Begin to Possess It


Moses is now telling the tale of their recent defeat of King Sihon.

God says He’s begun to give the land to them. They are to begin to possess it.

God delivers their enemy into their hands.

When we obey, we step in to possess it. He does the deliverance.

Freedom from sin? We just choose to obey. We choose to walk in it. He does the deliverance.

Need joy? We just choose to obey, which means to listen to and to respond to His Word. He does the deliverance from the weight that bears you down.

Need peace? We just choose to obey, to walk with Him. He does the deliverance from anxiety.

Need freedom from fear? We just choose to obey. We choose to believe His Word. He delivers us from fear.

The most basic thing is to know who God is. And He is love. He loves you with a perfect love. He is perfect. He does all things perfectly. And He loves you. You are loved perfectly.

Accept that He loves you perfectly, and then you have no problem following Him into the land of the giants.

If you know you are perfectly loved, you will not have a problem taking that first step towards the promise.

Know you are loved by a good, perfect, holy, awesome, all-powerful, all-knowing, in-control God.

That’s all. That’s all you have to know. But really know it.

Know it in your mind so that’s the way you think.

Know it in your gut so that’s the way you react.

Know it in your heart so that’s the way you feel.

Know Him. Choose Him. Step out towards Truth. He does the rest. It’s His work, not yours.