New Literature and Composition II Course

We made an offline version of our Literature and Composition II course. As with our other courses, as we worked on their books, we took the opportunity to update the online course.

If you are currently using Lit and Comp II, please continue with your course. There is new vocabulary and even a switch in the reading, so you need to continue with the current course.

Over 4th of July weekend, I will take away the NEW label and the old course will no longer be in the main course blocks on Settings. You’ll be able to continue using those old courses by adding them from Extras. So, if you are using the old course and will NOT be finished by July, please follow these directions. We’ll make sure you can keep using the course on My EP until you are finished.

If you are just starting, please use the new course. We will be removing the old course eventually. The books for Literature and Composition II match this version of the course.

Click on the book image to go to a page discussing all the books for this course. It also has links to them all.