Thinking Level 3 – Chess Lessons

Other Levels: Level 1  Level 2

If you know how to play chess well, you can just go to the Thinking page. There is a link there to play chess. However, once you get past the intro to the pieces, there are tips, tricks, and strategies for you to practice.

Week 1

  1. This year you are going to learn to play chess. Go to chess school.
  2. Learn about the chessboard and pieces. Next time you’ll take the quiz.

Week 2

  1. Take the quiz. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys. Take it again if you need to…
  2. And if you need it, here’s the lesson on the board and pieces.

Week 3

  1. What do you remember? Try this quiz about the board. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.
  2. Learn how to move a rook. Take the quiz when you are done with the lesson.

Week 4

  1. Learn how to move a bishop.
  2. Take the quiz when you are done with the lesson. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.

Week 5

  1. Learn how a queen moves.
  2. Take the quiz when you are done with the lesson. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.

Week 6

  1. Learn how to move a king.
  2. Take the quiz when you are done with the lesson. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.

Week 7

  1. Learn how to move a knight.
  2. Take the quiz when you are done. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.

Week 8

  1. Learn how to move the pawn.
  2. Take the quiz when you are done. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.

Week 9

  1. Today do understanding check and checkmate.
  2. Take the quiz when you are done. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.

Week 10

  1. Here are two typical checkmates. (second one)
  2. Take the quizzes after each. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.

Week 11

  1. Understanding Stalemate Take the quiz after the lesson. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.
  2. Try this game to test your understanding.

Week 12

  1. Castling
  2. Take the quiz after the lesson. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.

Week 13

  1. Pawn Promotion
  2. Take the quiz after you are done the lesson. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.

Week 14

  1. En Passant
  2. Take the quiz after you finish the lesson. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.

Week 15

  1. Other Ways to Draw Take the quiz when you are done the lesson. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.
  2. Try another game to test your understanding.

Week 16*

  1. *Print out this worksheet to practice the names of the squares.
  2. Use this page to help you.

Week 17

  1. The Value of the Pieces Take the quiz after you finish the lesson. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.
  2. Try the hit or miss game.

Week 18

  1. Do this lesson on attack, defense, and threat.
  2. Take the quiz. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.

Week 19

  1. Do the lesson and quiz on exchanging. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.
  2. Play your first game.

Week 20

  1. Do this lesson and quiz on capturing pawns. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.
  2. Play capture the flag.

Week 21

  1. Basic Opening Principles Do the lesson and quiz. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.
  2. Learn about looking ahead and take the quiz. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.

Week 22

  1. The Two Rooks Checkmate – Do the lesson and quiz. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.
  2. Now, if you like, you can try it by signing up at If you want to practice chess against other kids, this is a good place to do it.

Week 23

  1. Learn more about notation.
  2. Try a rooks and pawns game.

Week 24

  1. Do the lesson and quiz on capturing. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.
  2. Scholar’s Mate Scholar’s Mate 2 Do the two lessons.

Week 25

  1. Do this lesson and quiz on attacks. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.
  2. Try a game.

Week 26

  1. Learn about forks and take the quiz. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.
  2. Learn about the fatal diagonal.

Week 27

  1. Learn about making decisions and take the quiz. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.
  2. Play a game.

Week 29

  1. Do the lesson and quiz on knight forks. Click on NEXT to get to the next question. Do NOT use the arrow keys.
  2. Play capture the flag.

Week 30

  1. Playing it safe
  2. Try a game.

Week 31

  1. Your first openings
  2. Play chess against the computer.

Week 32

  1. The explosion on f7
  2. Play chess against the computer.

Week 33

  1. Back rank mates
  2. Play chess against the computer.

Week 34

  1. Discovered Attacks
  2. Play chess against the computer.

Week 35

  1. Pins and Skewers
  2. Play chess against the computer.

Week 36

  1. Here is the site I’ve been getting the lessons from. There are several more if you want to get better.
  2. Play chess. This requires a free login.
  3. Congratulations! You did it! Time to set up your next course.