History Alive

Sorry for not announcing this beforehand, but our History Alive competition is open! You have until February 15th to put together a video. I’m really excited about this. I think it could be a lot of fun.

There are two types of videos you could make. You could do a documentary-like video. For instance, you could use Power Point to make a video presentation. You could also put on a play and video it. It can just be in your living room. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but we need to be able to see and hear you! To do a play alone, you could do a monologue. You could give a speech as a character or be several characters!

This is a history competition. You need to have research and bibliography. The more you can use primary sources, the better. Primary sources are straight from the source: photographs, maps, autobiographies, interviews, letters, speeches, etc. Try to show a point, an impact, of whatever history topic you are presenting.

We’ll be giving out cash prizes just like for our other competitions.

Below is a video of a national winner for National History Day. Know that the students who even get to nationals have been working for months and have been through local and state competitions already, but I think it’s nice to have an idea of what it could be. Here’s a documentary example.

I hope this excites some of you! Can’t wait to see what people come up with. I may even be able to use winning videos in the curriculum!