Materials Lists

The nature of EP is that lessons get updated all the time. It’s possible for these to change on you, though some have lasted a decade. 

Try to get the basic supplies. I mostly don’t list these on the specific days they are needed. Get what you can of the rest. I try and make it as simple as possible in terms of needed supplies. I also included lots of videos of science experiments in case you aren’t able to do them. (Not all courses are equal when it comes to how many materials are needed.)

Basic Supplies

  • laptop/chromebook/desktop computer + internet connection
  • pencil, paperprinter, printer ink, crayons or colored pencils
  • binder or folders to keep worksheets in (or use the printables books)
  • notebook(s) or printed lined paper 
  • In the lower level math courses, you’ll need to have a variety of coins available for the money units and it’s nice to have manipulatives (like Legos or blocks)
  • stapler, tape, glue stick, scissors
  • It would be nice (but not needed) to have construction paper (or other colored paper) and brass fasteners (used sometimes in lapbooks).
  • There are many lapbooks used throughout the curriculum, some courses more than others. (Geography and zoology have a lot.) You can attach the lapbook pieces just to regular paper and have them in your child’s binder; you can use the traditional file folder; my family uses large colored paper because that is available where we are. There are no rules about how you use the lapbook pieces. Here are lots of examples of lapbooks that my family has done.

Ancient History Theme — Levels 1 – 4

Art – Ancient History:

  • Day 28  newspaper/junk mail, screen or cheesecloth
  • Day 38  salt, paint  (tempura, acryllic…)
  • Day 48  potato, ink pad

Ancient History:

  • Day 19  clay (or play dough, or salt dough, or icing dough-1/2 flour, 1/2 butter)
  • Day 21  file folder (or construction paper) and glue stick
  • Day 24  (optional) flour, salt, paprika, toothpicks, cheese grater
  • Day 26  Popsicle sticks, clear tape
  • Day 27  baking clay (salt & flour)
  • Day 88  paper plates, yarn/string (You are making masks. You can use paper plates and yarn/string to tie them on,  or maybe you could tape them to sunglasses instead of using string.)
  • (optional crafts) Links are on Day 105 — some supplies include shoe box or tissue box, toilet paper or paper towel rolls…


  • Day 4  white paper and tape — or butcher paper
  • Day 9  six pieces of plain paper, paper plate or lightweight plastic plate, wooden blocks (or something else to add as weight)
  • Day 14  paper towels, bowl of water
  • Day 17  four glasses/jars/test tubes, four pieces hard candy, maybe a hammer–need to smash the candies
  • Day 29  dime size piece of clay, toothpick
  • Day 32  two 12″ (30 cm.) balloons, plastic water bottle
  • Day 44  activity options — 1. color online  2. cut/paste/color  3. egg carton, thimble, needle and thread, dry wagon wheel pasta (or Honeycomb cereal)
  • Day 49  small paper cup, toothpick, 2′ string
  • Day 65  paper plate, random small objects
  • Day 74  Q-tips, raw meat, beef bouillon, unflavored gelatin, sealable plastic bag, antibacterial soap, lotions, 4 foil muffin cups (maybe)
  • Day 86  soil & seeds (beans are a good choice), clear plastic cups
  • Day 89  plant with broad leaves, black construction paper
  • Day 97  check the link for options — some require materials, some don’t
  • Day 119  two 2 leaves (not dried out or crumbly)
  • Day 126  flower (if you can get one)

Ancient History Theme — Levels 5 – 8

Art – Ancient History:

  • Day 38  salt, paint  (tempura, acryllic…)
  • Day 48  exacto knife, stone, candle, frying pan

Ancient History:

  • Day 7 (optional)  wide, flat grass for making papyrus–alternative, brown paper bag and white glue
  • Day 22   two paper towel rolls, 5 pcs. white paper, large black marker, black paint
  • Day 88  paper plates, yarn/string
  • Day 103  print out game board, dice, tokens  (you can print out dice to make if needed)


  • Day 32  two 12″ (30 cm.)balloons, plastic water bottle
  • Day 44  ten matching pairs from a deck of cards
  • Day 65  light colored jello, grapes, mandarin oranges, candy etc. Theses are options.
  • Day 86  soil & seeds (beans are a good choice), clear plastic cups
  • Day 89  two or three potted plant seedlings, maybe fan  (You don’t need to buy seedlings; you will just plant a few of those seeds in the soil you got)
  • Day 93  shoe box, cup of dirt, bean seed, cardboard

Early American History Theme — Levels 1 – 4

Art – Early American:

  • Week 13 construction paper or other colored paper
  • Week 19 mostly simple items found around the house, choose a craft
  • Week 27 construction paper or other colored paper

Early American History:

  • Day 95 (level 1-4)  choice of craft–paper bags and string; paper plate and feathers(opt.); paint stirrers, clay, feathers (opt.), and string or straw


  • Day 12  dice – there’s a printable to make your own dice if you need it.
  • Day 107 cardstock for printing if you can
  • Day 118 optional craft: brown paper lunch bag

Early American History Theme — Levels 5 – 8

Early American History:

  • Day 23  Optional materials: cardboard might come in handy, popsicle sticks, toothpicks, or just sticks

Art – Early American History:

  • Day 93  optional materials–mostly simple items found around the house, choose a craft


  • Day 12  dice – there’s a printable to make your own dice if you need it
  • Day 107  cardstock for printing if you can


Geography and Cultures Theme — Levels 1 – 4

Geography and Cultures:

  • Day 5 (optional) options–peanut butter, powdered sugar, flour, butter, powdered milk, candies, chocolate chips, icing, etc. for making an edible map
  • Day 20 (optional) straws
  • Day 51 (optional) yellow cornmeal

Earth Science:

  • Day 8 play dough or The Quickest Ever Salt Dough Recipe of some sort, preferably in two colors
  •  Day 16-20 They are going to be building a model in a couple of days. When your child has chosen his topic, you can talk about how he might make the model: clay, box, construction paper. It should just be something simple.
  • Day 22 Start a rock collection. Hunt around for different looking rocks. We’ll study them soon.
  •  Day 25 clear jar or bottle or glass, dirt
  • Day 28 Your goal is to have three different kinds of rocks
  • Day 31 nail
  • Day 40 (optional) plastic bottle, 2 clear jars, sand, gravel, cotton wool (or cotton ball to substitute), paper towels, soil
  • Day 42 paper towel or coffee filter with markers with a jar and clothespins OR sugar cubes and food coloring with a shallow dish — If you don’t have a jar and clothespins, you can do without.
  • Day 43 materials that you can get wet, some ideas are paper towel, wash cloth and twig
  •  Day 44 glass or jar, dish, ice, warm water – see directions, you might want to plan ahead on this one
  • Day 45 glass jar, dish, hot water, ice
  • Day 48 glass or metal cup, tube thermometer to measure the water temperature, ice
  • Day 53 glass jar
  • Day 55 small coffee can (can substitute), plastic wrap, straw, index card (can substitute), rubber band
  • Day 56 index card, paper clip, straw, straight pin, pencil with eraser, clay/play dough
  • Day 63 balloon, florescent light bulb, brown paper lunch bag or you can just use the balloon
  • Day 86-90 students get to choose and/or create an experiment.
  • Day 112 box, aluminum foil
  • Day 121 clear plastic 2-liter bottle (can substitute smaller), flashlight, milk, water
  • Day 133 binoculars, if you have them or can borrow them. I wouldn’t buy these unless your child is super into this. You can see what you can see with the naked eye and I will be posting pictures as well
  • Day 154 toothpicks and playdough or some sort of clay in two to four colors

Art – Geography and Cultures:

  • Week 4  paint
  • Week 6 clay
  • Week 12 Q-tips
  • Week 17 a piece of black paper
  • Week 26 materials needed based on project chosen – could need toilet paper roll, something to print, clay, ribbon, aluminum foil, twine, Styrofoam–I think you could use thick cardboard and string, paper towel roll, toothpicks, rice/corn, cardboard


  • Day 155 – jump rope


Geography and Cultures Theme — Levels 5 – 8

Geography and Cultures:

  • Day 5 – (optional) options–peanut butter, powdered sugar, flour, butter, powdered milk, candies, chocolate chips, icing, etc. for making an edible map

Earth Science:

  • Day 16-20 They are going to be building a model in a couple of days. When your child has chosen his topic, you can talk about how he might make the model: clay, box, construction paper. It should just be something simple.
  • Day 22 Start a rock collection. Hunt around for different looking rocks. We’ll study them soon.
  • Day 28 Your goal is to have three different kinds of rocks
  • Day 31 nail, vinegar
  • Day 40 (optional) plastic bottle, 2 clear jars, sand, gravel, cotton wool (or a cotton ball to substitute), paper towels, soil
  • Day 42 clear jar/glass/cup, gravel/sand/rocks/dirt
  • Day 43 jar, plastic wrap, rubber band, plant materials such as leaves and stems
  • Day 44 2-liter plastic bottle and matches OR glass jar with lid, boiling water and aerosol can
  • Day 45 cup, plastic wrap or baggie, tape or rubber band
  • Day 47 piece of cardboard, tape, two tube thermometers–to measure air temperature, cotton ball, rubber band – you can substitute for the cotton ball and rubber band if necessary. You don’t have to tape the thermometers to the cardboard. If you only have one thermometer, then you can just do the wet thermometer and compare it to the starting temperature. You are going to repeat the experiment on Day 48 and 51.
  • Day 49 brass fastener
  • Day 54  clear small plastic bottle, rubbing alcohol, clear plastic straw, clay/play dough, food coloring
  • Day 55 peeled hard-boiled egg, bottle or jar with opening slightly smaller than the diameter of the egg, paper/lighter or matches or very hot water or very cold liquid
  • Day 59 clear jar, vinegar, clear liquid soap, optional food coloring
  • Day 61  blue food coloring
  • Day 62 plastic container shoe box sized, food coloring — the blue ice cubes you made on Day 61
  • Day 86-90 Students get to choose and/or create an experiment.
  • Day 112 box, aluminum foil
  • Day 119 pencil with eraser works well for this, food coloring, Manila folder/cardstock cut into ~8 inch diameter, approximately — This paper needs to be stiff and absorb water.
  •  Day 125  (optional) thin cardboard, aluminum foil
  • Day 133 binoculars, if you have them or can borrow them. I wouldn’t buy these unless your child is super into this. You can see what you can see with the naked eye, and I will be posting pictures as well
  • Day 154 toothpicks and playdough/clay OR the print out provided

Art – Geography and Cultures:

  • Day 18 paint
  • Day 28 clay
  • Day 58 Q-tips
  • Day 83 a piece of black paper
  • Day 128 materials needed based on project chosen – could need toilet paper roll, something to print, clay, ribbon, aluminum foil, twine, styrofoam–I think you could use thick cardboard and string, paper towel roll, toothpicks, rice/corn, cardboard

Modern History Theme — Levels 1 – 4

Art – Modern History:

  • Day 8  flour, butter (or salt instead of butter)
  • Day 28  acrylic paint
  • Day 138  sticks, yarn/thread, hole punch, construction paper

Modern History:

  • Day 88  yellow felt or construction paper, safety pin

Physics and Chemistry:

    • Day 1  small piece aluminum foil
    • Day 7  two cans, string, nail, hammer or disposable cups, thumbtack,  paper clip
    • Day 10  bar of ivory soap, microwave
    • Day 11   some sort of cord, like string or just a cord from a vacuum or something
    • Day 18  handheld mirror, pencil or straw
    • Day 19  metal spoon
    • Day 22 salt, sugar, magnifying glass, 3 cups sugar, jar
    • Day 25  at least 20 pennies (or any coin)
    • Day 26  cup of water, coins
    • Day 27  O-shaped or ball-shaped cereal, milk, bowl, water, oil, dish detergent
    • Day 29  container–empty 20 oz. (.5 liter) plastic bottle will work, 3% hydrogen peroxide, packet active yeast, liquid dish washing detergent, warm water, food coloring (optional)

    • Day 30

      seltzer water or just regular water, bleach, food coloring

    • Day 33  piece of string (around 12 inches) and a straw, you can make substitutions for these

    • Day 34

      coin, small bag of coins (as small as possible — could be coins tied up in saran wrap) or coins in a wrapper from the bank, etc.

    • Day 36  straw, cup of water
    • Day 37

      balloon, empty 2-liter bottle

    • Day 39

      balloon, straw, fishing line or strong thread or something similar, tape

    • Day 41

      Styrofoam tray (like from an economy-size pack of meat), paper clips  — you need to trace and cut something about 10 inches long

    • Day 46

      baking soda (1/2 cup or more), you don’t have to have all of these, but if you use them anyway, now might be a good time to have them on hand: ketchup, lemon (or lemon juice), tomato (or tomato juice), mustard, pickle juice, orange (or orange juice), honey

    • Day 47  r

      ed/purple cabbage, disposable cups

    • Day 51

      chicken bone, vinegar (enough to cover bone), maybe jar with lid to keep in the smell

    • Day 52

      Diet Coke or other carbonated beverage, salt

    • Day 53  piece of liver, piece of potato, hydrogen peroxide (I asked at the local hair dresser), liquid dish detergent
    • Day 57  fizzy drink in bottle
    • Day 59  one cup of cornstarch, 1/2 c. water
    • Day 61  slice of bread, water, cooking oil, dish soap, tall clear glass jar, 3 glasses
    • Day 62  bowl of water
    • Day 63  cups, paper towels, food coloring–optional 6 or more wooden blocks
    • Day 71  vinegar 1 liter/.25 gallon, baking soda
    • Day 72  1/2 c. milk and heavy cream and salt, 1/4 c. sugar, vanilla, 2 c. ice, qt. size ziplock bag, gallon size zip lock bag
    • Day 74  baking powder, ingredients for any quick bread you like
    • Day 75  lemon, potatoes, tiny light bulb, galvanized nail — coated with zinc, copper wire —or copper pennies, 3 alligator clip wires–with clips on each end of a wire–
    • Day 79  two alligator clips, 9 volt battery, mini light bub – like from Christmas
    • Day 80  comb, tissue
    • Day 85  long iron nail, copper wire, 9 volt battery, paper clips, aluminum foil
    • Day 90  7-9 in. balloon, yard/meter stick, large spoon–tablespoon works
    • Day 92  battery, mini light bulb, 3 alligator clip wires, aluminum foil, metal paper clip
    • Day 93  one battery and one mini light bulb (or something similar), items to test ideas – piece of clothing, key, spoon, pencil, paper, piece of cheese (also needs added to course itself)
    • Day 96  salt, pepper, cornstarch, flour, oil, juice/milk, a clear cup, spoon — just a small amount of each
    • Day 97  salt, sugar, flour, cornstarch, small pot, spoon for stirring in pot, clear cup, spoon
    • Day 98  at least 1/2 cup of salt on hand, small pot, measuring spoons
    • Day 104  two gummy candies of different color, toothpicks
    • Day 111  rubber band, plastic eating spoon (of some quality), balled-up aluminum foil or mini marshmallows or something else little and light, 2 thumbtacks, base — small wood block or something firm and heavy
    • Day 117  balloon, spill-proof sports drink bottle cap (the kind with the little part on top that pulls out and pushes in), old cd you can get rid of, super glue/tape
    • Day 126  straw, thin cardboard, brass fastener
    • Day 127 spool of thread, string, pencil
    • Day 138 bridge building materials
    • Day 142 either newspapers and tape or gumdrops and toothpicks
    • Day 144 paper clips and straws
    • Day 151 at least two 6-foot (183 cm) sections of 1-1/2 in (about 4 cm) diameter foam pipe insulation (another option: toilet and paper towel rolls), marble  (There’s an online roller coaster activity if you can’t build one.)
    • Day 153  two glass jars, white paper, black paper
    • Day 157 butter or margarine; anything small to stick in it; wooden spoon, plastic spoon, metal spoon–spatula, etc. just something with a handle
    • Day 160 one large size pizza box for the oven, several feet of aluminum foil, 1 sheet black construction paper, 2 1/2 feet of clear plastic wrap, 4 feet of masking tape, 2 feet of string

Modern History Theme —  Levels 5 – 8

Art – Modern History:

  • Day 28  acrylic paint
  • Day 128  tempura paints or light corn syrup
  • Day 138  sticks, yarn/thread, hole punch, construction paper


  • Day 1  small piece aluminum foil
  • Day 6  metal hanger, 2 ft. (60 cm.) long piece thread
  • Day 9  grape, microwave
  • Day 11  tongue depressor/large craft stick, rubber band 3″ by 1/4″, 2 index cards, 3′ string/yarn
  • Day 12  balloon
  • Day 18  coin, bowl, blu tac or other mounting putty (optional)
  • Day 22  epsom salt 1/2 cup, or small piece cardboard, salt
  • Day 27  paper clip or pin, wax paper, spoon
  • Day 29  balloon (mouth of balloon needs to fit over mouth of bottle), small bottle, baking soda 2 tablespoons, at least 1/2 cup of vinegar
  • Day 30  seltzer water or just regular water, bleach, food coloring
  • Day 34  2 coins, ruler
  • Day 36  cup of water, index card or cardboard or stiff paper
  • Day 37  ziplock bag-or other plastic bag you can seal super well, (optional): balloon, empty 2-liter plastic bottle
  • Day 38  2 paint stirrers and two rubber bands, may be able to use popsicle sticks or even paper folded over and over on itself to make a stiff “stick”
  • Day 39  paper towel tube, flexible straw, paper cup, aluminum foil
  • Day 41  scissors, a sharp hobby knife, a dull knife, rubber cement, card stock
  • Day 47  red/purple cabbage, coffee filters
  • Day 48  disposable cups
  • Day 52  liquid glue (you can halve the recipe), laundry detergent (This uses powdered. If you have liquid at home you can use it, just add more because it already has water in it.), food coloring
  • Day 53  clean 16 oz. plastic soda bottle, 1 packet dry yeast, liquid dish soap, 1/2 c. hydrogen peroxide (I asked for this at the local hair dresser), tray
  • Day 57  candle, glass, baking soda, vinegar
  • Day 59  various liquids to test the viscosity of
  • Day 61  salt, 3 clear glasses, food coloring, slice of bread
  • Day 62  plastic bottle, pen cap or eyedropper, oil-based clay (I’m thinking maybe a bit of crayon might work instead of the clay)
  • Day 63  cups, paper towels, food coloring–optional, 6 or more wooden blocks

  • Day 71

    vinegar 1 liter, baking soda, thermometer, Epsom salt, smelling salt, calcium

  • Day 74

    yeast, ingredients for any quick bread if you like

  • Day 75

    lemon, potatoes, tiny light bulb, galvanized nail — coated with zinc, copper wire — or copper pennies, 3 alligator clip wires–with clips on each end of a wire–POTATOES WILL BE INEDIBLE AFTERWARDS

  • Day 80 balloon, 2 3-foot pieces of string, tape

  • Day 85  9-volt, copper wire, magnetic compass, metal thumbtacks, paper clips –it says lid of small cardboard box and block of wood but could be substituted

  • Day 90  three of the same magnets, optional: aluminum cookie sheet

  • Day 92

    battery, mini light bulb, 3 alligator clip wires, aluminum foil, metal paper clip, motor, wire, batteries

  • Day 93

    battery, mini light bulb, 3 alligator clip wires, random items: key, clothing, spoon, paper…

  • Day 101  balloon, strip of plastic from grocery store plastic bag
  • Day 104

    gummy candies of two colors, toothpicks — mini marshmallows could work as one color

  • Day 117  shoe box lid, 7 index cards, masking tape, 2 marbles (you could figure out how to make due with other materials)
  • Day 121  large rubber band, small bag, yardstick (meter stick or long board), books, ruler
  • Day 126  ten pencils, brick/heavy wood/big book
  • Day 138  bridge building materials
  • Day 142  either newspapers and tape or gumdrops and toothpicks
  • Day 144  paperclips and straws
  • Day 151  At least two 6-foot (183 cm) sections of 1-1/2 in (about 4 cm) diameter foam pipe insulation, another option: toilet and paper towel rolls, marble  (There’s an online roller coaster activity if you can’t build one.)
  • Day 153  thermometer, marshmallow, candle
  • Day 157  food coloring — make a colored ice cube for tomorrow
  • Day 160  design your own oven or use this design: one large size pizza box for the oven, several feet of aluminum foil, 1 sheet black construction paper, 2 1/2 feet of clear plastic wrap, 4 feet of masking tape, 2 feet of string