Geometry Terms

  • Construction – a drawing using only two tools a compass and a straight edge
  • Segment – a part of a line that has two endpoints
  • Bisect – to divide into 2 equal parts
  • Midpoint – a point that divides a segment into two equal, or congruent, parts
  • Congruent – same measure or length
  • Segment Bisector – a line, segment, or ray that goes through the midpoint of a segment
  • Radius – the distance from the center to the side of a circle
  • Ray – A ray begins at a point and goes on forever in one direction
  • Angle – Region between two rays or the amount of rotation about a fixed point
  • Vertex – the common endpoint of the two rays that serve as the sides of an angle.
  • Perpendicular Lines – two lines that intersect to form a right angle.
  • Perpendicular Bisector – A perpendicular line or segment that passes through the midpoint of a segment.
  • Point – a location in space
  • Parallel Lines – Two lines are parallel if they lie in the same plane and they do not intersect.
  • Coordinate Plane – A two-dimensional region determined by a pair of axes and that uses numerical values to represent the location of an object.
  • X-Axis – The horizontal number line on the Cartesian coordinate plane.
  • Y-Axis – The vertical number line on the Cartesian coordinate plane.
  • Origin – the point of intersection of the vertical and horizontal axes of a coordinate plane
  • Quadrant – One of the four regions on a Coordinate plane formed by the intersection of the x-axis and the y-axis.
  • Ordered Pair – A pair of numbers, (x, y), that indicate the position of a point on a Cartesian plane.
  • Coordinate – An ordered pair, (x,y), that locates a point in the plane.
  • Transformation   – The mapping, or movement, of all the points of a figure in a plane according to a common operation.
  • Translation – a transformation that “slides” each point of a figure the same distance in the same direction.
  • Rotation – A transformation that turns a figure about a fixed point at a given angle and a given direction.
  • Reflection – A transformation that “flips” a figure over a mirror or reflection line.
  • Dilation –  A transformation that changes the size of an object, but not the shape.
  • Pre-Image – the original figure before any transformations have taken place
  • Image – The result of a transformation.
  • Cross Section – the intersection of a three-dimensional figure with a plane
  • Ratio – A comparison of two quantities that have the same unit of measure.
  • Similar Figures – Figures that have the same shape but not necessarily the same size.
  • Congruent Figures – Figures that have the same shape and are the same size.
  • Scale Factor – The ratio of corresponding lengths of the sides of two similar figures.

You don’t need to draw the ones below.

  • Angle – two segments that share a common endpoint.
  • CAD – Computer-Aided Design
  • Freehand – without the aid of any tool.
  • Parallelogram – Four sides, opposite sides equal, non-right angles
  • Proportion – Two or more equal ratios.
  • Ratio – Compare two numbers using division
  • Rectangle – Four sides, right angles, opposite sides equal
  • Rhombus – Four equal sides, non-right angles
  • Segment – portion of a line that begins and ends.
  • Square – Four sided figure, right angles, equal sides
  • Triangle – Three sided figure
  • Vertex – point of angle where the 2 segments meet

From Georgia Virtual Learning