Site icon Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool

Strong and Healthy

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Course Description: Students study proper nutrition and safety, including fire safety and the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Students will develop their strength and endurance while learning the proper way to exercise as they do soccer and volleyball drills.


Level 1-4 — 1st through 4th

Level 5-8 — 5th through 8th

Week 1

Level 1-4

Welcome to your first day of school! I wanted to give you one important reminder before you begin. Many of your lessons below have an internet link for you to click on. When you go to the different internet pages for your lessons, please DO NOT click on anything else on that page except what the directions tell you to. DO NOT click on any advertisements or games. DO NOT click on anything that takes you to a different website. Just stay focused on your lesson and then close that window and you should be right back here for the next lesson. Okay?

  1. If you didn’t get here through My EP Assignments, I suggest you go there and create an account.
  2. In our computer courses, we talk about being safe on the internet. There are other types of safety too. We don’t touch hot things. We look both ways before we cross a street. But there are other things we need to be careful of. No one is allowed to touch you in a way that you don’t like. No one is allowed to tell you to show them any part of your body hidden under clothing. If someone is talking to you or touching you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, talk to your parents or someone your family trusts right away.
  3. Play follow the leader to get some exercise. Make each other move!
  4. This is the end of your work for this course for today. You are allowed to move at your own pace (this is homeschooling), but it’s intended you complete one lesson each week.

Level 5-8

Welcome to your first day of school! I wanted to give you one important reminder before you begin. Many of your lessons below have an internet link for you to click on. When you go to the different internet pages for your lessons, please DO NOT click on anything else on that page except what the directions tell you to. DO NOT click on any advertisements or games. DO NOT click on anything that takes you to a different website. Just stay focused on your lesson and then close that window and you should be right back here for the next lesson. Okay?

  1. If you didn’t get here through My EP Assignments, I suggest you go there and create an account.
  2. In our computer courses, we talk about being safe on the internet. There are other types of safety too. We don’t touch hot things. We look both ways before we cross a street. But there are other things we need to be careful of. No one is allowed to touch you in a way that you don’t like. No one is allowed to tell you to show them any part of your body hidden under clothing. If someone is talking to you or touching you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, talk to your parents or someone your family trusts right away.
  3. Ask your parents what you can scrub or find a stubborn stain. Scrub until your arm hurts and then scrub another minute more.
  4. This is the end of your work for this course for today. You are allowed to move at your own pace (this is homeschooling), but it’s intended you complete one lesson each week.

Week 2

Level 1-4

  1. Read about why water is the best drink to drink.
  2. Ask your parents if you can choose a recipe to make. (Click on the + by Recipes for Kids.)

Level 5-8

  1. Watch these videos on sugar: How sugar affects the body;  How sugar affects the immune system

Week 3

Level 1-4

  1. Play animal charades to get moving. Think of some animals and act them out for someone else. Use fully body motions and actions. No sounds!
Level 5-8
  1. Vacuum the rug or mop the floor (whichever your parents prefer). Put some muscle in it!
Week 4
  1. Watch a fire safety video.
Week 5
  1. The three P’s of fire safety are prevent, plan, and practice.
  2. You prevent fires from staying away from them. Don’t cook unsupervised. Don’t play with matches or lighters. Don’t play around candles. You keep papers and towels and things away from things that get hot.
  3. Watch this video on planning and practicing a fire escape. This sheet could help too.
  4. Today, you can work on a plan. In the next lesson, you will practice.
Week 6
  1. Practice your escape route all together as a family. Time yourselves, starting from different places in the house. Close doors on your way out. What was your fastest time?
Week 7

Level 1-4

  1. Play catch. Every time you catch the ball, take a step backward. If you don’t have anyone to play catch with, then practice your aim. Pick a spot and keep score as to how many times in a row you can hit it. Keep moving farther away from the target. When you miss, take a step forward.
Level 5-8
  1. What does it mean to burn calories? Calories are a measure of the energy your body takes in through food. Your body needs energy to do everything it does. But you need a lot more energy to dance than to watch TV! If you don’t use or “burn” off enough calories, then they turn into fat. I don’t want you worrying about getting fat or using your calories. Your goal should be to eat healthy and live healthy. Living healthy means not just sitting all day but getting up and moving. One way to do that is with chores. Yeah!
  2. I wasn’t kidding telling you to do cleaning for exercise. Check out this list of how many calories you burn doing housework.
  3. Choose something on the list and figure out how long you’d have to do it to burn 50 calories according to the list. Do it!
Week 8
Level 1-4
  1. Here is an article about smoking.
  2. Here are pictures of what smoking can do to you.
  3. Use these two sites to try and list ten bad things smoking can do to you.
Level 5-8
  1. Here is an article about smoking.
  2. Here are pictures of what smoking can do to you.
  3. What do you think are the biggest reasons to not smoke?
Week 9
Level 1-4
  1. Jump! (but not on a bed!)
Level 5-8
  1. Jump rope for as long as you can. Time yourself.
  2. Then take a break.
  3. Then do it again. Which time did you jump the longest?
  4. If you don’t have a jump rope, then just jump.
Week 10
Level 1-4
  1. Figure out an estimate of how many calories you used yesterday being active. An estimate means a good guess. You don’t need to know the exact amount of time you spent doing things. If you didn’t do any of those things, how about sitting and reading, talking, sleeping, eating, doing chores? Use the calorie counter sheet that is closest to your weight (60 or 90 lbs): Calories burned 60 or Calories burned 90
  2. Remember your body uses calories just breathing, but the more you do the more energy (calories) you need.
Level 5-8
  1. Figure out an estimate of how many calories you used yesterday being active. An estimate means a good guess. You don’t need to know the exact amount of time you spent doing things. You can choose “sitting” under occupation and the top one under that for doing your school work. Use the calorie counter sheet that is closest to your weight (60 or 90 lbs): Calories burned 60 or Calories burned 90
  2. Look at this chart. How many calories do you need each day to keep your body going?
Week 11
Level 1-4
  1. Follow the directions in the video. EXCEPT DON’T SCREAM!
  2. Play it again.
Level 5-8
  1. Jump rope longer than you did last time. Don’t stop until you’ve passed your best time from the last time.
  2. If you don’t have a jump rope, just jump.
Week 12
Level 1-4
  1. Play the household hazard game.
  2. Go to the different rooms. Can you spot what is unsafe?
Level 5-8
  1. Find all the household hazards.
Week 13
Level 1-4
  1. Watch these videos on staying clean.
Level 5-8
  1. Read about hand washing.


Week 14

Level 1-4

  1. See how long you can balance on one foot. Then see how long you can balance on the other foot. Then try to beat your record. STOPWATCH FOR TIMING

Level 5-8

  1. Jump to 2:55 and do the workout with the kids. Make it harder; get plastic bags and put something a little heavy into them.

Week 15

  1. Learn about why we sleep.
  2. How do humans compare? How much sleep do you get? How do you compare?

Week 16

Level 1-4

  1. Read about eating right.

Level 5-8*

  1. Read about eating right.
  2. *Today try and estimate how many ounces of cheese, meat, and grains you eat and compare it to the list in this chapter. Use this sheet (Nutrition) to help you keep track.

Week 17

Level 1-4

  1. Play the freeze game. Have someone play music. You jump and dance to it until they turn it off. Then freeze. When they turn the music back on, go back to jumping and dancing. Keep going until the song is done.

Level 5-8

  1. Build an obstacle course and keep doing it to get faster and faster times.

Week 18

  1. Fix a healthy lunch.
  2. There’s a long list there. Can you pick a menu and fix it for lunch or a snack? What makes it a healthy choice?

Week 19

  1. Try this scavenger hunt. Use this stopwatch to see how quickly you can find the items listed below:
    1. a pillow
    2. a magazine
    3. a quarter
    4. a broom
    5. a plant

Week 20

  1. Make a meal plan and check your plate.

Week 21

  1. We’re going to learn some about different sports. Soccer will be first. This week this video will teach you about warming up. You can stop or replay the video and do those different things to get your body going.
  2. When you are finished your exercises every day, you can walk around and keep moving a little. It’s not good to just stop suddenly. Later I’ll give you some stretching exercises you can do at the end of your exercise time.

Week 22

Level 1-4

  1. Learn the rules of soccer.
  2. Explain the rules of soccer.
  3. Watch the video on throwing in the ball after it goes out of bound.
  4. Practice if you can.

Level 5-8

  1. Try and learn the rules of soccer.
  2. Here’s a short soccer video to watch. Do you see a corner kick? When does a corner kick happen? (#17)

Week 23

  1. Do your warm-up, then learn to run. Then run!
  2. You can do this every day this week.

Week 24

  1. Read about the dangers of alcohol.
  2. Write a list of reasons to not drink alcohol. Start with the title: “Reasons not to drink alcohol…” You can give this to a parent to put in your portfolio.

Week 25

  1. Warm up and run if you like. This week we will learn to jump and then jump a lot. Warning: Jump on low things that are VERY stable and can’t tip over.
  2. You can do this every day.

Week 26

  1. Warm up and stretch first. Then do some jumps. Then practice agility. You’ll have to be creative to make a little drill area.
  2. You can do this every day.

Week 27

  1. Warm up first.
  2. Then do jumps and agility practice.
  3. Then continue your training. Watch the whole video. Practice each move. You should practice running for 5 minutes. You don’t have to have disks, just create a space where you can do things like this.
  4. Walk around once you are done.
  5. You can do this every day.

Week 28

  1. Do your exercises: warm up, jump, agility, changing directions, and now cool down.
  2. You can do this every day.

Week 29

Level 1-4

  1. Learn about hydration. Read the directions below.
    • Read the introduction.
    • Skip over the plant section and find a parent or older sibling.
    • List the items in the activity and ask them to say true or false, telling you if water really does those things.

Level 5-8

  1. Watch this video on reading labels to eat well.

Week 30

Level 1-4

  1. You are going to start learning to play another sport, volleyball.
  2. Learn about the rules first.
  3. You might want to look at the pictures in this to try and learn some of the terminology (vocabulary) of the game.

Level 5-8

  1. Learn about the basics of volleyball. Learn some terminology and the basic rules.
  2. Here is a video.
  3. Here are some rules.

Week 31 (jump rope)

  1. Every day continue to warm up and cool down, but now here are new drills to use to exercise in between.
  2. Here are your first two drills.
  3. Remember, you can do these every day, not just once a week.

Week 32

  1. Every day continue to warm up before your exercise and cool down when you are finished.
  2. Here are your next two drills. You can use your previous drills too.

Week 33

  1. Every day continue to warm up before your exercise and cool down when you are finished.
  2. Here are your next drills. You can use your previous exercises too.

Week 34

  1. Every day continue to warm up before your exercise and cool down when you are finished.
  2. Here are your next two drills. You can use your previous drills too.

Week 35

  1. Every day continue to warm up before your exercise and cool down when you are finished.
  2. Here are your next two drills. You can use your previous drills too.

Week 36

  1. Every day continue to warm up before your exercise and cool down when you are finished.
  2. Here are your next two drills. You can use your previous drills too.
  3. You don’t have to stop. Decide on an exercise routine with drills from either sport and keep it up every day.

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