Anglo-Saxon Beliefs

Roman Britons mostly became Christians. Before the Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity, they were pagans like the Vikings, believing in many gods. Because of this, they believed in many superstitions. They used lucky charms to protect them from spirits and sickness.

People were buried with tools such as knives and looms. Kings would be buried with treasures. This indicates a belief in the afterlife and that those things could be used and needed in the afterlife.

Christian monks in Britain, such as St. Patrick, taught the Celtic form of Christianity, a Christianity adapted to these people who were not from a Roman background.

In 597 AD, the Pope sent a monk named Augustine to persuade the Anglo-Saxon king to become a Christian. Over the next hundred years many Anglo-Saxons took on Christianity.

Much of what we know about the Anglo-Saxons comes from histories that were written down for us. There were histories written even before 1000 AD.


Can you answer these questions?

Anglo-Saxons were converted from Christianity to paganism.
Pagan Anglo-Saxons were superstitious and believed in charms.
The Pope sent a monk to convert the king of the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity.