Complete, All Free Curriculum

What is Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool?                           

Easy Peasy helps enable families to homeschool who thought they couldn’t because of a lack of time, money, or know-how. Others join EP just because it’s easy and fun and they’re confident of the quality of education. We seek to free families from the burden of pursuing the “perfect” and encourages them to let it be “enough.” Each family and each child is different and we want to encourage your family to be who you were created to be.

Find our quick start guide at this link.

In 2011, I (Lee Giles) began putting my children’s assignments online so that they could work independently and so that I had the assignments saved for their younger siblings. I also wrote it from the beginning to be able to be used by other families. EP grade levels and individual courses include 180 days of homeschool lessons and assignments. It covers reading, writing, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, math, history/social studies/geography, science, Spanish, Bible, computer, music, art, PE/health, and logic. It uses only free materials found on the internet.

This site holds preschool, kindergarten, and first through eighth. We have a separate high school site. Choosing a level (on My EP) will set reading, language arts, math, computer and logic, any of which can be switched to a more appropriate level without affecting the others. Choosing a theme enables all of your children to study the same topic at the same time. The themes are based around the history courses of ancient history, early American history, geography and cultures, and modern history. Music and art are part of these themes and science is set to what would typically be studied at the same time.

You choose the courses. Set it and forget it. Then your child just clicks on the assignment box for each course (found on My EP) and does their assignment. It will track what lesson they are on and their days. It does not save any other information. We do not keep any records of your students. It’s just an aid for you.

And yes, it’s all free. You’ll need paper, pencil, etc. and some minor supplies if you choose to do the experiments and art projects, but all of the reading materials, etc. are all free and online. We do offer offline courses for math, reading, and language arts, which you can find in our store. In the store you can also find workbooks of Printables, the worksheets used in the online courses so that you don’t have to print. There is a suggested donation for using My EP if you so choose.

My hope is to enable families to continue homeschooling no matter their life circumstances. A sister site, All-in-One High School, holds the high school courses.

You can read my responses to the questions “Is it enough?” and “How can this be free?”.

You can read more about the curriculum on the About and Overview pages. You can also see if your questions have been answered on the FAQ page.

Note: EP is not an online school. We are a homeschool resource. Your home is the school! You are the administrator. We’re just here to help you on your way.

See what’s new on the site.

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Site Maintenance

Around the 4th of July is typically when we do any bigger changes on the site. In response to the trouble we had with one of our servers a few weeks ago, we are moving our store, placement test, and Brain Blast (vocabulary and spelling activities) to a new server. That will come with some temporary outages hopefully all just over the weekend and you’ll never notice! For some of you, it may take longer for cache things to clear out and let through the new info. If you are having trouble on Monday accessing those things, you could try resetting your router (turn it off and on).

This week there will be a couple of other changes. I’ll be deleting off the site a couple of our old courses that no one should be using. A couple of courses are moving from the main settings page to the “extras” page as they have been replaced and are being phased out. People using those courses have had a note on their course about that. You’ll be able to continue those if you are still using them, but no one should be starting with those courses. They will be labeled OLD.

EP a Financially Smart Move :)

I was contacted by someone working for They were writing an article on Easy Peasy. EP has been mentioned in news articles outside the homeschool universe before, but this is the first time that I know of that an article has been dedicated to EP. I thought it was neat that EP is going out to a new audience. You can do a favor and just click on the link to help boost its searchability to help people find the article.

I had a lovely conversation with my interviewer for the article. I learned he grew up going to Catholic school and was interested in the idea of a cheaper alternative for religious education. Part of the conversation made it into the article, which was written by another man than the one I talked to. It’s a different article than I would have written, but it’s interesting to me what was interesting to them, what was pulled out and included.

Easy Peasy article on

Great Is the Lord and Greatly to Be Praised

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts. Psalm 145:3-4

How are you declaring the works of the Lord to the next generation? Do your children know your testimony? Do they know how the Lord has changed your life? Do they know how the Lord has answered your prayers? Yes, read the Bible stories to your children. Hey, act them out. Draw pictures. Make a puppet show. I’ve been having my kids each tell a Bible story after dinner as way to work on Scripture memory, though we don’t worry about getting it exactly right. They are stories of the works of the Lord, of His mighty acts, of His unsearchable greatness.

But our family also has a miracle wall (pictured above). We’ve posted notes and mementos that mark miracles we’ve experienced and awesome answers to prayers. They range from our daughter’s free art lessons, to healings, to provisions of money, to protection from lice, and even an evaluator to sign our homeschool paperwork! Our kids know how the Lord has helped us along the way. They know the Lord delivered me from all things streaming and how much I love God’s word. They see (or hear) me singing (and maybe a little dancing) and clapping the tambourine most every night. 🙂

Declare the mighty acts of the Lord! Praise God! Let your children know how great our great God is!

Love Your Children

Titus 2:4 These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children.

I turned 47 this year. Three of my children are now adults. Does that mean I can count myself an older woman? Because I want to teach you younger women something. Love your husbands. Love your children.

Here are our definitions of love from 1 Corinthians 13.

Love is patient. What does patience with your child look like on you? (and with your husband if you are married)

Love is kind. What does kindness look like and sound like when you interact with your family?

Love is not jealous. Can you spot any places where jealousy lurks?

Love is not boastful or proud. Love isn’t happy to be proved right.

Love is not rude. (Hint: Instead, it is meek and gentle.)

Love does not demand its own way. Consider the interests of others in the decision.

Love is not irritable. What does that mean when you are talking with your family?

Love keeps no record of wrongs done. Neither your husband nor your children owe you anything. Love is selfless. It’s not about you. Jesus paid your debt on the cross and theirs too. If you want your debt wiped out by the blood of Jesus (and you do), then you need to count everyone else’s debt wiped out as well!

Love never gives up. Where have you been tempted to give up?

Love never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. How can you do that? Give thanks. Praise. Remember your good and perfect God is still and will always be good and perfect. Trust Him and rejoice.

Disciples of Christ

I’m really excited about this new course I’ve added to the All-in-One Homeschool site. I was inspired to create it after subbing as a Sunday school teacher. I asked the kids, “How would someone know you were a Christian?” Two fifth graders piped up, “Because we believe Jesus died on the cross.” That was the consensus. I pointed out the problem with that. There were people watching Jesus die who were mocking Him. They saw Him die. They knew He died on the cross. They didn’t become followers. Knowing wasn’t enough.

If you use our site’s curriculum, you’ll eventually come across a link to what I call my favorite sermon, Ten Shekels and a Shirt. Paris Reidhead talks about how salvation by intellectual assent crept into the church to the point where someone is said to have become a Christian because they can say, “Uh-huh” and nod their head in answer to a few questions.

Salvation isn’t acceptance of the historical record. Salvation isn’t accepting facts about Jesus. Salvation is a supernatural transaction where we are delivered from the kingdom of this world and transferred into the kingdom of God. It’s where our flesh is crucified and buried and we are resurrected as a new creation so that we can say, “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.”

In the course, we will learn some big words like “propitiation,” but this is not a theology course. I don’t want you to know about God. I want you to know God so you can live in the salvation Jesus bought for you.

I would love for anyone who considers themselves to be seeking after God, seeking after life and freedom in Christ to go through the course. I do not teach the doctrines of man. I teach the Bible. All of God’s word is true, not just the verses that support a particular position! The course uses a lot of Scripture, hoping to always point you to God’s word. On the course page you can find the outline of the course to see all the topics covered.

I am aiming at 90 lessons. I have posted the first 60 as I finish off the rest, which will be up in September. I usually say my teachings are for age 11 through adult and that if you want to use it with younger kids, use it as a family.

You can use the course off of, but to track what lesson you are on, you can use a free My EP account. You will find this course in the Bible block on My EP. Click on Next Course to find it just after the high school Bible courses. You can also add it from the Bible block on the Extras page or as a Parent Add-On. Here’s a video on how to do those things.