It’s Another Boy!

I had an ultrasound this week and found out we’re having our 5th boy! I couldn’t even imagine it being a girl. I guess I’m really used to boys at this point. My oldest is my daughter, which I highly recommend because she is so helpful to me!

I’m expecting the baby around February 1st. My due date is the 22nd, but my babies always come at 37 weeks. My oven runs hot! And boy am I thankful they come sooner rather than later. I’m feeling really impatient for this baby to come. I feel like to could come today and just fit right in 🙂 I guess that comes with having six kids.

In other news, I don’t know if anyone noticed, but I started putting up Tom Sawyer on fifth grade, and then I decided to switch books, so I’m going to take down the assignments I’ve written already. No one should be that far yet (Day 95), so it won’t affect any of you. My daughter (the one who reads anything and everything) today told me that she skips the second half of the book because it gives her “bad thoughts.” She says the first half is funny, but the second half is scary. My mother is a book lover, so I feel a bit of pressure to have my kids read “the classics,” but there is other literature out there. I’ve chosen Little Men instead by Louisa May Alcott–boy antics without the murdering Injun Joe.


15 thoughts on “It’s Another Boy!

  1. Misha Greenwood September 6, 2012 / 11:26 am


  2. Tracy Sonnheim September 6, 2012 / 11:26 am

    Congrats! I love little boys (ok, girls too). would really love an older girl right now, like you have! we have 4 boys and 3 girls, that also come early 🙂 how big are yours normally? ours are small but, then they are newborns longer 🙂 people think our 2 1/2 mo old is a newborn!

      • Tracy Sonnheim September 6, 2012 / 6:14 pm

        WOW! good size, they would be really big full-term.

      • The King Will Make a Way September 6, 2012 / 6:25 pm

        That’s the thing. They are full term. 37 weeks is my full term. Only one went longer, my first. She was born 10 days early and the pediatrician said she showed signs of being post-mature. 37 weeks is my gestational term. That’s just how I’m made, and I’m thankful because by that time I’m praying for the baby to come!

  3. angela September 6, 2012 / 11:48 am

    Congratulations. Thank the lord for cooler weather!.

  4. Dot September 6, 2012 / 12:30 pm

    Congratulations! The world needs more Godly boys! 🙂

  5. Diane September 6, 2012 / 2:49 pm

    Exciting news! God must think you’re good with boys! 🙂

  6. April September 6, 2012 / 3:02 pm


  7. Melissa September 6, 2012 / 4:02 pm

    Wow! I can’t imagine. Congrats! We are finally having our 1st boy after 2 girls and are so excited. I’m due Feb. 11! Best wishes and prayers for a wonderful pregnancy and healthy baby boy.

  8. DH September 6, 2012 / 4:31 pm

    Congrats to you and your family! What a blessing.

  9. Jess Benoit September 7, 2012 / 5:38 am

    Congrats to you & the family! I cant imagine having that many boys! LOL we have 2 girls & a boy in the middle. :)) xoxo

  10. Andrea September 7, 2012 / 9:35 am

    Such wonderful news!! Congrats to all of you!! We have 3 boys and 3 girls, and I think boys are easier. 🙂 You all are in our prayers. 🙂

  11. Katie McCarthy September 7, 2012 / 10:13 pm

    Congratulations and God bless you all with the new baby 🙂

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