was the “stone they tripped over.” It says that you can only get right with God by faith. In that way Jews and those who aren’t Jews can both be made right with God and have forgiveness and salvation.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 9:30-33, and 10:1-4. (audio)
  2. What are these verses about? (answer: It says that Jews tried to be righteous by following the Law, but they couldn’t. Jesus was the “stumbling stone” for the Jews. It says that you can only become righteous by faith. In that way Jews and those who aren’t Jews can both be made right with God and have forgiveness and salvation. But those who try and be good enough on their own, will never attain the righteousness of God.)

Lesson 72

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 10:9-17 (audio). Fill in the blanks below.
  2. Everyone who _____ on the name of the Lord will be saved.  (answer: calls)
  3. How can they call on Him unless they _______ in Him?  (answer: believe)
  4. How can they believe in Him unless they ______ about Him?  (answer: hear)
  5. How can they hear about Him unless someone _________ to them?  (answer: preaches)
  6. How can someone preach to them without being _______?  (answer: sent)
  7. What does this teach the importance of?  (answer: sharing the gospel, the good news about Jesus, and being a part of sending others to preach the gospel)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 10:9-17 (audio). Fill in the blanks below.
  2. Everyone who _____ on the name of the Lord will be saved.  (answer: calls)
  3. How can they call on Him unless they _______ in Him?  (answer: believe)
  4. How can they believe in Him unless they ______ about Him?  (answer: hear)
  5. How can they hear about Him unless someone _________ to them?  (answer: preaches)
  6. How can someone preach to them without being _______?  (answer: sent)
  7. What does this teach the importance of?  (answer: sharing the gospel, the good news about Jesus, and being a part of sending others to preach the gospel)

Lesson 73

Level 1-4/5-8

  1. Read Romans 11:33-36. (audio)
  2. What do these verses say about who God is? (answer: all-knowing, all-powerful, everything is in His control, He made all things, He can do all things…)

Lesson 74

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 12:1-8. (audio)
  2. What are some ways that people can offer themselves to serve God? (answer: serving, teaching, leading, giving, showing mercy…)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 12:1-8. (audio)
  2. What does verse two mean? (hint: Here it is in another version.)
  3. How can you renew your mind? (answer: To renew your mind means to change the way you think. You can renew your mind by reading the Bible and stopping yourself when you are thinking wrong things and repeating to yourself the right things.)
  4. Do you have any idea in what ways God has gifted you to prepare you to serve the body of Christ?

Lesson 75

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 12:9-21. (audio)
  2. Which of the things listed in today’s reading is the easiest for you to do and which is the hardest? (For example, you could say it is easy for me to be honest, but it is hard for me to be patient.)
  3. Ask God to help you with what you find hard.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 12:9-21. (audio)
  2. Which of the things listed in today’s reading is the easiest for you to do and which is the hardest? (For example, you could say it is easy for me to be honest, but it is hard for me to be patient.)
  3. Ask God to help you be loving in every way described.

Lesson 76

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 12:9-21, yes, again. (audio)
  2. When someone does something wrong to you, what should you do? what shouldn’t you do?  (answer: You should do good to them. You shouldn’t try and get even with them and do something bad back to them.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 12:9-21, yes, again. (audio)
  2. When someone does something wrong to you, what should you do? what shouldn’t you do?  (answer: You should do good to them. You shouldn’t try and get even with them and do something bad back to them.)
  3. What do you think the last verse means?

Lesson 77

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 13:1-10. (audio)
  2. Whom should you obey and why?  (answer: We should obey authorities because God gave them their authority.)
  3. Who are your authorities? (answer: your parents, your teachers, government officials)
  4. If we want to live according to God’s will, what is the one rule we must obey?  (answer: Love your neighbor as yourself.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 13:1-10. (audio)
  2. Whom should you obey and why?  (answer: We should obey authorities because God gave them their authority.)
  3. Who are your authorities? (answer: your parents, your teachers, government officials)
  4. Do you remember when it is okay to not obey your authorities?  (hint)  (answer: when they are telling you to disobey God)
  5. If we want to live according to God’s will, what is the one rule we must obey?  (answer: Love your neighbor as yourself.)
  6. How does that law encompass all of the others?

Lesson 78

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 14:1-17. (audio)
  2. What are these verses teaching?  (answer: Don’t judge others who are serving the Lord. There are some Christians who think that you must celebrate certain days or certain ways. There are Christians who won’t eat certain foods that the Jews were told not to eat, even though Jesus (and Paul) tell us it’s okay. These verses tell us that their faith is weak, but that we shouldn’t judge them. They are serving God with their faith and actions as best they know. We are to love each other.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 14.
  2. What are these verses teaching?  (answer: Don’t judge others who are serving the Lord. There are some Christians who think that you must celebrate certain days or certain ways. There are Christians who won’t eat certain foods that the Jews were told not to eat, even though Jesus (and Paul) tell us it’s okay. These verses tell us that their faith is weak, but that we shouldn’t judge them. They are serving God with their faith and actions as best they know. We are to love each other.)

Lesson 79

Level 1-4

  1. Read Romans 15:1-7. (audio)
  2. These verses talk about how we should think about others and how we should treat them.
  3. What do you think it means to “build up” someone? (answer: It means to encourage them, to say things that make them feel better and that encourage them to do the right things.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Romans 15:1-13. (audio)
  2. How should we treat others according to these verses?  (answer: We should accept each other and do what pleases each other instead of just trying to please ourselves.)
  3. What things can you do to “build up” your “neighbor?”  (hint: How can you encourage others and do good things for them?)

Lesson 80

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 1:1-17. (audio)
  2. This book is a letter written to the Christians who were part of the Church in the city of Corinth, Greece.
  3. Who wrote the letter? (answer: Paul)
  4. What problem does the church have that Paul rebukes them for?  (answer: They are not united. Paul tells them to agree together. They are divided into groups based on who led them to Christ. Christians are baptized into one faith. We are not (or should not be) baptized into denominations.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 1.
  2. This book is a letter written to the Christians who were part of the Church in the city of Corinth, Greece.
  3. Who wrote the letter? (answer: Paul)
  4. What problem does the church have that Paul rebukes them for?  (answer: They are not united. Paul tells them to agree together. They are divided into groups based on who led them to Christ. Christians are baptized into one faith. We are not (or should not be) baptized into denominations.)

Lesson 81

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 3:3 and 3:16-17 (audio). Scroll down to read the second.
  2. How do regular people act?  (answer: They are jealous and get into arguments.)
  3. Why should you be different from regular people?  (answer: You are God’s temple if you have the Holy Spirit living in you.)
  4. Read 1 Corinthians 4:4-13. (audio)
  5. Does verse 11 surprise you?
  6. Do you realize that Jesus and Paul were both homeless at times?

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 3:3 and 3:16-17 (audio). Scroll down to read the second.
  2. How do regular people act?  (answer: They are jealous and get into arguments.)
  3. Why should you be different from regular people?  (answer: You are God’s temple if you have the Holy Spirit living in you.)
  4. Read 1 Corinthians 4:4-13. (audio)
  5. Does verse 11 surprise you?
  6. Do you realize that Jesus and Paul were both homeless at times?

Lesson 82

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 5:9-11. (audio)
  2. How are we supposed to treat people who say they are believers but who live in sin?  (answer: We are supposed to stay away from them.)
  3. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. (audio)
  4. These verses list types of people who cannot go to heaven. What does it say about people who used to do those things and then repented and stopped and asked God to forgive them and fill them with His Holy Spirit so that they can be free from their sin? (answer: It says that they are now holy, which means they can be in God’s presence and go to heaven.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 5:9-11. (audio)
  2. How are we supposed to treat people who say they are believers but who live in sin?  (answer: We are supposed to stay away from them.)
  3. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. (audio)
  4. These verses list types of people who cannot go to heaven. What does it say about people who used to do those things and then repented and stopped and asked God to forgive them and fill them with His Holy Spirit so that they can be free from their sin? (answer: It says that they are now holy, which means they can be in God’s presence and go to heaven.)
  5. Read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. (audio)
  6. What are ways that you could honor God with your body? What are ways of using your body that would dishonor God?

Lesson 83

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 7:26-40. (audio)
  2. What does Paul think about marriage?  (answer: He says that married people will have trouble, but it is not a sin to marry. He says that it’s better to be single so that you can focus on serving the Lord.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 7:26-40. (audio)
  2. What does Paul think about marriage?  (answer: He says that married people will have trouble, but it is not a sin to marry. He says that it’s better to be single so that you can focus on serving the Lord.)

Lesson 84

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 10:1-13. (audio)
  2. These verses say that Israel is an example to us. They sinned and were killed. Sin kills us spiritually. We need to remember Israel and remember how dangerous sin is.
  3. What does verse 13 mean? This is a good verse to remember. (answer: When you are tempted to do something wrong, God always makes a way for you to escape, to get out of it. He can give you the strength to say no. Sin doesn’t have power over Christians.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 10.
  2. These verses say that Israel is an example to us. They sinned and were killed. Sin kills us spiritually. We need to remember Israel and remember how dangerous sin is.
  3. What does verse 13 mean? This is a good verse to remember. (answer: When you are tempted to do something wrong, God always makes a way for you to escape, to get out of it. He can give you the strength to say no. Sin doesn’t have power over Christians.)
  4. The rest of the chapter is about food sacrificed to idols. This is still important to believers in some parts of the world. The main point is found in verse 24. What is it? How can you apply that verse?
  5. Good memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Lesson 85

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 11:18-34. (audio)
  2. What are some of the problems the church was having?  (answer: They were not united. They took sides. Some thought they were better than others.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 11.
  2. Does anything surprise you?
  3. Memory verses:

Lesson 86

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. (audio)
  2. Do you know what Paul is talking about when he says that there are many parts but just one body?  (answer: He is talking about the body of Christ. He says that we are all one. No one is better or more important than another. We all need each other.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-26. (audio)
  2. Why are we given gifts by the Spirit? (hint: verse 7)
  3. What does it mean that the eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!”?  (answer: Christians need each other. We are all part of one body and we all are supposed to be working together. One person isn’t better or more important than another.)

Lesson 87

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 12: 27-31 (audio) and 1 Corinthians 13. (audio)
  2. What is love?

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 12: 27-31 (audio) and chapter 13. (audio)
  2. What is love?

Lesson 88

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. (audio)
  2. What things are the most important? (hint: verses 3 and 4)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-34. (audio)
  2. What is of “first importance?” (hint: verses 3 and 4)

Lesson 89

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 15:51-58. (audio)
  2. What will have no power over us when we have our heavenly bodies?  (answer: death)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 15:35-58. (audio)
  2. What is this passage about?  (answer: how we will receive heavenly, immortal bodies when we die or when Christ returns)

Lesson 90

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 16. (audio)
  2. What does verse 14 say?
  3. How can you be more loving today?

Level 5-8

  1. Read chapter 16.
  2. How can you obey verses 13 and 14?

Lesson 91

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 1:1-11 (audio). This is Paul’s second letter to the Christians living in Corinth, Greece.
  2. Why did Paul, and those with him, have so many troubles, even to the point of thinking they were going to die? (hint: verse 9)
  3. Jesus tells us that we will have troubles. But the Scriptures also tell us that He will save us out of our troubles.

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 1. This is Paul’s second letter to the Christians living in Corinth, Greece.
  2. Why did Paul, and those with him, have so many troubles, even to the point of thinking they were going to die? (hint: verse 9)
  3. Jesus tells us that we will have troubles. But the Scriptures also tell us that He will save us out of our troubles.

Lesson 92

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. (audio)
  2. This is comparing the Old Testament and the New Testament. The law “sentenced people to death” because they couldn’t obey the whole law. Jesus came to show us that it is by faith we can be saved.
  3. It says that Christians are being changed to become more like whom? (hint: verse 18)  (answer: Jesus)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 3.
  2. Verse 7, “the ministry that brought death,” is the law of the Old Testament.
  3. Into whose likeness are we being transformed?  (hint: verse 18)  (answer: Jesus)
  4. If you are a Christian, how have you become like Jesus? How are you still not like Jesus?

Lesson 93

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 4:1-11. (audio)
  2. Paul says that he has renounced “secret and shameful ways.” Do you have any secret sins that you need to confess?
  3. It compares you to a clay jar. What is the treasure? (answer: the good news)
  4. Did Paul have an easy life? Why or why not?
  5. Jars of Clay  The music group is called Jars of Clay. They got the name from this Bible chapter.

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 4.
  2. Paul says that he has renounced “secret and shameful ways.” Do you have any secret sins that you need to confess?
  3. What metaphor does Paul use and what does it mean? (answer: We are jars of clay with the treasure of the gospel. A clay jar can easily be broken, showing that the power of the gospel doesn’t come from weak men, but from God.)
  4. What kinds of trouble did Paul have?  (hint: verses 8-11)
  5. How does Paul describe these troubles?  (hint: verse 17)
  6. How does Paul get through these troubles?  (hint: verse 18)
  7. Think about a trouble that you or your family is facing. How can following Paul’s example help?
  8. Jars of Clay  The music group is called Jars of Clay. They got the name from this Bible chapter.
  9. These are good verses to memorize or at least internalize what they are teaching.

Lesson 94

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 5:11-21. (audio)
  2. What do verses 17 and 18 mean?  (answer: We become new people when we receive Christ as our Lord and Savior. Our old sinful self is dead. We now have Christ living in us by His Spirit. We have His life because Jesus gave His life for us. Now we have the job of sharing with others about this new life.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 5.
  2. Explain verses 17 and 18. (answer: We become new people when we receive Christ as our Lord and Savior. Our old sinful self is dead. We now have Christ living in us by His Spirit. We have His life because Jesus gave His life for us. Now we have the job of sharing with others about this new life.)
  3. What does it mean to live by faith and not by sight? (answer: Things might look bad, but if we know that God is working it out for good we can be thankful and not fearful.)
  4. What does verse 21 mean? (answer: Jesus took our sin on Himself and took our punishment so that we can be cleaned from our sin and live God’s way, righteously, by the power of the Spirit in us.)
  5. What does it mean to be God’s ambassador? (answer: His representative)
  6. What is our message as His ambassador?   (answer: Be reconciled to God. If you are living in sin, you are living in rebellion against God. Through Jesus’ death, we can be forgiven and live in God’s presence.)

Lesson 95

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 6:1-10. (audio)
  2. How can Paul make people rich even if he is poor? How can he have nothing and own everything?  (answer: He is making people rich in faith and the power of God. Paul does not own anything. Paul doesn’t work to earn money and things for himself. He gave up having a home, etc., in order to travel and serve God. He has everything because God gives him everything he needs at all times. God owns everything and Christ is the one living in Paul by the Spirit.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 6.
  2. How can Paul make people rich even if he is poor? How can he have nothing and possess everything?  (answer: He is making people rich in faith and the power of God. Paul does not own anything. Paul doesn’t work to earn money and things for himself. He gave up having a home, etc., in order to travel and serve God. He has everything because God gives him everything he needs at all times. God owns everything and Christ is the one living in Paul by the Spirit.)
  3. How can we “come out” and “be separate?” There are some Christians that live completely apart from the world in communes. But I don’t think that’s what God means, since He sent His disciples to go to the people where they are (Acts 1:8). What do you think it could mean for you to be separate from unbelievers?

Lesson 96

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 7:1-13. (audio)
  2. What do you think are some things that “pollute” your body and mind and spirit that you should stay away from?
  3. Paul struggled with fear (verse 5).  It’s normal to have fears. But when we feel afraid, we can turn to God to comfort us, like He comforted Paul. It’s not okay to let fear control you. Fear doesn’t get to decide what you do. Paul didn’t run away from serving God because he was afraid. He continued doing what he knew was right and God comforted him. You can say no to your fearful thoughts and tell them that you know God is with you and loves you and is taking care of you so you have nothing to be afraid of. 
  4. Paul talks about making someone sad in his last letter. He wrote to them about someone in the church living in sin, that they should make that person leave the church. They did. The point wasn’t to be mean. What was the point of making the person sad?  (answer: It made him realize his sin was wrong and he turned away from his sin; he repented.)
  5. We should never act like sin is okay. Sin is bad. It is rebellion against God.

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 7.
  2. What do you think are some things that “contaminate” your body and mind and spirit that you should stay away from?
  3. Paul struggled with fear (verse 5).  It’s normal to have fears. But when we feel afraid, we can turn to God to comfort us, like He comforted Paul. It’s not okay to let fear control you. Fear doesn’t get to decide what you do. Paul didn’t run away from serving God because he was afraid. He continued doing what he knew was right and God comforted him. You can say no to your fearful thoughts and tell them that you know God is with you and loves you and is taking care of you so you have nothing to be afraid of.
  4. Paul talks about making someone sad in his last letter. He wrote to them about someone in the church living in sin, that they should make that person leave the church. They did. The point wasn’t to be mean. What was the point of making the person sad?  (answer: It made him realize his sin was wrong and he turned away from his sin; he repented.)
  5. We should never act like sin is okay. Sin is bad. It is rebellion against God. It can be hard to stand up against sin, but you could help others repent by showing them that you don’t think their sin is okay.
  6. When we show people their sin is wrong, we need to make sure of two things. One, that we are doing it because we love God, and we love the person and want to see them right with God. Two, that we aren’t being hypocritical and living in sin ourselves.

Lesson 97

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-14. (audio)
  2. What is this passage about?  (answer: giving)
  3. What does this passage teach about giving?  (answer: It teaches that you should give from what you have because you love God and want to give.)
  4. What does Paul mean when he says that things should be equal in verse 13?  (answer: Believers should give to each other when they are able to and then then they have a need others will give to them.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 8.
  2. This passage is about giving.
  3. What does it teach about giving in verse 12? (answer: You should give based on what you have, not what you don’t have. Poor people can’t say, “I don’t have all that those other people have. They should be the ones giving.” Everyone needs to give.)
  4. What does Paul mean about believers having equality in verses 13 and 14? (answer: Giving and receiving isn’t one-sided. It shouldn’t be someone always giving and another always receiving. Believers should give when they are able to. When they have a need, others should give to them.)

Lesson 98

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. (audio)
  2. What kind of giver does God love?  (answer: a cheerful one)
  3. Why should you give?  (answer: not because you have to but because you want to)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 9.
  2. Why should you give?  (answer: not because you have to but because you want to)
  3. Giving is an expression of what?  (hint: verse 12)
  4. If we give, God promises to increase our harvest of what?  (answer: righteousness)
  5. It says that when we give, God’s grace is able to provide us with all we need (even if we give everything, we still won’t be without what we need), so that we will abound in what?  (answer: good works)

Lesson 99

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 10:1-6 and 12:7-10. (2 Corinthians 10 audio) (2 Corinthians 12 audio)
  2. Think of an example of a wrong thought that you sometimes have and explain how you can take that thought under your control and change your thinking to make it obey Christ.
  3. How can we be strongest when we are weakest?  (answer: What we can accomplish in our own power will always be less than what God can accomplish. When we are weak, then we don’t rely on ourselves and have to rely on God, and if we rely on God, then we have unlimited strength and ability.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 10:1-6 and 12:7-10.
  2. (2 Corinthians 10 audio) (2 Corinthians 12 audio)
  3. Think of an example of a wrong thought that you sometimes have and explain how you can take that thought captive and change your thinking to make it obey Christ.
  4. How can we be strongest when we are weakest?  (answer: Human power will always be less than what God can accomplish. When we are weak, then we don’t rely on ourselves and have to rely on God to provide, to save, to deliver, to redeem the bad situation, whatever it is; if we rely on God then we have unlimited strength and ability.)
  5. Memorize: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” from 2 Cor. 12:9
  6. Memorize: “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”   from 2 Cor. 10:5

Lesson 100

Level 1-4

  1. Memorize: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” from 2 Cor. 12:9
  2. Memorize: “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”   from 2 Cor. 10:5

Level 5-8

  1. Review your memory verses:

Lesson 101

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 13. (audio)
  2. What does Paul tell them to do?  (answer: test themselves to see if they are Christians, to see if Christ is in them)
  3. What does Paul pray for them?  (answer: that they would not do what is wrong)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Corinthians 13.
  2. What does Paul tell them to do?  (answer: test themselves to see if they are Christians, to see if Christ is in them)
  3. What does Paul pray for them?  (answer: that they would not do what is wrong)

Lesson 102

Level 1-4

  1. Read Galatians 1:1-12. (audio)
  2. This is another letter. Who wrote it?  (answer: Paul)
  3. Who was the letter written to?  (answer: the Christians in Galatia)
  4. Find Galatia.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Galatians 1.
  2. This is another letter. Who wrote it?  (answer: Paul)
  3. Who was the letter written to?  (answer: the Christians in Galatia)
  4. Find Galatia. Keep this map open.
  5. Where would it be on this map? If you can’t figure it out, use the map below to help you.
  6. Where would Galatia be on this map?

Lesson 103

Level 1-4

  1. Read Galatians 2:11-21. (audio)
  2. This kid version says that we become right with God by believing in Jesus. But remember, even the devil believes in Jesus. What does this original version say about how we become right with God (justified)?  (answer: by faith in Jesus)
  3. What’s the difference between believing in Jesus and having faith in Jesus? It depends on how you look at it. Like I said, the devil believes that Jesus exists and is the Son of God. He knows that he died on the cross and rose from the grave. But we can have faith in Jesus to save us from our sins. We can have faith that He shed his blood to save us from our sin. We can have faith that He gives us His Spirit and makes it so that we can be with God.
  4. What did Peter do that made Paul upset?  (answer: He stopped eating with Gentiles, non-Jews. Eating with Gentiles made a Jew “unclean.” Remember how God taught Peter not to call Gentiles unclean? Peter accepted Gentiles, but when other Jews started coming around he gave in to peer pressure and stopped eating with the Gentiles. The Bible says we are all one in Christ Jesus, that he doesn’t make a distinction between us.)
  5. You can listen to a song based on Galatians 2:20.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Galatians 2.
  2. What does it mean to be justified? (answer: to be made righteous)
  3. How do we become justified? (answer: by faith in Christ)
  4. What did Peter do that made Paul upset?  (answer: He stopped eating with Gentiles, non-Jews. Eating with Gentiles made a Jew “unclean.” Remember how God taught Peter not to call Gentiles unclean? Peter accepted Gentiles, but when other Jews started coming around he gave into peer pressure and stopped eating with the Gentiles. The Bible says we are all one in Christ Jesus, that he doesn’t make a distinction between us.)
  5. Here’s another verse to memorize.
  6. Maybe this song can help you learn it.

Lesson 104

Level 1-4

  1. Read Galatians 3:1-14. (audio)
  2. There are 613 commandments in the Old Testament law. There are many rituals that they had to perform in order to be right with God, and no one could follow all of the laws perfectly. That’s why it says that they were cursed by the law. We are not saved by following the Old Testament law. We are saved by faith in Jesus.
  3. Does that mean that we can sin and do whatever we want?  (answer: No! If we are saved by faith, then by faith the Holy Spirit comes to live in us and sets us free from sin so that we have the power to do what is right. And the Bible says that we will choose to do what is right if we love God.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Galatians 3:1-14. (audio)
  2. How many commandments are there in the Old Testament law? (answer: 613)
  3. There are many rituals that they had to perform in order to be right with God and no one could follow all of the laws perfectly. That’s why it says that they were cursed by the law. We are not saved by following the Old Testament law. We are saved by faith in Jesus.
  4. Does that mean that we can sin and do whatever we want?  (answer: No! If we are saved by faith, then by faith the Holy Spirit comes to live in us and sets us free from sin so that we have the power to do what is right. And the Bible says that we will choose to do what is right if we love God.)
  5. If we don’t follow the Old Testament law, what do we obey?  (answer: Christ.  In the New Testament, Jesus shows us that we still need to follow the moral laws of the Old Testament (like “do not murder”), but He makes them even harder to follow. For instance he says that hating someone is like murdering them. We can only obey the laws of Christ if the Holy Spirit is living in us.)

Lesson 105

Level 1-4

  1. Read Galatians 3:26-29, Galatians 4:1-7. (Galatians 3 audio) (Galatians 4 audio)
  2. What’s the theme of these verses?  (answer: We are God’s children.)
  3. How do you say Father in Aramaic (the language commonly spoken by the Jews of New Testament times)?  (answer: Abba)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Galatians 3:26-29, Galatians 4:1-7. (Galatians 3 audio) (Galatians 4 audio)
  2. What’s the theme of these verses?  (answer: We are God’s children.)
  3. How do you say Father in Aramaic (the language commonly spoken by the Jews of New Testament times)?  (answer: Abba)
  4. Memory verse review:
  5. Romans 3:23 Romans 8:28 1 Corinthians 10:13 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 2 Corinthians 10:5 2 Corinthians 12:9 Galatians 2:20

Lesson 106

Level 1-4

  1. Read Galatians 5:16-26. (audio) Parents: Note that sexual immorality is listed as a desire of the sinful nature. There are other such mentions in the readings at times.
  2. How can you keep from sinning? (hint: verse 16)
  3. What can you have if you have the Spirit living in you?  (answer: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control)
  4. You know how I remember that list of “Fruits of the Spirit?” There are 3 with one syllable, 3 with two syllables and 3 with three syllables.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Galatians 5:16-26. (audio)
  2. How can you keep from sinning? (hint: verse 1)
  3. What can you have if you have the Spirit living in you?  (answer: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control)
  4. You know how I remember that list of “fruits of the Spirit?” There are 3 with one syllable, 3 with two syllables and 3 with three syllables.

Lesson 107

Level 1-4

  1. Read Galatians 6:1-10. (audio)
  2. What do verses 9 and 10 teach? (answer:  We should being doing good things for others, especially other believers.)
  3. What is a good thing you can do today for someone else?

Level 5-8

  1. Read Galatians 6.
  2. What do verses 9 and 10 teach? (answer:  We should being doing good things for others, especially other believers.)
  3. What is a good thing you can do today for someone else?

Lesson 108

Level 1-4

  1. Read Ephesians 1:13-23. (audio)
  2. This is another letter. Who wrote it?  (answer: Paul)
  3. Who was the letter written to?  (answer: the Christians in Ephesus)
  4. Who does Christ have power over?  (answer: everyone and everything)
  5. Who is under Christ’s feet?  (answer: everyone and everything)
  6. Ephesus is also in Turkey. Go to this page and find Ephesus in Turkey and look at the pictures of ruins that are still standing from biblical times.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Ephesians 1.
  2. This is another letter. Who wrote it?  (answer: Paul)
  3. Who was the letter written to?  (answer: the Christians in Ephesus)
  4. What does predestination mean?
  5. Who does Christ have power over?  (answer: everyone and everything)
  6. Who is under Christ’s feet?  (answer: everyone and everything)
  7. Ephesus is also in Turkey. Go to this page and find Ephesus in Turkey and look at the pictures of ruins that are still standing from biblical times.

Lesson 109

Level 1-4

  1. Read Ephesians 2:1-10. (audio)
  2. What has God prepared for you to do? (hint: verse 10)  (answer: Good works)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Ephesians 2.
  2. What has God prepared for you to do? (hint: verse 10)  (answer: Good works)
  3. Who are your fellow citizens and brothers and sisters?  (answer: all Christians)

Lesson 110

Level 1-4

  1. Read Ephesians 3:14-21. (audio)
  2. What does Paul pray for believers?  (answer: One thing he prays is that we would understand how incredibly great God’s love for us is.)
  3. Here’s a song, How Great Is Your Love 🙂  Get permission to go to the video; it’s on YouTube.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Ephesians 3.
  2. What does verse 12 mean? (answer: It’s not like the Old Testament when only the high priest could approach God once a year in a special way. We all can come to God in prayer because of Jesus. That’s why we pray in Jesus’ name.)
  3. Paul prays that believers would know how immense is God’s love for those who believe. Do you know how much God loves you? Do you ever question if God loves you? Pray this prayer along with Paul that you can understand how great God’s love for you is.
  4. Here’s a song, How Great Is Your Love 🙂  Get permission to go to the video; it’s on YouTube.

Lesson 111

Level 1-4

  1. Read Ephesians 4:17-32. (audio)
  2. We are created to be like God in what ways? (hint: verse 24) (answer:  holy and good)
  3. What kinds of things should we be saying and not saying to others?  (answer: We should only say things that help and encourage others. We shouldn’t have “evil” talk: lying, mean words, saying angry things, name calling….)
  4. Think up something you could say to someone to “build them up.”
  5. This chapter lists several things you shouldn’t do. Do you do any of those? Do you need to confess anything?

Level 5-8

  1. Read Ephesians 4.
  2. Why does God equip His people for service?  (hint: verse 13)  (answer: so that Christians can be united and filled with Christ)
  3. We are created to be like God in what ways? (hint: verse 24) (answer: holy and righteous)
  4. What are some things you shouldn’t be doing?  (answer: greedy, impure, angry, lying, stealing, hateful)
  5. What are some things you should be doing?  (answer: building each other up, kind, compassionate, forgiving, truthful)
  6. Do you need to repent of anything?

Lesson 112

Level 1-4

  1. Read Ephesians 5:15-33. (audio)
  2. What is the relationship between husband and wife supposed to be like?  (answer: Husbands are to love their wives, giving up their own lives for their wives. Wives are to respect their husbands and to submit to them. Submit means “to follow the other person’s lead.”)
  3. These verses are talking about husbands and wives. Women can be bosses; they don’t have to submit to all men, just their husbands.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Ephesians 5.
  2. What comes on the disobedient?  (hint: verse 6)  (answer: God’s wrath)
  3. What is the relationship between husband and wife supposed to be like?  (answer: Husbands are to love their wives, giving up their own lives for their wives. Wives are to respect their husbands and to submit to them.)
  4. These verses are talking about husbands and wives. Women can be bosses; they don’t have to submit to all men, just their husbands.
  5. What is the husband/wife relationship supposed to reflect?  (answer: the relationship between Christ and the Church.  The Church is supposed to submit to its head, Christ, obeying Him, and Christ loves the Church, even giving His life for it.)

Lesson 113

Level 1-4

  1. Read Ephesians 6:1-18. (audio)
  2. How can you show honor to your parents? (answer: by obeying with a good attitude)
  3. Why should you obey your parents?  (answer:  because it’s the right thing to do)
  4. What kind of “armor” do you have to protect you?  (answer: truth, godliness, faith, salvation)
  5. What weapon do you have?  (answer: God’s Word)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Ephesians 6.
  2. What s the first commandment with a promise?  (hint: verse 2)
  3. What kind of “armor” do you have to protect you?  (answer: truth, godliness, faith, salvation)
  4. What weapon do you have?  (answer: God’s Word)
  5. Why do we need the armor of God?  (answer: to be able stand in the day of evil)
  6. What do you think might be an example of an “evil” day?

Lesson 114

Level 1-4

  1. Read Philippians 1:1-14, 27-30. (audio)
  2. Who wrote this letter?  (answer: Paul, along with Timothy)
  3. Who is it written to?  (answer: Christians in Philippi)
  4. Philippi is in Greece. Here is a map of part of Greece. Notice the three peninsulas, the three “fingers” that reach down into the Aegean Sea. They are an easy way to spot Greece on a map.
  5. Now look at these maps and find Greece and where Philippi would be.
  6. What has happened to Paul?  (hint: verse 13)  (answer: He has been arrested for preaching the gospel.)
  7. How can you show those who are against you that you are right?  (hint: verse 28) (answer: by not being afraid of them)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Philippians 1.
  2. Where is Philippi?
  3. If you don’t know what country that is, look here.
  4. What has happened to Paul?  (hint: verse 13)  (answer: He has been arrested for preaching the gospel.)
  5. What does it mean to “discern?” Paul says that he is praying that they would “discern what is best.”
  6. What has been the outcome of the Paul’s imprisonment?  (hint: verses 12,14)  (answer: The gospel has been spread even further and others are being bolder in sharing the gospel.)

Lesson 115

Level 1-4

  1. Read Philippians 2:1-11. (audio)
  2. Paul pleads with the believers to get along and to love each other and to be of one mind. What does he tell them to do in order to achieve that goal?  (hint: verses 3 and 4)  (answer: to be humble, to think of others as more important than yourself, to do what is good for everyone, not just yourself)
  3. How did Christ model humility and putting others first?  (answer: He gave up heaven and his throne to become human and to even be killed for us.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Philippians 2:1-11. (audio)
  2. Paul pleads with the believers to get along and love each other and agree with each other. What does he tell them to do in order to achieve that goal?  (hint: verses 3 and 4)  (answer: to be humble, to think of others as more important than yourself, to do what is good for everyone, not just yourself)
  3. How did Christ model humility and putting others first?  (answer: He gave up heaven and his throne to become human and to even be killed for us.)

Lesson 116

Level 1-4

  1. Read Philippians 2:12-22. (audio)
  2. Jesus accomplished our salvation, but we are told to “work out our salvation.”
  3. What does verse 13 say God wants as we do this?   (answer: He wants our plans and actions to be in line with His will, what He has planned for us.)
  4. Is it all up to us to “work out our salvation?  (answer: No, it says God is at work in us.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Philippians 2:12-30. (audio)
  2. Jesus accomplished our salvation, but we are told to “work out our salvation.”
  3. What does verse 13 mean?  (answer: We are told to work out our salvation, but it is God who is at work in us to bring about His plans for us.)

Lesson 117

Level 1-4

  1. Read Philippians 3:8-21. (audio)
  2. What are some lessons in these verses that you’ve seen before this year?  (answer: We are citizens of heaven. We are saved, made right with God, by faith. We need to work to become more and more perfect, more and more like Jesus, even though by the blood of Jesus we are washed clean and made perfect.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Philippians 3.
  2. What are some lessons in these verses that you’ve seen before this year?  (answer: We are citizens of heaven. We are saved, made right with God, by faith. We need to work to become more and more perfect, more and more like Jesus, even though by the blood of Jesus we are washed clean and made perfect.)

Lesson 118

Level 1-4

  1. Read Philippians 4:4-9. (audio)
  2. These verses tell us what kinds of attitudes we should or shouldn’t have. What are they?  (answer: We shouldn’t worry. We should be thankful and rejoice all the time.)
  3. When is it hard for you to “rejoice always”?
  4. When is it hard for you to not worry?
  5. What are examples of the kinds of things should you and shouldn’t you think about according to verse 8?

Level 5-8

  1. Read Philippians 4.
  2. These verses tell us what kinds of attitudes we should or shouldn’t have. What are they?  (answer: We shouldn’t worry. We should be thankful and rejoice all the time.)
  3. When is it hard for you to “rejoice always”?
  4. When is it hard for you to not worry?
  5. What are examples of the kinds of things should you and shouldn’t you think about according to verse 8?

Lesson 119

Level 1-4

  1. Read Colossians 1:10-23. (audio)
  2. Who wrote this letter? (answer: Paul is writing it, and Timothy is with him)
  3. Who was it written to?   (answer: the Christians in Colossae)
  4. What country is Colossae in?  (answer)
  5. Find the country on these maps.
  6. Was Jesus created?  (hint: verse 17)  (answer: No, he was before anything was created.)
  7. What did Jesus create? (hint: verse 16)  (answer: everything)
  8. What kingdom did Jesus save us from?  (hint: verse 13)  (answer: the kingdom of darkness)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Colossians 1:1-23. (audio)
  2. Who wrote this letter? (answer: Paul is writing it and Timothy is with him)
  3. Who was it written to?   (answer: the Christians in Colossae)
  4. What country is Colossae in?  (answer)
  5. Find the country on these maps.
  6. Was Jesus created?  (hint: verse 17)  (answer: No, he was before anything was created.)
  7. What did Jesus create? (hint: verse 16)  (answer: everything)
  8. What kingdom did Jesus save us from?  (hint: verse 13)  (answer: the kingdom of darkness)
  9. What part of Paul’s prayer in verses 9-11 would you like to pray for yourself?

Lesson 120

Level 1-4

  1. Read Colossians 2:6-14. (audio)
  2. Here’s a picture of Colossians 2:14.
  3. Verse 8 is not talking about being careful to not be kidnapped. What does verse 8 warn about?  (answer: false teachings, You may hear someone tell you about something that sounds right, but you can’t just believe what you hear. You need to take everything and compare it to what the Bible says. That’s the only way you will know what is true and good.)
  4. The best way to be prepared to stand against false teaching is to follow the advice in the middle of verse 7. What is it? (answer: Know what you believe by learning what you are taught by those who love God and His word.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Colossians 2. A “sensual indulgence” is giving yourself whatever feels good.
  2. Here’s a picture of Colossians 2:14.
  3. In verse 11 what does it say that a nonbeliever is controlled by?  (answer: the flesh, meaning human wants and desires)
  4. Do you have any idea what verses 16 and 20-23 are talking about?  (answer: There are Christians who think we shouldn’t eat pork, like in the Old Testament law, or that you shouldn’t work or play on Sundays. These verses say these kinds of rules  may seem godly, but they lack any value in really developing true self-control. I see this in Islam all of the time. No one would ever eat pork, but there are many who lie, steal, commit adultery and even murder. Their “self-control” in not eating pork or in participating in the annual fast, does nothing to change their character and help them deny themselves the rest of the time.)
  5. Verses 18 and 19 talk about someone who says they have had an experience with angels and acts super spiritual, but really they have lost their connection with the head. Who’s the head?  (answer: Christ)
  6. Whenever you hear a new teaching or a fantastical testimony, make sure you compare it with what the Bible shows us to see if it is really from God.
  7. I do believe in angels and people seeing angels, but there are people who tell crazy stories that usually build up themselves. I’ll tell you one of our angel stories. My daughter was two when we first went overseas to work with the Roma people (better known as the Gypsies). Our first year we didn’t live in their village, Shutka, and took the bus to go visit. One day my daughter said, “Why do those two men always get on the bus to come to Shutka with us?” There was no one else at the bus stop that we could see.

Lesson 121

Level 1-4

  1. Read Colossians 3:12-25. (audio)
  2. Verse 12 says to be merciful, kind, gentle, and patient. What are some things you can do today to show any of those qualities?
  3. If someone said, “I come in the name of the Queen of England,” what would that mean? It would mean that the person was a representative of the queen.
  4. Verse 17 says that whatever you do, you should do it in the name of Jesus, as His representative. What does that mean?

Level 5-8

  1. Read Colossians 3.
  2. This chapter repeats a lot of themes that we’ve already seen. Name at least five. 

Lesson 122

Level 1-4

  1. Read Colossians 4. (audio)
  2. Paul mentions his “chains.” He is still in prison. One way God used his arrest was to give him the time to write these letters, which are still being used by God today.
  3. Verses 5 and 6 speak of making the best of opportunities to speak with grace in answering non-Christians. What would you say to someone who was trying to get you to do something you know is wrong? Remember, make the most of the opportunity. Don’t just say no. Tell them why. Share the gospel.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Colossians 4.
  2. Paul mentions his “chains.” He is still in prison. One way God used his arrest was to give him the time to write these letters, which are still being used by God today.
  3. Verses 5 and 6 speak of making the best of opportunities to speak with grace in answering non-Christians. What would you say to someone who was trying to get you to do something you know is wrong? Remember, make the most of the opportunity. Don’t just say no. Tell them why. Share the gospel.

Lesson 123

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Thessalonians 1. (audio)
  2. Who wrote this letter?  (answer: Paul, along with Timothy and Silas)
  3. Who was it written to?  (answer: the Christians in Thessalonica)
  4. What’s great about the Thessalonian believers?  (answer: They were joyful even though they were suffering for the gospel. They were full of faith. The turned away from worshiping idols.)
  5. Where is Thessalonica? Find it on the map.  (answer: Greece)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Thessalonians 1.
  2. Who wrote this letter?  (answer: Paul, along with Timothy and Silas)
  3. Who was it written to?  (answer: the Christians in Thessalonica)
  4. What’s great about the Thessalonian believers?  (answer: They were joyful even though they were suffering for the gospel. They were full of faith. The turned away from worshiping idols.)
  5. Where is Thessalonica? Find it on the map.  (answer: Greece)

Lesson 124

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Thessalonians 2:9-16. (audio)
  2. How did Paul and his companions behave while in Thessalonica?  (answer: They were holy and godly and treated the people like their own children.)
  3. Why did they leave?  (answer: They were forced to leave by Jews who were upset that they were preaching the gospel and speaking to non-Jews.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Thessalonians 2.
  2. How did Paul and his companions behave while in  Thessalonica?  (answer: They worked day and night. They earned their own money so as to not burden anyone. They were holy and without blame. They comforted and encouraged the believers.)
  3. Who is causing suffering among the believers?  (answer: the Jews)

Lesson 125

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Thessalonians 3. (audio)
  2. Why did Paul send Timothy to Thessalonica?  (answer: to see how the Christians there were doing, to see if they had remained in the faith when tempted and tried)
  3. What message did Timothy bring back to Paul?  (answer: that they were standing firm in faith)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Thessalonians 3.
  2. Why did Paul send Timothy to Thessalonica?  (answer: to see how the Christians there were doing, to see if they had remained in the faith when tempted and tried)
  3. What message did Timothy bring back to Paul?  (answer: that they were standing firm in faith)

Lesson 126

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Thessalonians 4. (audio)
  2. What do verses 11 and 12 teach?  (answer: You should work so that others don’t have to provide for you.)
  3. What order is taught about when Christ returns?  (answer: Jesus will come down; those who were believers and had died would rise from the dead first; then those who are believers and are alive will join Jesus in the air. )
  4. Why is this good news?  (answer: We don’t have to be sad because we will see again those believers who have died.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Thessalonians 4.
  2. What do verses 11 and 12 teach?  (answer: You should work so that others don’t have to provide for you.)
  3. What order is taught about when Christ returns?  (answer: Jesus will come down; those who were believers and had died would rise from the dead first; then those who are believers and are alive will join Jesus in the air. )
  4. Why is this good news?  (answer: We don’t have to be sad because we will see again those believers who have died.)

Lesson 127

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28. (audio)
  2. Paul gives lots of directions in this last part of the chapter. What is one thing that you aren’t doing that you should be doing? (Not the kissing one! In that part of the world the men still greet each other with kisses on the cheek and the women do likewise with each other.)
  3. Tell someone which one you chose and practice doing that one thing today. Ask that person to check and make sure you are doing it.

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Thessalonians 5.
  2. The “day of the Lord” is when God’s wrath will be poured out on the earth.
  3. We are saved from the wrath of God by the blood of Jesus, our faith in Him and the power of the Holy Spirit to give us life in Christ.
  4. How should we be living so that we are not surprised like someone who has a thief sneak into their house at night? (hint: verse 8)  (answer: We need to have faith, love and the hope of salvation.)
  5. Paul gives lots of directions in this last part of the chapter. What is one thing that you aren’t doing that you should be doing? (Not the kissing one! In that part of the world the men still greet each other with kisses on the cheek and the women do likewise with each other.)
  6. Tell someone which one you chose and practice doing that one thing today. Ask that person to check and make sure you are doing it.  It’s called holding you accountable.

Lesson 128

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Thessalonians 1. (audio)
  2. How does God show that He is just, “fair”?  (answer: He will give trouble to those who trouble us and will comfort and help those who are troubled. Those obedient to Christ will receive glory, and those who are disobedient to Christ will be “destroyed forever.”)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Thessalonians 1.
  2. How does God show that He is just?  (answer: He will give trouble to those who trouble us and will comfort and help those who are troubled. Those obedient to Christ will receive glory, and those who are disobedient to Christ will be “destroyed forever.”)

Lesson 129

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. (audio)
  2. This passage is about being tricked by sin and those who work evil. How can we avoid getting tricked?  (hint: verses 5 and 12)  (answer: We need to love the Truth and seek the truth in God’s word. We need to learn what the Bible teaches and remember to compare it to whatever new thing comes our way.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Thessalonians 2.
  2. What is one way that the “man of lawlessness” will trick people into following him instead of the true God?  (hint: verse 9)  (answer: He will do supernatural, miraculous things. Remember, not all things supernatural are from God. Demons are supernatural beings.)
  3. How can you keep from being deceived?  (hint: verse 15)  (answer: Know God’s word and compare everything to it in order to find out what is true. God’s word is truth and will always be true.)

Lesson 130

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18. (audio)
  2. What type of person are you supposed to avoid?  (answer: Someone who doesn’t want to work. Someone who wants to receive without ever giving.)
  3. Why should you avoid them?  (answer: to help them feel ashamed and repent)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Thessalonians 3.
  2. What’s the lesson of this chapter?  (answer: Stay away from those who don’t want to work. Avoid moochers and extortionists. They are people who are only in relationships in order to get what they can from you. They don’t want to give.)
  3. How do they know Paul wrote it?  (answer: He said so, and it is in his handwriting.)

Lesson 131

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Timothy 1:12-19. (audio)
  2. Who is writing this letter and who is he writing to?  (answer: Paul is writing to Timothy.)
  3. How is Paul an example?  (hint: verse 16)  (answer: He was the “worst” sinner, persecuting Christians, but his life shows that God’s mercy is big enough to forgive anyone who comes to believe in Him.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Timothy 1.
  2. Verse 7 says that there can be Bible teachers who teach very confidently, but actually … what? (answer: They don’t know what they are talking about.)
  3. Remember, someone can sound knowledgeable and impressive, but if what they say isn’t what’s taught in the Bible, then they are just puffing smoke to mask their false doctrines.
  4. Paul is a great example of how Christ came to save whom?  (answer: sinners)
  5. That doesn’t mean God wants us to sin more so that He can save us more. We sinned plenty before we came to know him. The end of the chapter talks about two people who had come to faith but then returned to sinful ways. It’s not okay. Paul wants to see them taught a lesson.

Lesson 132

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Timothy 2. (audio)
  2. According to verse 2, whom should you be praying for?  (answer: your president and your other national and state leaders)
  3. What does verse 9 mean for girls?  (answer: They shouldn’t dress to show off their bodies. They should dress practically and never with the intent of drawing attention.)
  4. What do verses 9 and 10 mean for boys?  (answer: A girl who is dressing to draw your attention to her body is tempting you to think about her body. She’s not following biblical principles and is trying to hurt your walk with God by tempting you, even if she’s doing it unconsciously. Your attention should go to girls who give themselves to good works.)
  5. Why is a girl who dresses modestly and gives herself to good works the type of girl someone would want to marry?  (answer: A girl who is dressing to draw attention to herself is focused on herself. A girl who is always doing good things for others is focused on others and is not selfish. Would you rather live with someone who cares more about you or herself?)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Timothy 2.
  2. According to verse 2, whom should you be praying for?  (answer: your president and your other national and state leaders)
  3. What does verse 9 mean for girls?  (answer: They shouldn’t dress to show off their bodies. They should dress practically and never with the intent of drawing attention.)
  4. What do verses 9 and 10 mean for boys?  (answer: A girl who is dressing to draw your attention to her body is tempting you to think about her body. She’s not following biblical principles and is trying to hurt your walk with God by tempting you, even if she’s doing it unconsciously. Your attention should go to girls who give themselves to good works.)
  5. Why is a girl who dresses modestly and gives herself to good works the type of girl someone would want to marry?  (answer: A girl who is dressing to draw attention to herself is focused on herself. A girl who is always doing good things for others is focused on others and is not selfish. Would you rather live with someone who cares more about you or herself?)

Lesson 133

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Timothy 3. (audio)
  2. How should leaders in the family of God act?  (answer: all of the ways listed in the chapter–They can’t cheat, be greedy, or get drunk. They must be faithful to their families and manage their homes well.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Timothy 3.
  2. How should leaders in the family of God act?  (answer: all of the ways listed in the chapter–They can’t cheat, be greedy, or get drunk. They must be faithful to their families and manage their homes well.)

Lesson 134

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Timothy 4. (audio)
  2. Again this talks about people acting godly, but they aren’t really. They forbid people getting married. They make rules about what you can and cannot eat, but what does verse 2 call them?  (answer: liars and pretenders)
  3. What has value to help you in your life and for eternity?  (hint: verse 8)  (answer: godliness, living the way God intended)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Timothy 4.
  2. Again this talks about people acting godly, but they aren’t really. They forbid people getting married. They make rules about what you can and cannot eat, but what does verse 2 call them?  (answer: hypocritical liars)
  3. What has value to help you in your life and for eternity?  (hint: verse 8)  (answer: godliness, living the way God intended)

Lesson 135

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Timothy 5:1-10. (audio)
  2. Who should take care of widows?  (answer: any family that they have)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Timothy 5.
  2. Explain what this chapter teaches about.

Lesson 136

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Timothy 6:1-10. (audio)
  2. Does it surprise you that it talks about believers having slaves? How should believing slave owners feel about their slaves? (hint: verse 2)  (answer: They love them. In a different version it says, “They are devoted to the welfare of their slaves.”)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Timothy 6.
  2. What does this chapter teach about slavery? (answer: Slaves are to be respectful and believing owners should love and care for their slaves.)
  3. The first sentence of verse 10 is a very famous saying. What kind of evil can you think of that would have its root in money?

Lesson 137 

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Timothy 1. (audio)
  2. Paul is going to be dying soon. Who is he writing to?  (answer: Timothy)
  3. What are his present circumstances?  (answer: He is in prison.)
  4. Who taught Timothy the Word of God?  (answer: his mother and grandmother)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Timothy 1.
  2. Paul is going to be dying soon. Who is he writing to?  (answer: Timothy)
  3. What are his present circumstances?  (answer: he is in prison)
  4. What is Paul’s relationship with most of the believers?  (answer: They aren’t supporting him. They have distanced themselves from him. That doesn’t mean they left the faith completely, but they aren’t coming to Paul and “sharing in his sufferings.”)

Lesson 138

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Timothy 2:1-13. (audio)
  2. Verses 4 through 6 are talking about Christians. What do you think they are saying?
  3. I want you to remember verse 13. God is God and always will be. His character never changes. He will always be faithful.
  4. Song…Great Is Thy Faithfulness. Make sure you have permission. This is on YouTube.

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Timothy 2:1-13. (audio)
  2. Verses 4 through 6 are talking about Christians. What do you think they are saying?
  3. Verse 4 is what the famous missionary and martyr Jim Elliot wrote to Elizabeth in her yearbook (before they were married). He stayed away from girls to serve the Lord, but He eventually brought them together.
  4. I want you to remember verse 13. God is God and always will be. His character never changes. He will always be faithful.
  5. Song…Great Is Thy Faithfulness. Make sure you have permission. This is on YouTube.

Lesson 139 

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Timothy 2:14-26. (audio)
  2. What type of person should you avoid?  (answer: someone who always wants to argue, even if they say they are a believer, and those who talk about things that displease God–you don’t want to be part of their conversation)
  3. How can you be someone who pleases God?  (answer: Keep a pure heart by turning away from evil.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Timothy 2:14-26. (audio)
  2. What type of person should you avoid?  (answer: someone who always wants to argue, even if they say they are a believer, and those who talk about things that displease God–you don’t want to be part of their conversation)
  3. How can you be someone who pleases God?  (answer: Keep a pure heart by turning away from evil.)

Lesson 140

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Timothy 3:10-17. (audio)
  2. Paul mentions some of the troubles that he had faced, but he says the Lord did what?  (answer: saved him out of all of his troubles)
  3. What does he say will happen to you if you live a godly life?  (answer: There will be times when you are treated badly.)
  4. What is the Bible useful for?  (hint: verses 16 and 17)  (answer: teaching us, correcting us, showing us what is right, preparing us to do good works)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Timothy 3.
  2. The first verses describe people who are not desiring to live like Jesus, but it says that they have a “form of godliness.” These are people who might go to church (or even be leaders) but their lives are full of sin, greed, lust, and more. How should you treat such people?  (answer: Have nothing to do with them.)
  3. One of the descriptions is that they are disobedient to their parents. If there are kids who you know are disobeying their parents and encouraging you to join them, stay away. The Bible is giving you wisdom to avoid the pit they are headed toward.
  4. Paul mentions some of the troubles that he had faced, but he says the Lord did what?  (answer: rescued him out of all of his troubles)
  5. What does he say will happen to you if you live a godly life?  (answer: There will be times when you will be persecuted.)
  6. What is the Bible useful for?  (hint: verses 16 and 17)  (answer: teaching us, correcting us, showing us what is right, preparing us to do good works)

Lesson 141

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Timothy 4:1-8. (audio)
  2. Paul knows that he is going to die soon. What things does he say about it in verses 6-8?
  3. Who is someone you can “cheer up with words of hope?” Do it!

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Timothy 4.
  2. There are many preachers in churches, on TV, or writing books, who aren’t preaching what the Bible says. Why do people listen to them? Why are they popular?  (hint : verse 3)  (answer: They are saying what people want to hear. The messages make people feel good, not convicted.)
  3. What is Paul talking about in verses 6-8?  (answer: He is going to die soon.) 

Lesson 142

Level 1-4

  1. Read Titus 1:1-9. (audio)
  2. Who is writing this letter? To whom is he writing?  (answer: Paul is writing to Titus)
  3. When Paul calls him “my true son in the faith,” it doesn’t mean he is really his son. It means that Paul is the one who has taught him about Christ.
  4. Find the island of Crete. Where is it? What country is it part of?  (answer: It is a Greek island, south of the mainland.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Titus 1.
  2. Who is writing this letter? To whom is he writing?  (answer: Paul is writing to Titus)
    1. Find the island of Crete. Where is it? What country is it part of? (answer: It is a Greek island, south of the mainland.)
  3. Would you make a good leader? Are you “one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined?”

Lesson 143

Level 1-4

  1. Read Titus 2. (audio)
  2. “Then those who oppose you will be ashamed. That’s because they will have nothing bad to say about us.” Do you live so that others will have nothing bad to say about you?  That doesn’t mean doing what other people want you to do. They may disagree with you on things, but they can see that you always try to do the right thing.
  3. What does verse 14 say God wants for us?  (answer: to be pure, to be His, to long to do what is good)
  4. What does it mean to long for something?  (answer: to desire it, to really, really want it)
  5. Do you long for what is good, to be good, to do good? Jesus talks about hungering and thirsting for righteousness. It’s the same idea.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Titus 2.
  2. “Then those who oppose you will be ashamed. That’s because they will have nothing bad to say about us.” Do you live so that others will have nothing bad to say about you?  That doesn’t mean doing what other people want you to do. They may disagree with you on things, but they can see that you always try to do the right thing.
  3. People are watching you. People who see you regularly, even if they have never spoken to you, are forming opinions about you. When I was in college, I found out that I had a reputation as the one who smiles all of the time. I had someone come to me and ask about joining the Bible study group on campus. I asked her how she knew to ask me. She said she asked around and heard that the girl who smiles all the time was in charge of it. She knew who they were talking about. Are you the joyful one? the one who complains? the one who fights? the one who helps? the one who shares? the one who is greedy? the one who is selfish? the one who is kind? What is your reputation?
  4. What does verse 14 say God wants for us?  (answer: to be pure, to be His, to long to do what is good)
  5. What does it mean to long for something?  (answer: to desire it, to really, really want it)
  6. Do you long for what is good, to be good, to do good? Jesus talks about hungering and thirsting for righteousness. It’s the same idea.

Lesson 144

Level 1-4

  1. Read Titus 3. (audio)
  2. What is verse 10 talking about?  (answer: Stay away from people who try and break up Christians into factions, groups that don’t get along. The Church is not supposed to be segregated into groups. We are supposed to be the One body of Christ.)
  3. Why did God save us?  (answer: not because of our good works but because of His mercy)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Titus 3.
  2. What is verse 10 talking about?  (answer: Stay away from people who try and break up Christians into factions, groups that don’t get along. The Church is not supposed to be segregated into groups. We are supposed to be the One body of Christ.)
  3. Why did God save us?  (answer: not because of our good works but because of His mercy)

Lesson 145

Level 1-4

  1. Read the whole book of Philemon. (audio)
  2. Who is Onesimus, and what does Paul want Philemon to do?  (answer: Onesimus is Philemon’s slave, and Paul wants him to be freed.)

Level 5-8

    1. Read the whole book of Philemon.
    2. Who is Onesimus, and what does Paul want Philemon to do?  (answer: Onesimus is Philemon’s slave, and Paul wants him to be freed.)

Lesson 146

Level 1-4

  1. Read Hebrews 1. (audio)
  2. Who is this chapter talking about?  (answer: Jesus)
  3. What type of being are angels?  (answer: spirits, verse 14)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Hebrews 1.
  2. Who is this chapter talking about?  (answer: Jesus)
  3. What type of being are angels?  (answer: spirits, verse 14, They are not heavenly winged beings. Those are the cherubim and seraphim.)

Lesson 147

Level 1-4

  1. Read Hebrews 2. (audio)
  2. What power did Jesus save us from by His death?  (answer: the power of death)
  3. Why is Jesus able to help us when we are tempted?  (answer: because He suffered too when He was tempted)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Hebrews 2.
  2. What power did Jesus save us from by His death?  (answer: the power of death)
  3. Why is Jesus able to help us when we are tempted?  (answer: because He suffered too when He was tempted)

Lesson 148

Level 1-4

  1. Read Hebrews 3:7-19 (audio). This is written to the Israelites. Do you remember how they didn’t trust God to deliver them from the Philistines? Instead of taking the land God promised them, they were forced to wander in the desert and die there. 
  2. We can “enter into rest” by believing in God’s salvation through faith. We don’t have to work (the opposite of rest) to get saved. He saves us by faith so that He gets the praise, not us, and then He fills us with the power to become more and more like Jesus.
  3. In verse 13 it warns not to be tricked by sin. Can you think of any of “sin’s tricks?”  (answer: anything that makes you think it’s not really wrong, or that it would be okay to do “this one time”)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Hebrews 3. This is written to the Israelites. Do you remember how they didn’t trust God to deliver them from the Philistines? Instead of taking the land God promised them, they were forced to wander in the desert and die there.
  2. We can “enter into rest” by believing in God’s salvation through faith. We don’t have to work (the opposite of rest) to get saved. He saves us by faith so that He gets the praise, not us, and then He fills us with the power to become more and more like Jesus.
  3. In verse 13 it warns not to be tricked by sin. Can you think of how sin can deceive?  (answer: anything that makes you think it’s not really wrong, or that it would be okay to do “this one time”)
  4. If you are deceived by sin, what happens to your heart?  (hint: verse 13) (answer: It is hardened. If your heart is hard, then it isn’t pliable, and can’t be formed into the image of Christ.)

Lesson 149

Level 1-4

  1. Read Hebrews 4:12-16. (audio)
  2. Who is our high priest?  (answer: Jesus)
  3. When we need help, verse 16 says we should go to the throne of grace. What does that mean?  (answer: Pray to God.)
  4. What does it mean that God will hold us accountable for everything we do?  (answer: He will require we do what is right and take action if we aren’t doing the right thing, to help us make the right choice.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Hebrews 4.
  2. Who is our high priest?  (answer: Jesus)
  3. When we need help, verse 16 says we should go to the throne of grace. What does that mean?  (answer: Pray to God.)
  4. What does it mean that God will hold us accountable for everything we do?  (answer: He will require we do what is right and take action if we aren’t doing the right thing, to help us make the right choice.)

Lesson 150

Level 1-4

  1. Read Hebrews 5:8-14. (audio)
  2. Who does God save according to verse 9?  (answer: Those who obey Him. But remember, He is the one who gives us the power to obey.)
  3. Are you a baby or have you grown up to eat “solid food?” If you are not a baby, then you know good from evil. Do you know what the Bible teaches about what is right and wrong?

Level 5-8

  1. Read Hebrews 5.
  2. Who does God save according to verse 9?  (answer: Those who obey Him. But remember, He is the one who gives us the power to obey.)
  3. Are you a baby or have you grown up to eat “solid food?” If you are not a baby, then you know good from evil. Do you know what the Bible teaches about what is right and wrong?

Lesson 151

Level 1-4

  1. Read Hebrews 6:10-19. (audio)
  2. What is it impossible for God to do?  (answer: lie)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Hebrews 6.
  2. Do you think you understand the six “elementary teachings?” What are they? Can you explain what the Bible teaches about each one?
  3. What is it impossible for God to do?  (answer: lie)

Lesson 152

Level 1-4

  1. Read Hebrews 7:22-28. (audio)
  2. How is Jesus different from the high priests of the Old Testament?  (answer: He didn’t have to continually offer sacrifices for people to be forgiven. Those priests had to make sacrifices for their own sins. Jesus didn’t have sin, so He was able to sacrifice once and for all by giving Himself as a sacrifice. There was never again a need for a sacrifice for sins to be forgiven.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Hebrews 7:20-28. (audio)
  2. How is Jesus different from the high priests of the Old Testament?  (answer: He didn’t have to continually offer sacrifices for people to be forgiven. Those priests had to make sacrifices for their own sins. Jesus didn’t have sin, so He was able to sacrifice once and for all by giving Himself as a sacrifice. There was never again a need for a sacrifice for sins to be forgiven.)

Lesson 153

Level 1-4

  1. Read Hebrews 8:6-13 (audio). This about the Old Testament vs. the New Testament.
  2. Why did we need a New Testament, a new covenant? (answer: The new covenant was based on better promises. The Israelites were not faithful to the old covenant.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Hebrews 8. This about the Old Testament vs. the New Testament.
  2. Why did we need a New Testament, a new covenant? (answer: The new covenant was based on better promises. The old covenant was just a shadow of things to come. The Israelites were not faithful to the old covenant.)

Lesson 154

Level 1-4

  1. Read Hebrews 9:14-27. (audio)
  2. What do verses 25 and 26 teach?  (answer: The high priests needed to continually offer sacrifices, but Jesus’ sacrifice only had to happen once for all people for all time.)
  3. What did He come to do away with according to verse 26?  (answer: sin)
  4. When we become Christians, we don’t instantly become perfect people. We are forgiven our past sins and made clean and holy. We receive the righteousness of Christ. Then we “work out” our salvation and reach to “take hold” of what we already have. We get transformed, day by day, into the image of Christ if we follow Him. Read your Bible and determine that you are going to obey everything Christ commands. Then ask Him to help you do it.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Hebrews 9.
  2. What is this chapter talking about?  (answer: This is talking again about the old and the new. The old pointed to the new. Christ sacrifice was once and for all.)
  3. What did He come to do away with according to verse 26?  (answer: sin)
  4. When we become Christians, we don’t instantly become perfect people. We are forgiven our past sins and made clean and holy. We receive the righteousness of Christ. Then we “work out” our salvation and reach to “take hold” of what we already have. We get transformed, day by day, into the image of Christ if we follow Him. Read your Bible and determine that you are going to obey everything Christ commands. Then ask Him to help you do it.

Lesson 155

Level 1-4

  1. Read Hebrews 10:19-39. (audio)
  2. What does it mean to persevere as a Christian?  (answer: to not give up faith in Christ, to not stop doing the right thing, to not act in fear )
  3. Do you think you would respond joyfully if your home and everything you owned was taken from you because you were a Christian?

Level 5-8

  1. Read Hebrews 10:19-39. (audio)
  2. What does it mean to persevere as a Christian?  (answer: to not give up faith in Christ, to not stop doing the right thing, to not act in fear )
  3. Do you think you would respond joyfully if your home and everything you owned was taken from you because you were a Christian?

Lesson 156

Level 1-4

  1. Read Hebrews 11. (audio)
  2. What hero of faith from Hebrews 11 do you admire the most and why?

Level 5-8

  1. Read Hebrews 11.
  2. What hero of faith from Hebrews 11 do you admire the most and why?

Lesson 157

Level 1-4

  1. Read Hebrews 12:1-15. (audio)
  2. God knows that we will still mess up and sin. What is one way that He helps us turn from sin to become more like Jesus? (answer: He disciplines us.)
  3. How should we feel about God’s discipline?  (answer: It is unpleasant and can be painful, but we should be thankful that it produces holiness in us.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Hebrews 12:1-15. (audio)
  2. God knows that we will still mess up and sin. What is one way that He helps us turn from sin to become more like Jesus? (answer: He disciplines us.)
  3. How should we feel about God’s discipline?  (answer: It is unpleasant and can be painful, but we should be thankful that it produces holiness in us.)

Lesson 158

Level 1-4

  1. Read Hebrews 13. (audio)
  2. What’s one reason to welcome strangers and show them hospitality?  (answer: It could be an angel.)
  3. Memorize verse 8. What does it mean for you?  (answer: There is no fear of the truth found in the Bible becoming untrue in the future. God is unchanging, truthful, and faithful. What we know about Him and His love for us and Christ’s sacrifice being enough for us will always be true.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read Hebrews 13.
  2. What’s one reason to welcome strangers and show them hospitality?  (answer: It could be an angel.)
  3. Memorize verse 8. What does it mean for you?  (answer: There is no fear of the truth found in the Bible becoming untrue in the future. God is unchanging, truthful, and faithful. What we know about Him and His love for us and Christ’s sacrifice being enough for us will always be true.)

Lesson 159

Level 1-4

  1. Read James 1:19-27. (audio)
  2. Who wrote this letter?  (answer: James)
  3. What is “pure” religion? (answer: to care for widows and orphans and to not live like those who don’t know Jesus)

Level 5-8

  1. Read James 1.
  2. Why should we be joyful when we encounter trials?  (answer: because trials teach us to persevere in faith)
  3. What does verse 19 teach? Are you good at that or is that one you need to remember and put into practice?
  4. Want a memory verse song? Get God’s word stuck in your head!

Lesson 160

Level 1-4

  1. Read James 2:1-9. (audio)
  2. What sin were the believers committing?  (answer: They were treating others unequally. They were treating rich people special and treating poor people, well, poorly.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read James 2.
  2. What sin were the believers committing?  (answer: They were treating others unequally. They were treating rich people special and treating poor people, well, poorly.)
  3. If you aren’t obeying Scripture and not loving others, what does that show about your faith?  (answer: It is dead.)
  4. Do you remember? Galatians 2:20

Lesson 161

Level 1-4

  1. Read James 3:1-12. (audio)
  2. What is the hardest thing to control?  (answer: what you say)
  3. When do your words get you into trouble?

Level 5-8

  1. Read James 3.
  2. Who is the perfect person?  (answer: someone who has control over what he says)
  3. When do your words get you into trouble?

Lesson 162

Level 1-4

  1. Read James 4:1-12. (audio)
  2. If you want God to come near to you, what should you do?  (answer: Come near to God. How do you think you can do that?)
  3. What is one reason you may not get what you asked God for?  (answer: You asked for the wrong reason.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read James 4.
  2. If you want God to come near to you, what should you do?  (answer: Come near to God. How do you think you can do that?)
  3. What is one reason you may not get what you asked God for?  (answer: You asked for the wrong reason.)

Lesson 163

Level 1-4

  1. Read James 5:7-20. (audio)
  2. What was James saying about Elijah?  (answer: He was a normal man, but his prayers were powerful and effective. “The prayers of a righteous man were powerful and effective.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read James 5:7-20.
  2. What point was James trying to make about Elijah?  (answer: He was a normal man, but his prayers were powerful and effective. “The prayers of a righteous man were powerful and effective.)
  3. What is another lesson in this chapter?

Lesson 164

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Peter 1:13-25. (audio)
  2. Why are we to be holy?  (answer: because God is holy)
  3. What stands forever?  (answer: God’s word)
  4. What does that mean?  (answer: The Bible will always be true and always be important and always be used by God’s people.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Peter 1.
  2. According to this chapter, what are two things that are never going to fade away?  (answer: God’s word and our inheritance–our reward in heaven)

Lesson 165

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Peter 2:13-25. (audio)
  2. Who are we supposed to honor and obey?  (answer: our authorities such as our governors and our president)
  3. How did Jesus respond when He was made fun of?  (answer: He didn’t answer them and trusted God to deal with them.)
  4. Do you remember the one time it’s okay to disobey your leaders?  (answer: when they ask you to disobey God)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Peter 2.
  2. How can you silence the talk of foolish people?  (answer: Don’t answer back. Show them by doing good. Just keep doing the right thing and let God handle the foolish people.)

Lesson 166

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Peter 3:1-7. (audio)
  2. What kind of beauty never goes away?  (answer: a gentle and quiet spirit)
  3. What happens if a husband doesn’t treat his wife with honor and respect?  (answer: His prayers won’t be heard.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Peter 3:1-7. (audio)
  2. What should women do and shouldn’t women do in order to show others their beauty?  (answer: They aren’t to adorn themselves to make themselves “beautiful.” That’s not how you want to attract attention. Women shouldn’t want to attract men’s attention to their bodies. They should make themselves beautiful by having a beautiful, gentle spirit.)
  3. What happens if a husband doesn’t treat his wife with respect?  (answer: his prayers are hindered)

Lesson 167 

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Peter 3:8-18. (audio)
  2. How should you pay back someone who does something wrong to you?  (answer: with kindness)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Peter 3:8-22. (audio)
  2. How should you answer those who insult you or threaten you?  (answer: with blessing, gentleness and respect)

Lesson 168

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Peter 4:12-19. (audio)
  2. What hard thing does it ask you to do? (answer: Be joyful when suffering if you are suffering for Christ.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Peter 4.
  2. I’m going to send you to another page to read this story about rejoicing in suffering. It’s part of a devotional.
  3. The younger kids didn’t read this story. If you have younger siblings, tell them the pastor’s story.

Lesson 169

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 Peter 5. (audio)
  2. What do you think is the most important lesson from this chapter?

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 Peter 5.
  2. What do you think is the most important lesson from this chapter?

Lesson 170

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Peter 1:1-11. (audio)
  2. Which qualities from verses 5, 6 and 7 do you think you have? Which do you think are your strongest qualities? Which do you think are your weakest qualities? Ask God to help you improve in those areas and become more like Jesus.

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Peter 1.
  2. Which qualities from verses 5, 6 and 7 do you think you have? Which do you think are your strongest qualities? Which do you think are your weakest qualities? Ask God to help you improve in those areas and become more like Jesus.

Lesson 171

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Peter 2:1-10. (audio)
  2. What is shown by the stories of Noah and Lot?  (hint: verse 9)  (answer: Noah and Lot were both there with everyone who was destroyed. God can rescue His people. He won’t judge and destroy them along with the godless.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Peter 2:1-10. (audio)
  2. What is shown by the stories of Noah and Lot?  (hint: verse 9)  (answer: Noah and Lot were both there with everyone who was destroyed. God can rescue His people. He won’t judge and destroy them along with the godless.)

Lesson 172

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 Peter 3. (audio)
  2. Why had God been “slow” to have Jesus return?  (hint: verse 9)  (answer: When the end comes, the godless will be destroyed. That’s not what God wants. He wants them to be saved.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 Peter 3.
  2. Why had God been “slow” to have Jesus return?  (hint: verse 9)  (answer: When the end comes, the godless will be destroyed. That’s not what God wants. He wants them to be saved.)

Lesson 173

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 John 1. (audio)
  2. Why does John have the authority to write about Jesus?  (answer: He had seen him, heard him, touched him; he had been with Jesus.)
  3. 1 John 1:9 is a good verse to memorize. Read it here. Memorize it here.
  4. Here’s a song based on 1 John, “In the Light.” It’s by a group called DC Talk.

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 John 1.
  2. Why does John have the authority to write about Jesus?  (answer: He had seen him, heard him, touched him; he had been with Jesus.)
  3. Here’s a song based on 1 John, “In the Light.” It’s by a group called DC Talk.
  4. 1 John 1:9 is a good verse to memorize.
  5. Below are your other verses to review.

Lesson 174

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 John 2:1-17. (audio)
  2. Who loves God and belongs to Him?  (answer: They live in the light, not doing hidden wrong things; they love others; they obey God.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 John 2.
  2. You may have heard the term “the Antichrist” referring to what the Scripture calls, “the man of lawlessness.” This chapter says that there are many antichrists. Who is an antichrist?  (answer: someone who denies Jesus is the Christ, God’s Son sent to save us)

Lesson 175

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 John 3:1-10. (audio)
  2. Listen to this song. What verse from this passage of Scripture is sung in this song?  (answer: 1)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 John 3.
  2. What do you think this verse means?  1 John 3:18
  3. Now, read it in context.  1 John 3:16-18
  4. What two examples of loving by action are given?  (answer: Jesus dying for us, giving to a believer in need)
  5. What way can you think of to love someone by action? Choose something you can do and then do it.

Lesson 176

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 John 4:7-21. (audio)
  2. Why can we truly love others?  (hint: verse 19)  (answer: because of God’s love, He loved us. He puts His love in us when we believe.)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 John 4:7-21. (audio)
  2. Why can we truly love others?  (hint: verse 19)  (answer: because of God’s love, He loved us. He puts His love in us when we believe.)

Lesson 177

Level 1-4

  1. Read 1 John 5:6-20.  (audio)
  2. What is one lesson from this passage?

Level 5-8

  1. Read 1 John 5.
  2. What is one lesson from this chapter?

Lesson 178

Level 1-4

  1. Read 2 John 1. (audio)
  2. What blessing is ours if we love the truth?  (hint: verse 4)  (answer: grace, mercy, peace)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 2 John 1.
  2. What is love according to verse 6?  (answer: walking in obedience to Christ’s commands)

Lesson 179

Level 1-4

  1. Read 3 John 1. (audio)
  2. Are you giving your parents joy?  (verses 3 and 4)

Level 5-8

  1. Read 3 John 1.
  2. Are you giving your parents joy?  (verses 3 and 4)

Lesson 180

Level 1-4

  1. Read Jude 1:17-25. (audio)
  2. This is the last book of the Bible before Revelation.
  3. Take the time now to pray, thanking and praising God using the last two verses.

Level 5-8

  1. Read Jude 1.
  2. What’s one lesson you take from this?
  3. Do you remember Cain, Balaam and Korah? Cain was proud and angry. Balaam was greedy. Korah was proud and presumptuous and didn’t respect God’s holiness.

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Memory verses for levels 5-8

Romans 3:23

Romans 8:28

1 Corinthians 10:13

2 Corinthians 4:17-18

2 Corinthians 10:5

2 Corinthians 12:9

Galatians 2:20

Hebrews 13:8