Threatened by the Blessing


It started with Adam and Eve, created in God’s image. They were given a command to be fruitful and multiply and to fill the earth and subdue it.

Then we came to Abraham, a man who worshiped God by obeying His voice, by his willingness to sacrifice. He only had two children but was promised innumerable descendants. We aren’t there yet. There were 70 that came to Egypt. They were counted. But then we read, “But the people of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly; they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong so that the land was filled with them.”

The blessing of multiplication has begun. And yet? What does the blessing look like?

The new ruler of Egypt doesn’t know Joseph. Joseph has died, after making sure there is a promise to carry his bones out of Egypt one day. The blessing of the Israelites looks like a threat to the Egyptians.

They fear the Israelites could start an uprising. Remember, basically everyone in Egypt is free labor at this point, anyone of the lowest class. They had given everything to Egypt in exchange for food. Shepherds were despised by the Egyptians. Jacob’s family tended Pharaoh’s flocks. All was good when Pharaoh wanted them to have the best. It wasn’t so good when the new Pharaoh couldn’t care less about who they were and despised their people group. The Israelites have homes. They live their lives, but they work to survive.

Years pass by. Satan knows the promise of their deliverance, the promise that had been spoken hundreds of years earlier to Abraham. The time must have been approaching; Satan wanted to get their deliverer. He misses.

The Pharaoh of the time comes up with a plan to reduce the Hebrew threat. He tells the midwives to kill any newborn male. That doesn’t work because the midwives feared God. They are honored by God with a blessing, and even to this day their names are included in God’s story. God sees your faithfulness at the task He’s given you. We’re not all meant to play Moses in the story.

Pharaoh needs a new plan. He orders them to just take all the Hebrew baby boys and throw them in the Nile.

Satan gets desperate and God rises to defend His people. A deliverer is on the way. Which, for God’s people, means a miracle is on the way. God’s going to turn it for good.