Reading 1

EP First Reader This course is available in book form.

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Course Description:

Students will grow in their reading ability, tackling full-length novels and expanding their vocabulary and comprehension. Students will practice the art of narration in retelling and summarizing stories.

Reading List (included for free in the online lessons; no need to purchase separately):

Books: The Tale of Jolly Robin, Bailey; The Tale of Solomon Owl, Bailey; The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker, Bailey; The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse, Burgess; Buster Bear, Burgess; a few short chapter books in between novels

Poetry and Short Stories: McGuffey’s Second Eclectic Reader; Beatrix Potter stories, as well as a variety of other short stories and poems

Note to parents: It would be good for your child to read aloud to you or to someone else for the reading assignments until your child is feeling fluent and competent reading novels. You could even take turns reading sentences, then paragraphs, then pages to help him or her get used to reading larger books.

Lesson 1

Welcome to your first day of school! I wanted to give you one important reminder before you begin. Many of your lessons below have an internet link for you to click on. When you go to the different internet pages for your lessons, please DO NOT click on anything else on that page except what the directions tell you to. DO NOT click on any advertisements or games. DO NOT click on anything that takes you to a different website. Just stay focused on your lesson and then close that window and you should be right back here for the next lesson. Okay?

  1. If you didn’t get here through My EP Assignments, I suggest you go there and create an account. There is an offline version of this course if you are interested in a workbook. Scroll up for the link.
  2. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin Chapter 1.
  3. NOTE: The transition to chapter books can be hard. Your child should be able to read it, but the size of the reading may feel like too much. If your child isn’t feeling up to reading the chapter, have him read aloud a sentence, and then you read aloud a sentence. When you feel ready, move to reading a paragraph aloud at a time. Then you could read the first half of the story and your child can finish it. Then move to letting your child read the whole thing alone. It would be good for your child to read aloud to you or to someone else for the reading assignments until your child is feeling fluent and competent reading novels. If you would like your child to follow along with the audio, it will be linked each lesson. Audio
  4. What does the Roman Numeral for number 1 look like? If you can’t remember, look at the number at the beginning of chapter 1.
  5. Tell what happened in the story to a parent or older sibling.
  6. Why did Jolly’s father stop bringing food to him and make him get out of the nest to get it himself? (answer: to get him out of the nest so he could teach him to fly)
  7. This is the end of your work for this course for your first day. You are allowed to move at your own pace (this is homeschooling), but it’s intended you complete one lesson a day.

Lesson 2

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin Chapter 2. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 2 look like?
  3. Another important reminder as you are beginning the year: if you you click on a link and the link is not working, please do not just skip it or find something similar to use. Let your parent know so that we can get this fixed right away for you and for other users.
  4. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling. (It is normal at this age to have to ask leading questions. Ask, “Who was the chapter about?” “Where was he?” “What did he do?” “What happened when he did that?” “How did he feel about it?”)
  5. What were Jolly and his parents afraid of? (answer: Farmer Green’s cat)

Lesson 3

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin Chapter 3. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 3 look like? (Click on the chapter 3 link above if you can’t remember.)
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling. Where did Jolly go in the “wide, wide world?”

Lesson 4

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin Chapter 4. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 4 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling. Another way to help your child talk about the chapter is to ask about the title of the chapter and what it means.

Lesson 5

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin Chapter 5. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 5 look like? (Click on the chapter 5 link above if you can’t remember.)
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 6

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin Chapter 6. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 6 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 7

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 7. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 7 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 8

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, chapter 8. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 8 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 9

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 9. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 9 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 10

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 10. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 10 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 11

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 11. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 11 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 12

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 12. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 12 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 13

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 13. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 13 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 14

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 14. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 14 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 15

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 15. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 15 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 16

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 16. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 16 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 17

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 17. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 17 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 18

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 18. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 18 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 19

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 19. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 19 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 20

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 20. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 20 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.
  4. Here’s a picture of a “four-armed” woman carrying milk pails.

Lesson 21

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 21. Audio
  2. What does the Roman Numeral for number 21 look like?
  3. Tell what happened in the chapter to a parent or older sibling.

Lesson 22

  1. Read The Tale of Jolly Robin, Chapter 22. Audio
  2. Congratulations! You read a whole big book!

Lesson 23

  1. Read The Tale Of Peter Rabbit.
  2. Or you can listen and read along with the video.

Lesson 24(*) (Note that an asterisk * indicates that there is a worksheet on this lesson)

  1. What happens in the story after this picture? Just say the answer out loud if you don’t have anyone with you to tell.
  2. What is happening in this picture? Then what happened?
  3. (*)Read this poem about “The Worm” and answer the questions. (The last page is the answer key.)

Lesson 25

  1. Read half of The Tale Of Jemima Puddle-Duck Part 1. Tomorrow you’ll finish reading it.

Lesson 26

  1. Read the last part of The Tale Of Jemima Puddle-Duck Part 2.
  2. Tell someone about the story. Who was “helping” her? What did he really want?

Lesson 27

  1. Today for reading you are going to watch a movie! Watch The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin.
  2. Tell someone the story.

Lesson 28

  1. Today you are going to read the beginning of The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin Part 1.


  1. Squirrel Nutkin is impertinent. By the way he acts toward the owl, to whom everyone else shows respect, what do you think that word means?

Lesson 29

  1. Today you are going to read from The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin Part 2.


  1. Impertinent is the opposite of respectful. Do you think anything is going to happen to Nutkin because of his impertinence?

Lesson 30

  1. Today you are going to finish reading The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin Part 3.
  2. What happened to Nutkin because he was impertinent?

Lesson 31

  1. Read Chapter 1 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Tell someone about the story. Who is the story about?

Lesson 32

  1. Read Chapter 2 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Tell someone about what happened.

Lesson 33

  1. Read Chapter 3 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Why is Mr. Frog uneasy (uncomfortable) around Solomon?

Lesson 34

  1. Read Chapter 4 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Tell someone about what happened.

Lesson 35

  1. Read Chapter 5 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Tell about the story of Solomon Owl so far to someone in your family.

Lesson 36

  1. Read Chapter 6 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Tell someone about what happened.

Lesson 37

  1. Read Chapter 7 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.
  3. A pullet is a kid hen; not a baby chick, but not a grown hen.
  4. Any idea what has “blazing eyes?”

Lesson 38

  1. Read Chapter 8 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 39

  1. Read Chapter 9 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (Note: This chapter is called Halloween, but there is nothing but a jack-o-lantern in it.) (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 40

  1. Read Chapter 10 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)


  1. Do you know what it means to “inquire?” Instead of saying, “What have you been eating?” she said, this sentence uses the word inquire, not said. So we can figure out that it tells us about how she said it. If the sentence had used an exclamation point, then maybe the sentence would have been, “What have you been eating!” she shouted. What clues do we have about the word inquire? It tells us how she is saying those words, and we see a question mark. The question mark tells us that she is asking a question. So, inquire must mean something about asking a question. In fact it does. To inquire means to ask. Use your clues and your detective skills to figure out words you don’t know.

Lesson 41

  1. Read Chapter 11 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 42

  1. Read Chapter 12 of The Tale of Solomon Owl (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 43

  1. Read Chapter 13 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 44

  1. Read Chapter 14 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 45

  1. Read Chapter 15 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Tell someone about the chapter.

Lesson 46

  1. Read the first paragraph of Chapter 16 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (That’s the first few sentences until there is a break. Stop when Solomon starts talking.)
  2. What do you think happened to Jasper Jay?
  3. Now read the rest of the chapter and see if you were right. (full chapter audio)
  4. Tell someone about what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 47

  1. Read the first paragraph of Chapter 17 of The Tale of Solomon Owl.
  2. What do you think Solomon and his cousin are going to do together? Why?
  3. Read the rest of the chapter and see if you were right. (full chapter audio)

Lesson 48

  1. Read Chapter 18 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. When it talks about “39 winks,” that is a joke. To “catch 40 winks” means to take a nap. So, if he only got 39 winks, he didn’t get all his sleep. He’s tired because he can’t sleep since he’s thinking and worrying.
  3. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 49

  1. Read the first paragraph of Chapter 19 of The Tale of Solomon Owl.
  2. Does Solomon want it to get warmer? How do you know?
  3. Read the rest of the chapter and see if you were right. (full chapter audio)
  4. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 50

  1. Read Chapter 20 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Tell someone about the chapter.

Lesson 51

  1. Read Chapter 21 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Draw a map of the book’s setting as best as you can. The setting is where it takes place.
  3. You might want to hold onto this for your portfolio.

Lesson 52

  1. Read chapter 22 of The Tale of Solomon Owl. (audio)
  2. Congratulations on finishing the book!
  3. Tell someone about what you read.

Lesson 53(*)

  1. (*)Read about porcupines and answer the questions. (The last page is the answer key.)
  2. You might want to hold onto this for your portfolio.

Lesson 54

  1. Listen to the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
  2. What happened first?
  3. What happened last?

Lesson 55

  1. Choose one of these books to listen to: Sophie’s Masterpiece, Stellaluna, Harry the Dirty Dog, The Rainbow Fish, The Tooth, Guji Guji, Romeow and Drooliet, A Bad Case of Stripes.
  2. Tell someone the story.

Lesson 56

  1. Read the two selections from the McGuffey Second Reader.
  2. Say or write the pairs of rhyming words in the poem in The Little Star.

Lesson 57

  1. Read the next two stories from the McGuffey Second Reader.
  2. Tell someone what the stories were about.

Lesson 58

  1. Read the next two stories in the McGuffey Second Reader.
  2. What is the lesson of At Work?
  3. What did the bird say in the second story?

Lesson 59

  1. Read the next two stories in the McGuffey Second Reader.
  2. What is the lesson of Susie Sunbeam?
  3. If you were a sunbeam, what would you do? Write or tell your answer.

Lesson 60

  1. Read these next two stories in the McGuffey Second Reader.
  2. What is the boy good for?
  3. What are some things you learned about the King bird?

Lesson 61

  1. Read the next stories.
  2. What lesson did the little girl, Mary, need to learn? (answer: put her things away )
  3. What steps are taken to shear sheep?

Lesson 62

  1. Read the next selections.
  2. How did Patty tame the squirrel?
  3. Does there seem to be a problem in the poem? In stanza #4? What is it? Maybe long ago they pronounced the words differently? Or is it just a mistake? What do you think? (answer: share and are)

Lesson 63

  1. Read the next stories.
  2. What are two things you learned about tigers?
  3. What lesson did the girls learn? (answer: it can be more fun to work and be productive than to play)

Lesson 64

  1. Read the next story.
  2. Retell the story to someone.

Lesson 65

  1. Read the next section.
  2. How did the boy build the scale?

Lesson 66

  1. Read the next section.
  2. Tell someone something you learned about the fishhawk.
  3. What did the leaf say?

Lesson 67

  1. Read the next section.
  2. What was mother’s Christmas present? (answer: the girl)

Lesson 68

  1. Read the next section.
  2. What happened to Ralph when he threw a fit and grabbed what he wanted? (answer: cut by thorns)

Lesson 69

  1. Read the last story.
  2. What does it mean, “pretty is as pretty does”? (answer: it is not talking about what is good looking but about what is worthwhile)

Lesson 70

  1. Read some knock knock jokes!

Lesson 71

  1. Read about how books are made.
  2. Which step would you want to work on?

Lesson 72

  1. Read about animals they met.
  2. Which animal did they meet at the Grand Canyon? What about Utah?

Lesson 73

  1. Read three poems today.
  2. Which was your favorite?

Lesson 74

  1. Read three poems today.
  2. Which was your favorite?

Lesson 75

  1. Read three poems today.
  2. Which was your favorite?

Lesson 76

  1. Finish reading the poems today.
  2. Which was your favorite?

Lesson 77

  1. Begin reading The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. Read Chapter 1 . Here is the audio if you’d like to have it read to you.
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter. (Remember, it’s normal at this age to need to ask leading questions if they are having trouble getting started. Who was it about? What did he do? Then what happened?)

Lesson 78

  1. Read Chapter 2 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 79

  1. Read Chapter 3 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 80

  1. Read Chapter 4 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 81

  1. Read Chapter 5 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 82

  1. Read Chapter 6 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 83

  1. Read Chapter 7 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 84

  1. Read Chapter 8 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 85

  1. Read Chapter 9 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 86

  1. Read Chapter 10 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 87

  1. Read Chapter 11 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 88

  1. Read Chapter 12 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 89

  1. Read Chapter 13 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 90

  1. Read Chapter 14 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 91

  1. Read Chapter 15 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 92

  1. Read Chapter 16 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. The chapter is called “The Sly Trick.” What was the trick? Why was it sly? What does sly mean? (Answer)

Lesson 93

  1. Read Chapter 17 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 94

  1. Read Chapter 18 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 95

  1. Read Chapter 19 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. What’s the answer to the question in the chapter title? (Answer)

Lesson 96

  1. Read chapter 20 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 97

  1. Read Chapter 21 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 98

  1. Read Chapter 22 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 99

  1. Read Chapter 23 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 100

  1. Read Chapter 24 of The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 101*

  1. *Fill out a book report form for The Tale of Reddy Woodpecker. (Just print one of the first two pages.)
  2. You might want to save this for your portfolio.

Lesson 102

  1. Before we start reading our next book, we’re going to play some reading games.
  2. This one will help you remember about the sounds different letter combinations make. Find the rhymes.

Lesson 103

  1. This game will help you think about the sounds in words. Choose level 3.
  2. When you come across a word you don’t know, look for familiar pieces of the word.

Lesson 104

  1. Try this game. Can you figure out what letters make the vowel sound?
  2. Vowels can be tricky!

Lesson 105

  1. Think about the sounds in words. Choose level 2.
  2. Can you pick out all the sounds?

Lesson 106

  1. Read Chapter 1 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. This book is by a different author. Here is the audio if you’d like to follow along.
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 107

  1. Read Chapter 2 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.


  1. Play a synonym game. A synonym is a word that has a similar meaning. (Turn off your ad blocker.)
      • You will need a laptop, chromebook, or desktop computer for EP. Not all links will work on mobile devices. If you are using a mobile device, this activity will send you to their paid app. You may be able to set your browser to Desktop Mode to try to bypass that. Directions here

Lesson 108

  1. Read Chapter 3 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.


  1. Play this word game.

Lesson 109

  1. Read Chapter 4 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 110

  1. Read Chapter 5 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 111

  1. Read Chapter 6 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 112

  1. Read Chapter 7 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 113

  1. Read Chapter 8 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 114

  1. Read Chapter 9 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter

Lesson 115

  1. Read Chapter 10 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 116

  1. Read Chapter 11 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 117

  1. Read Chapter 12 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 118

  1. Read Chapter 13 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what this chapter was about.

Lesson 119

  1. Read Chapter 14 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 120

  1. Read Chapter 15 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 121

  1. Read Chapter 16 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 122

  1. Read Chapter 17 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 123

  1. Read Chapter 18 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 124

  1. Read Chapter 19 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 125

  1. Read Chapter 20 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 126

  1. Read Chapter 21 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone about this chapter.

Lesson 127

  1. Read Chapter 22 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 128

  1. Read Chapter 23 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 129

  1. Read Chapter 24 of The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse. (audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in the whole book!

Lesson 130*

  1. *Fill in the book report form. Print out one of the first two pages.
  2. You might want to hold onto this for your portfolio.


  1. Play Word Frog. Click on synonyms. Choose your speed.

Lesson 131

  1. We’re going to do some reading games this week.
  2. Shoot the synonyms (word of similar meaning).

Lesson 132

  1. Play the game and find the synonyms.
  2. Now find the words of opposite meaning, antonyms.

Lesson 133

  1. Play the game and find the correct spelling of the words.
  2. Choose level 4.

Lesson 134

  1. Choose the correct description such as good, better, or best!
  2. When we compare two things, we use the word “than.” This is better THAN that.

Lesson 135

  1. These are all homophones, words that sound like other words but have a different spelling than them.
  2. Spell the homophones.

Lesson 136

  1. Read chapter 1 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here. This is a different series of animal books. I think you’ll find them funny.
  2. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 137

  1. Read chapter 2 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 138

  1. Read chapter 3 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone about this chapter.

Lesson 139

  1. Read chapter 4 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone about this chapter.

Lesson 140

  1. Read chapter 5 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone about this chapter.

Lesson 141

  1. Read chapter 6 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone about this chapter.

Lesson 142

  1. Read chapter 7 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess. You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone about this chapter.

Lesson 143

  1. Read chapter 8 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone about this chapter.

Lesson 144

  1. Read chapter 9 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone about this chapter.

Lesson 145

  1. Read chapter 10 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone about this chapter.

Lesson 146

  1. Read chapter 11 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 147

  1. Read chapter 12 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.


  1. Find the opposites. Words that mean the opposite are called antonyms.

Lesson 148

  1. Read chapter 13 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 149

  1. Read chapter 14 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 150

  1. Read chapter 15 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 151

  1. Read chapter 16 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 152

  1. Read chapter 17 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 153

  1. Read chapter 18 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 154

  1. Read chapter 19 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 155

  1. Read chapter 20 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone what happened in the chapter.

Lesson 156

  1. Read chapter 21 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone about this chapter.

Lesson 157

  1. Read chapter 22 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone about the chapter.

Lesson 158

  1. Read chapter 23 of The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton Burgess.  You can listen to the audio here.
  2. Tell someone the story of the whole book.
  3. How would you describe Buster Bear? Write a list of words that tell about him. What does he look like? What does he act like? Is he funny? Is he grumpy?

Lesson 159*

  1. *Fill out a book report form for Buster Bear. Just print one of the first two pages.
  2. You might want to hold onto this for your portfolio.

Lesson 160

  1. Choose one of these books to listen to: Sophie’s Masterpiece, Stellaluna, Harry the Dirty Dog, The Rainbow Fish, The Tooth, Guji Guji, Romeow and Drooliet, A Bad Case of Stripes.

Lesson 161

  1. Choose one of these books to listen to: Sophie’s Masterpiece, Stellaluna, Harry the Dirty Dog, The Rainbow Fish, The Tooth, Guji Guji, Romeow and Drooliet, A Bad Case of Stripes.

Lesson 162

  1. Read along with a story.

Lesson 163

  1. Read out loud the first and last poem in this packet. (It’s the years 1 and 2 printable.)

Lesson 164

  1. Read the second and last poem in this packet. Read them out loud.

Lesson 165

  1. Read the third and the last poem in this packet. Read them out loud.

Lesson 167

  1. Read the poems called “The Months” and “The Year” as well as the last poem in this packet. Read them out loud.

Lesson 168

  1. Read the poem called “Mr. Nobody” as well as the last poem in this packet. Read them out loud. Who is Mr. Nobody? What is the poem about? (answer: No one wants to take the blame for anything wrong that happens. In our house we don’t call him Mr. Nobody. We call him, “Not me.” Not Me left the milk sitting out….)

Lesson 169

  1. Read the poem called “The Goops” as well as the last poem in this packet. Read them out loud.

Lesson 170

  1. Read the poem called “The Bird” as well as the last poem in this packet. Read them out loud.

Lesson 171

  1. Read about donuts.
  2. Where is his favorite donut shop?

Lesson 172

  1. Each day read the chapter or chapter portion. This book is just for fun. It’s called Answering the Call: The Roma of Macedonia.
  2. It is based on real people and places and events in Macedonia.
  3. Read Chapter 1 of Answering the Call.

Lesson 173

  1. Read Chapter 2 of Answering the Call.

Lesson 174

  1. Read Chapter 3 of Answering the Call.

Lesson 175

  1. Read Chapter 4 of Answering the Call.

Lesson 176

  1. Read Chapter 5 of Answering the Call.

Lesson 177

  1. Read Chapter 6 of Answering the Call.

Lesson 178

  1. Read Chapter 7 of Answering the Call.

Lesson 179

  1. Read Chapter 8 of Answering the Call.

Lesson 180

  1. Read chapter 9 of Answering the Call.
  2. What did you learn about Macedonia? the Roma? missionaries?
  3. Congratulations! You are finished! Way to go!
  4. Consider if you want to use the summer review book.

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