Math 5/6 Directions

DIRECTIONS: This is an ordered list of 139 videos and exercises (with links) to complete Khan Academy arithmetic and pre-algebra. (This is the same course that it was before Khan Academy aligned with Common Core. I was able to update Khan Academy’s links without changing the teaching. Where they have eliminated exercises, I just found alternatives on other sites.)

You will start at the top of the page with Addition and Subtraction and work your way down in order. Make sure you read the directions every time. The first link on each line is to the video unless marked differently. You can move onto the exercise as soon as you know the material. That means you can do the exercise without watching the video if you already know how to do it.

At some point, you should probably be watching all of the videos. When you do, write the problems down and work through them with the teacher to help you stay focused and to make sure you can do it too.

Some days you will be doing more than one exercise. Some days you won’t make it through one whole exercise. You will stay on an exercise until you are proficient. (According to Khan Academy that’s the first one correct or five correct in a row. I suggest getting the first one wrong on purpose!) You should be able to do five in a row correct before you move on. One suggestion is to set aside 20 – 30 minutes for math each day. When you stop in the middle of an exercise, it should remember how many problems you’ve done.

Make sure you make an account at Khan Academy and log in! (If you plan to use Khan Academy’s built-in tracking, please understand that Easy Peasy is not following entire courses built by Khan Academy; therefore, it may not show “mastery” in their records.)