Math Placement Guide

Preschool teaches pre-math concepts like shapes, colors, patterns, and puzzles. It also introduces counting.

Kindergarten teaches counting to 100, writing number names to twenty, Roman numerals, calendar, and more. If your student is comfortable with that, check the placement guide for individual math levels.

Your child is ready for FIRST if

  • your child can recognize numbers to 100

Your child is ready for SECOND if

  • your child can add and subtract small numbers (eg. 6 + 5, 9 – 3)
  • your child can read a basic fraction, clock, and measurement (eg. 1/2, 2:00)?

Your child is ready for THIRD if

  • your child knows basic addition and subtraction (ideally all the facts)
  • your child understands place value in terms of tens and ones
  • your child can count coins

Your child is ready for FOURTH if

  • your child can add and subtract with hundreds
  • your child can add and subtract with decimals
  • your child can round and make estimations
  • your child knows multiplication and division (ideally all the facts)

Your child is ready for Math 5/6 if

  • your child has covered the material in the previous levels (even if not completely
  • successfully)
  • This course goes through all of arithmetic and is designed for the child to go at his own pace.
  • This is to keep kids from getting stuck in elementary school math. Not knowing math facts is a big hindrance to making progress in math!

Your child is ready for Math 6/7 if

  • your child is comfortable with the arithmetic covered in Math 5/6
  • This year introduces algebra concepts.

Pre-Algebra is usually taken in seventh or eighth.