Intermediate Reading

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This is for students who have completed Reading 7
but have not yet completed Language Arts 7.

This course can be used for a year, or whatever is necessary, to get all caught up with language arts and ready for the high school Literature and Composition I course.

Course Description: Students will read classic literature, expand their vocabulary, and create book reports, reviewing the plot and character development as well as evaluating the author’s choices and writing style.

Daily Progress Chart

How to use this course:

You will read one chapter a day or at least ten pages (if the chapters are really short). Every day you will choose one new word from your reading to look up. You can use this book list in order, or you can pick and choose. Before you choose from the extra lists provided, get permission from your parents to skip what’s remaining on the list if you haven’t read them all yet. The list is sort of easiest to hardest, but that is subjective. At the end of each book you will write a book report with the paragraphs as listed below. If you would rather give your report orally than present it written, you may. You could also make a PowerPoint or video. But whatever it is, it must contain each of these sections as paragraphs. For instance, don’t just write a list of characters. Tell someone about who they are and what they are like.





Climax and Resolution

How the main character developed or changed over the course of the book

Your thoughts on the book and author, with examples from the book


Book List

Little Women Alcott   Audio Book

Up from Slavery Booker T. Washington

Captains Courageous Kipling  Audio Book

Told By Uncle Remus Harris

The Story of King Arthur and His Knights Pyle

The Hound of the Baskervilles Coyle   Audio Book   This is a Sherlock Holmes murder mystery, so some of you may not want to read this, or your parents may not want you to read this.

A Christmas Carol Dickens  Audio Book  A classic story but involves ghosts. Again, you may not want to read this, or your parents may not want you to read this.

Anne of Green Gables Montgomery   Audio Book

The Pathfinder Cooper  Audio Book

The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson Clemens (Twain)  Audio Book

If you run out of books, here are two lists where you can find more readings:

Robinson Booklist   Ambleside Booklist


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