Right Living

  1. We need to always remember that the people Jesus was always in conflict with were the religious people. We always think we’re not like that, but they were studying God’s word. They were tithing. They were dressing appropriately. They were gathering for regular meeting times. They were keeping God’s feasts. And on and on.
  2. They thought they were keeping God’s word. They thought they were pretty great and better than the rest.
  3. Ever meet a Christian who knew their way of doing things was right?
  4. Ever meet a Christian who knew what they believed about the role of women in the church, about baptism, about communion, about assurance of salvation, and on and on, was right and those who believed otherwise were wrong?
  5. Ever have spiritual pride in a truth you know that others are missing?
  6. God doesn’t want our right living. He wants right hearts. If you balk at that, you are missing it and are likely in pride.
  7. A right heart produces right living, the right kind of right living. He doesn’t want the outward appearance. He wants the heart made new.
  8. What does a new heart do?
  9. It ceases to do evil and learns to do good. It seeks justice and corrects oppression. It helps and defends the widow and the orphan (vs. 16-17).
  10. God will wash away the sins. That’s His job (vs. 18). He can make us white as snow, blameless in His sight.
  11. Our job is to be willing and obedient (vs. 19). It all comes with a promise, that we’ll eat the good of the land. That’s not just a promise of physical blessing and provision. We don’t live by bread alone. The Shepherd feeds His flock. There are warnings of famine in the land, even a famine for the word of God. But, if we’re willing and obedient, we can eat right out of the Shepherd’s hand the best of His land.