Art — Ancient

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Level 1 – 4 (1st through 4th)

Level 5 – 8 (5th through 8th)

Course Description: Students will study art throughout history from ancient cave paintings through the Renaissance. They will study art of various cultures through history, including Egypt, China, India, Greece, Rome, Japan, and the Vikings. Students will try to imitate artwork while learning about line, color, motion, and perspective.

Materials Lists

Cave Paintings

Week 1

Welcome to your first day of school! I wanted to give you one important reminder before you begin. Many of your lessons below have an internet link for you to click on. When you go to the different internet pages for your lessons, please DO NOT click on anything else on that page except what the directions tell you to. DO NOT click on any advertisements or games. DO NOT click on anything that takes you to a different website. Just stay focused on your lesson and then close that window and you should be right back here for the next lesson. Okay?

  1. If you didn’t get here through My EP Assignments, I suggest you go there and create an account.
    • This is a once-a-week course. It will appear on your My EP lesson page on days ending in 3 and 8.
  2. Take this tour through a cave in France. (Alternate link – If it’s not working right, use this video of the same tour.) Be on the lookout for drawings on the cave walls.
  3. Be on the lookout this week. Find a rock this week that you could paint on. Also, collect a twig or something to use as a brush as well as flowers, berries, mud…to use as paint.
  4. This is the end of your work for this course for your first day. You are allowed to move at your own pace (this is homeschooling), but it’s intended you complete one lesson each week.

Week 2  

  1. Make a “cave painting” on your rock. Use only the natural supplies you found this week. Paint something that someone long ago could have painted. No cars!
Week 3 
  1. Look at and describe in as much detail as you can these three pictures.   Hands      Hunt     Oxen
  2. On paper, create one of these drawings as best you can. See suggestions below.
Egyptian Art

Week 4

  1. Read about and look at Egyptian paintings and carvings.
  2. Draw an Egyptian like in this painting.
Week 5
  1. Read about Egyptian sculptures.
  2. Sculpt. Choose something from ancient Egypt, such as a pyramid, King Tut, Sphinx… You don’t have to use “real” modeling clay. You can you playdough, salt dough, or what I call icing dough (half butter/half flour).
Ancient China
Week 6   
Levels 1-4
(Materials: newspaper or junk mail, screen or I think you could use a cheese cloth)
  1. Make paper. (The Chinese invented paper making. They used the inner bark of a mulberry tree and bamboo fibers.)
  2. You can add in food coloring, or go natural and add pieces of leaves and flowers and color with berries.
Levels 5-8
  1. Try Chinese paper cutting. Watch the video. Follow the directions. To make a square sheet of paper, fold down the top corner of a piece of paper to line up with the far side to make a triangle. Cut off the bottom rectangle that’s exposed. Now you have a square to begin with.
Week 7
Levels 1-4
  1. Scroll through some of the images to see what Mayan art looked like.
  2. Pick one design to try to copy. Just pick one of the little designs within the bigger design. Use lots of colors!
Levels 5-8
  1. Scroll through some of the images to see what Mayan art looked like.
  2. Pick one design to try to copy. Just pick one of the little designs within the bigger design. Use lots of colors!
Week 8   (sculpting again– you might want a cup of salt on hand, and optional: tempra paint)
  1. Make a clay pot like the Mayans.
  2. Here is a salt dough recipe (but you can use playdough or whatever kind of clay you like).
  3. Here is how they make their pots.
  4. Here is a little more direction if you need it.
  5. It’s up to you (and what you have available) if you want to try and paint yours. You have to let it dry for several days first.
Week 9
Levels 1-4
  1. Learn about lines.
  2. Create artwork with different types of lines.
Levels 5-8
  1. Learn about lines.
  2. Create artwork with different types of lines.
  3. Be on the look out for a soft (carve-able) stone.
Indus Valley
Week 10  
Levels 1-4
(Materials: potato, ink pad)
  1. Make a seal like those in the Indus Valley.
  2. Cut a potato in half. Carve markings into the flat side.
  3. Use ink and stamp your potato into it and onto paper.
Levels 5-8
(Materials: stone, Exacto knife, candle, frying pan–parent/older child assistance needed)
  1. Carve markings into your stone.
  2. Drip candle wax and press your carving into it. My thought would be to heat a frying pan and then drip wax into it to keep it warm until you have enough to press.
Greek Art
Week 11
Levels 1-4
  1. Look at Greek pottery. Then make some.
Levels 5-8
  1. Use the links to answer these questions about Greek art.
Week 12
Levels 1-4
  1. Choose a craft.   Medusa  (toilet paper roll)  Pottery (paper plate, paint, pipe cleaners)  Trojan Horse  (paper, card board — like cereal box)
  2. Here’s the story of Medusa if you are choosing her for your craft, you should know the myth (tall tale) told about her.
Levels 5-8
  1. Use the pictures to answer these questions about Greek art.
    • Describe the difference between Egyptian and Greek temples in their appearance.
    • Why do you think the Greeks choose the subjects (i.e. the objects of painting/sculpture) they did for their painting/sculptures?
    • How realistic or abstract are the sculptures of the Greeks? 
    • What do you think the artists are trying to portray about the ancient Greek culture in their sculpture?  (questions from)
Week 13
Levels 1-4
  1. Draw, paint or sculpt the three types of Greek columns.
  2. You should have read about these in your history lesson today.
Levels 5-8
  1. Take a look at this Greek art.
  2. Your history lesson can be the rest of your art lesson today. If you are writing the story, add a picture. If you are acting it out, add a background or costume or prop that you make for your art lesson today.
Week 14
Levels 1-4
  1. Learn about primary and secondary colors. Make sure you watch, find, and create.
Levels 5-8
  1. Learn about warm and cool colors. Make sure you watch, find and create.
Week 15
  1. Look at Roman mosaics. Click on the arrow to look through all of them.
  2. Experiment with making a Roman mosaic online. (Next week we’ll do it with paper. Use the online one to try out your ideas.)
  3. You can use print screen and or print from your browser in order to save it. The link to print and save doesn’t work. You could use print screen to copy it, paste it into a document or something like Paint to save and print.

Week 16

  1. Make a paper mosaic.
  2. Cut out little paper squares. Arrange them on paper in a shape or pattern and glue them down.
  3. Give this to a parent to put in your portfolio. (Or, if you like your online one better, you could print it out.)

Week 17

  1. Look at and read about Roman art.

Week 18

  1. Look at these Roman theater masks. Click on “older” to see more. You can make yours out of paper plates.

Week 19

  1. Look at some early Christian artwork.
  2. Click on the different images.
  3. Remember that really early Christians did not meet in big church buildings. They met and preached in homes or outside. Any fancy old church buildings you see in pictures come from a time when Christianity is no longer being persecuted. There is not really any “Christian” artwork preserved from the time when Christianity was very new and Christians were persecuted. However, scroll down to the very last picture on this page and look at the drawing preserved on the ground and read the paragraph next to it.

Week 20

Levels 1-4

  1. Look at these examples of Viking art. What three distinct types of materials were used in these examples?

Levels 5-8

  1. Look at these examples of Viking art. What three distinct types of materials were used in these examples?
  • one
  • two
  • three  Read just the introduction to Viking art.


Week 21

  1. Look at these paintings. They are still, but they show movement. Where do you see motion in the pictures? Can you see any of the things the artists did to show movement in their paintings?

Week 22

Levels 1-4

  1. Look at these heraldic lions.
  2. These lions were symbols used on shields to represent a family name. Other symbols and colors were used as well.

Levels 5-8

  1. Read about animals in art in the Middle Ages.
  2. View the slideshow.
  3. Find an example in the slideshow of something the article talks about. Show it to someone and explain it to them.

Week 23

Levels 1-4

  1. Look at these stone carvings. Can you tell what they are depicting?
  2. What theme is in this medieval art?  (answer: Christianity, much of medieval art is biblical because the church paid for a lot of it to be made: The first picture is supposed to be Mary and Jesus, the second picture is called the Ascension of Christ)

Levels 5-8

  1. View this slideshow of medieval art.
  2. What materials are used in these?
  3. What theme is present in most of them?  (answer: cross/religion)

Week 24

  1. Writings from the Middle Ages were often done with a flourish! They were called “illuminated manuscripts.” Fancy pictures were added in gold or silver. Beginning letters were written with color and drawings. Take a look at some and then write the first letter of your name in this style. It doesn’t have to be as intricate as some of these. Do your best. Write the letter and then color it, draw around it. Make it your special letter!
  2. You can give this to a parent to add to your portfolio.

Week 25

  1. Remember looking at movement in paintings? Here is a lesson in movement in art. Make sure you watch and find. And here you can create.

Week 26  (Materials: technically, 12 x 18 in. white paper, watercolors, 2 popsicle sticks — but I think you can use regular paper, any kind of drawing material and any kind of stiff material for a stick, you could even fold paper over a bunch of times to make it stiff)

  1. Make a Japanese fan. You don’t have to use watercolor or popsicle sticks. You can use regular size paper and draw a nature scene and use sticks, or cardboard, or whatever idea you have.

Week 27

  1. This is something a little different. Draw your hand in 3D.
  2. Learn to draw 3D shapes.
  3. And, if you are really interested, you can learn more here.

Week 28

Levels 1-4

  1. Look at the artwork of Botticelli. You don’t have to read the page, but you should read the first sentence. When did he live? Where did he live?
  2. Pick two pictures and make as many observations as you can about it.

Levels 5-8

  1. Watch this video about art in the Renaissance.
  2. The video repeatedly brings up how the Renaissance was possible because of a break from the church. What was the church in the Dark Ages? What did Christianity look like in the Dark Ages? Nothing like what Christianity looked like in the Bible! Popes became like kings and collected taxes to build themselves magnificent buildings. It was in many ways the opposite of true Christianity. If people had always followed Christ as the Bible teaches, the world would have been full of new truth, new and beautiful music and art, and true philosophical thought that would better mankind.

Week 29

Levels 1-4

  1. Read about Raphael.
  2. Examine the first painting carefully. Make as many observations as you can. Point out all of the details in the painting. What do you see when you look at color? line? shadows?

Levels 5-8

  1. Read about Raphael and examine his artwork.
  2. Read about Botticelli and look carefully at his artwork.
  3. Choose one painting from each and write about each, pointing out the observations you have made about it.

Week 30

Levels 1-4

  1. Do this lesson on perspective. Leonardo da Vinci and other Renaissance artists learned how to use perspective to make their drawings and paintings realistic.

Levels 5-8

  1. Do this drawing lesson on perspective. Leonardo da Vinci and other Renaissance artists learned how to use perspective to make their drawings and paintings realistic. You can skip steps 4 and 5.

Week 31

Levels 1-4

  1. Do this optical illusion with perspective. Stop after the “three men” illusion.
  2. Draw the road as described. You can cut out two tree shapes from any kind of paper. Can you make the illusion work?

Levels 5-8

  1. Read this page on perspective.
  2. Try at least one of the drawings on the page.

Week 32

Levels 1-4

  1. Choose something to draw. Follow the steps. Don’t give up. Do your best.
    1. Animals
    2. Fruits
    3. Transportation

Levels 5-8

  1. How to draw, lesson 1

Week 33

Levels 1-4

  1. Choose something to draw. Follow the steps. Don’t give up. Do your best.
    1. Animals
    2. Fruits
    3. Transportation

Levels 5-8

  1. How to draw, lesson 2

Week 34

Levels 1-4

  1. Choose something to draw. Follow the steps. Don’t give up. Do your best.
    1. Animals
    2. Fruits
    3. Transportation

Levels 5-8

  1. How to draw, lesson 3

Week 35

Levels 1-4

  1. Choose something to draw. Follow the steps. Don’t give up. Do your best.
    1. Animals
    2. Fruits
    3. Transportation

Levels 5-8

  1. Practice with line and shape.

Week 36

Levels 1-4

  1. Choose something to draw. Follow the steps. Don’t give up. Do your best.
    1. Animals
    2. Fruits
    3. Transportation

Levels 5-8

    1. Practice with shape.

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