
God’s not playing favorites in His care for certain people. The Israelites are instructed not to show favoritism to the poor, but neither are they to gang up on them. They are to be fair and not take bribes. They are to find guilty the guilty and innocent the innocent.

The Sabbath law of rest is repeated and is also applied to years. They are to work six years and then rest a year and let those without land feed off of what grows and store up the food for themselves. The land is even left so that the wild animals will have food to eat.

They are not even to mention the names of other gods; those names are mentioned in the Scriptures, however, so it’s not in the names themselves, but in the use of them. They shouldn’t be found on their lips. They are to call on the one true God alone. They aren’t to try others to cover their bases or something.

Three times a year they are to hold a feast.

There is the Passover feast of Unleavened Bread.

There is the Pentecost Feast of the Harvest, the celebration of First Fruits. It’s the day Jews celebrate the receiving of the Law, and the day Christians celebrate receiving the Holy Spirit, the law in our hearts.

Finally, there is the Feast of the Ingathering, where Christians await Christ’s return as reigning king and their gathering to Him.

Christ fulfilled or will fulfill each feast. Each Jewish holiday is just a shadow of what is to come, just as the laws are a shadow of the perfect law of love to come.

Christ fulfilled the law, becoming love incarnate.

Christ fulfilled the spring feasts in His death, resurrection, and His pouring out of the Holy Spirit.

Christ will fulfill the final fall feasts. Each celebration is a rehearsal in anticipation and the hope of the Savior’s soon return.