Interviews with the “Experts”

Last week I was interviewed by  They are having an event this week where you can listen to interviews with the “experts” and ask them questions via facebook. If you would like to advertise EP this week on your blog, you could link to my interview page. I’m not sure if I did the best job, but I hope it will encourage people at least! I would urge a little caution in listening to the interviews. What you’ve decided to do for your own children to educate them is enough! If your child has the goal of getting into an elite school, then let them pursue it, but be careful of letting these interviews make you feel like you should be doing more. There are many educational philosophies/goals that aren’t worth sacrificing your family for. My answer to her question about whether it’s possible to have an extraordinary homeschool was that we’re just ordinary people and that in every home homeschool looks different because it’s an extension of parenting and everyone’s family life looks different, so their school life will look different. I said that I thought an extraordinary homeschool is one where the family is enjoying the experience. I hope you are enjoying homeschooling! In my eyes that makes your homeschool extraordinary!

Lee Giles, Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool interview


2 thoughts on “Interviews with the “Experts”

  1. Elaine September 17, 2014 / 9:17 pm

    You did a great job braving her questions! I cannot imagine interviewing with someone who does not know what you are talking about. Hah! I felt like she just didn’t get it… she needs to walk through the website and read about it before trying to understand it. I feel that way when I am sharing the EP information with friends… it’s much easier to just show them and tell them to read the FAQs. Nobody likes a ‘deer in the headlights’ type of response while you politely wait for it to click in their minds. I love EP because it brings HAPPY into our family!

  2. mytreasuredcreations October 27, 2014 / 4:10 am

    Oh, Lee, I’m listening to your interview. It really feels like she was trying to corner you so hard. She kept saying “Do you really believe you can homeschool for free?” Oh, yeah! I’m doing it. You are doing it. So many of us are doing it! Praise the Lord that has guided us this way. So much more free time for serving one another, going with our passions and time for happy. 🙂 Thank you so much for putting EP together. Bless you!

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